
美 [ɪnˈtɜrprət]英 [ɪnˈtɜː(r)prɪt]
  • v.解释;翻译;(根据自己的诠解)演奏;把…理解为

第三人称单数:interprets 现在分词:interpreting 过去式:interpreted

interpret information,interpret word,interpret message,interpret dream,interpret document
correctly interpret


For as long as it believes sacrificing Sir Victor and Mr Daniels would be interpreted as a recognition of its own bungling, they will stay. 只要政府觉得,将维克托爵士和丹尼尔斯扫地出门,将被解读为(政府)承认自己把事情弄糟了,他们就将一直留任下来。
The image of the building can be interpreted as a highly dynamic and powerful body and a crystal unearthed fossils. 大楼的形象可以被解读为一块富有动势的水晶体与一块出土的化石。
His comments Friday defending the right to build the center on private property were widely interpreted as a strong endorsement of the idea. 上周五他发言表示支持在私人土地上建清真寺的权利,而被广泛的认为是对建清真寺这个想法的强烈赞同。
He led him to Jesus. Looking at him, Jesus said, You are Simon, the son of John; you shall be called Cephas (which is interpreted, Peter). 于是领他到耶稣那里。耶稣看著他说,你是约翰的儿子西门,你要称为矶法。(矶法番出来,就是彼得。
Note that employing a CIM is not to be interpreted as a recommendation to try to enforce a "one true schema" model across all your systems. 注意,不要把“使用CIM”解释成是对在所有系统中使用“唯一正确的模式”的建议。
A property reference will be interpreted literally in any other place in the configuration file. 在配置文件中的任何其他地方都按字面含义解释属性引用。
Sometimes words are interpreted in different ways, so try to be as clear as you can to avoid any misinterpretation. 有时,模糊的语意会被误解,为避免此类事情的发生,要尽力做到清晰明了地表达意思。
So much so it often sounds like a statement that is supposed to be interpreted as some sort of bad thing. 因为太夸张,所以听起来好像会跟某些不好的事情关联起来。
Ms. Fake said that gesture could be interpreted as a sign of good faith that Yahoo has "changed a great deal since we were there. " 费克说,这个举动可以解读为善意的信号,即雅虎“与我们在那工作时相比,已经改变了许多”。
"It should not be mistakenly interpreted as a constitutional blank cheque authorising further rescue measures, " he said. 他表示:“此项裁决不应被错误理解成宪法为批准更多援助措施开出空白支票。”
But primarily, Hawking is being interpreted as vocalizing the point that religion has no place in a scientific field. 但首要考虑的是,霍金的话正在被解释为宗教在科学的领域里无一席之地。
Zhang Ailing, with her nature color, is "dressed in a new piece of splendid garment, but covered with lice" , as she interpreted the life. 本色张爱玲,正如她自己对生命的诠释,是“一袭华丽的袍,上面布满了虱子”。
It's an important lesson for kids to understand -- that some of these laws get broken by accident and that laws have to be interpreted. 对孩子们来说这是一个重要的教训—有些法律是人们无意之中触犯的这些法律应该得到解释,以被人们所知晓。
Which being interpreted means, not sure what you had planned John, but I'm going to bed, and right now. 这句话翻译过来就是:约翰,我不知道你打算干嘛,但是我要去睡觉了,马上。
Kostya interpreted this as a signal to drive faster, but when he accelerated Ivetta told him to slow down. 克斯特亚把这句话看做是让他开快点的一个信号,但是当他加速时,艾薇塔却告诉他慢下来。
That statement also could be interpreted as a bit of wishful thinking. 我们也可以将这一评价理解为有点一厢情愿。
'This article has never been tested in dispute settlement, so it's tricky to determine how it might be interpreted, ' Mr. Rockwell said. 洛克威尔说,这个条款还从未经过纠纷和解案的检验,所以很难说可能如何对其加以解读。
Many have to rely on a form of financing that now seems to be interpreted by the courts as a grave crime. 很多人不得不依靠的金融筹款模式,现在似乎被法庭解释为极大的犯罪。
While Ruby is a wonderfully productive language, the interpreted nature of the language is not ideal from a performance perspective. Ruby虽然是一门生产率极高的语言,但若从性能角度考虑,该语言解释性的特性让它并不那么理想。
CEBS said the test's 6% Tier One capital ratio threshold should by no means be interpreted as a regulatory minimum. CEBS表示,6%的一级资本率要求不应该被视为最低监管要求。
These Articles shall be interpreted to be in consistency with the JV Contract. In case of any discrepancy, the JV Contract shall prevail. 本章程的解释应与合资合同一致。如有歧义,以合资合同为准。
It's a bit of a paradox that the "romanticized" idea of the warfare is one that can be interpreted as dull. 这是一个有点自相矛盾的“传奇”理念的战争,也可以被解释为平淡。
The Portrait of a Lady, as one of his well-known works, is interpreted as an initiation story. 《贵妇画像》是詹姆斯一部著名作品,并且被作为一部成长小说解读。
Obama said he regretted his comment to Clinton in that debate that she was "likable enough" had been interpreted as a dig at her. 上场辩论中,奥巴马评论克林顿“足够可爱”,这在后来被诠释成对她的挖苦,对此奥巴马表示道歉。
Now all the phenomena may be interpreted by the concept of energy, every part theory may all be deducted logically by the concept of energy. 目前的所有现象都可用能量概念比较完备地理解,学科中各领域的局部理论都可用能量概念在逻辑上演绎。
But he interpreted the fact that Beijing had agreed to his presence as a sign that it viewed some high-level exchanges as beneficial. 他将北京方面同意他出席此次对话解读为一种信号,表明中方认为一定程度的高端对话是有益的。
Such persistence is usually interpreted by students of rodent behaviour as evidence of a more positive mood. 这种持久性经常被研究啮齿类动物行为的学生解释为更积极情绪的证据。
Absence of a specific element from the programme should not be interpreted as an indication that such element is not subject to audit. 某种特定的因素在程序中未列明,并不表明该因素不就手审核。
What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naive freshman had been merely a moment of college fun. 我曾经被说成恶意为难一天真大一新生的事最终仅仅成为校园趣事。
She is unable to read her own name, but can recite more than 500 stories, which her mother and her mother-in-law interpreted for her. 她不认识自己的名字,却可以讲500多个故事,这主要来源于母亲和婆母的言传。