it is ok

  • 网络没关系;可以的;没什么

it is okit is ok

it is ok


帮我把下面的都翻译成英语_百度知道 ... 这次考坏了, I failed the exam 没关系, It is ok 但, but, ...


“我想看看治皮炎的药” 药师专刊 | 39康复网 ... ... 店员:可以的It is ok. 顾客:谢谢了,再见! Thank you. See you! ...


对未来感到茫然!_刻薄到底儿_新浪博客 ... Thanks a lot for your concerning. 谢谢你的关心。 It is OK. 没什么。 ...


FlashBT v0.63多国语言版 → 新的BT下载工具... ... TOP 白金长老 it is OK 魅影 TOP 高级会员 ...


...蛮好的 和(附送折磨 ) ( Fire Fly)-网络歌手it is ok)网络歌手一起分享吧 我QQ音乐里有47首 我最喜欢的这些是我最 …


【情景对话】取消宾馆预定的英文怎么说 _ 新东方网 ... It is ok. 好的 Thank you very much. 非常感谢 ...

It is ok if you subclass only a few controls but it's going to be a nightmare to subclass a dozen or so controls. 如果你子类化的控件仅有几个,那么这种方法仍可行。但是当你子类化一打(十二个)左右的控件时它将是一个恶梦。
Do not wait till the late moment to leave your home. It is OK to be early. 不要等到最后一刻再出门,早一点会更好。
"A few days ago a woman asked me if it is OK to kiss the man all over his body, " Lootah says. “几天前有个女人问我,是否可以吻遍一个男人的全身。”Lootah说。
It is OK to disagree but don't show it in an interview because people are not ready to deal with different opinion in an interview. 有不同意见没问题,但不要在面试中表现出来,因为一般人不愿在面试中处理意见不和的问题。
It is OK to put a bit of sugar, three grapes, dried ginger and champagne. 在香槟杯边蘸上少许砂糖,往杯中加入三粒葡萄、干姜水和香槟酒即可。
Make a list of actions she might take, then ask yourself why it is OK for her, but not you, to react that way. 列举出她可能采取的措施,然后问一问自己为什么对她来说这么做没问题,但是对你却不行呢。
If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm. 如果我只拿一分钟,这很好,如果我提了一小时,我的右手会很痛。
Now, it is OK to think of them as spherical coordinates, but I would like to encourage you not to think of them as spherical coordinates. 那么现在可以在球坐标上考虑了,但是我希望大家,不要把它们看做球坐标。
Vernon zhong: i, vernon zhong, don't afraid of even heaven and earth, only afraid of height and spook. It is ok now. You know everything. 仲天骐:我仲天骐天不怕地不怕,偏偏就是怕高和怕鬼。现在好了,你什么都知道啦。
Don't ask whether it is OK to ask a question. Go ahead and ask! One question is better than two. 别问是否该问这个问题之类的话。尽管问吧!一个问题胜过两个。
From there, you can click Play to hear it; if it is OK, you can save it from there. 从那里,您可以单击play听到它;如果感觉好的话,就可以将它保存在那里。
Consciously force your mind to say to itself that there is no threat and that it is ok to relax. 有意识地强迫你的思维对自身说没有任何威胁存在、放松是没关系的。
It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it-if not, _turn it off! 只要你在使用电器设备,你便可以把它开着。如果不用就把它关掉!
Even if the world can give up, as long as you find it is ok also, tears, so the sky blasted off fireworks. 就算被全世界放弃了,只要可以重新找到你,眼泪也就没关系,于是天空炸开焰火。
It is OK to ask children how old they are, but it is not polite to ask old people about their age, especially women. 对于小孩子,问他们多大啦,是没问题的;但是询问年长者,尤其是女士的年龄,则是不礼貌的。
It is highly possible, in the next decade will be a major crisis of capitalism, this is not say that it is OK, or will become a socialist. 这是高度可能的,在以后的十年将是资本主义的一次主要危机,这不是说它是确定的,或将变成社会主义。
If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. 如果有一分钟的时间我保持它,它是好。
After we took some from these guys, we decided that it is OK to go a few months in cash flow negative while. . . But very barely cash flow. 当风险投资资金到位之后,有几个月现金流出现负值也可以接受,但其实没有什么现金流。
If you think it is OK, please change the red color text into black color and send it back to me. 如果你认为可以的话,请将红色的文字部分改为黑色并发回给我。
When everybody is becoming the subject of this one part, it is OK that the attention does not exceed outline range. 大家在做这一部分的题目时,注意不要超出大纲范围就可以了。
If I hold a glass for a minute, it is OK. 如果我举着一个玻璃杯一分钟,那没什么。
Hang clothes tree simply, it is OK to let satchel, clothings, cap superpose, also be good idea. 一个简单的挂衣架,让书包、衣物、帽子都可以放在上面,也是不错的想法。
It is OK to had not heard of the face film of thin face, just be done according to mine first, appeared new product when your reoccupy ah! 还没有听说可以瘦脸的面膜,先照着我的方做吧,出现了新产品的时候你再用吧呵呵!
It is ok to ask the email recipient to adjust the character encoding when viewing. 这是可以问的电子邮件收件人的字符编码调整时观看。
The shadowiness in the heart, it is OK really to look for psychological doctor? 心里有阴影,找心理医生就真的可以了吗?
As long as it is not found in every meal, it is OK with me. I don't want to catch Chinese restaurant syndrome in this trip. 只要不是每一餐都加味精就可以,我不想在这里感染中国餐馆症候群。
It is OK doing this now, but it was decisions Blair made when he was prime minister that got us into this situation. 现在这样做不错,但是当初就是他在任首相时作出的决定把我们拖进目前的处境。
If it is ok, you can take your dog to china so that you can get together with it. 如果可以的话你可以把你的狗带到中国来,这样你就可以每天和它在一起了。
It is Ok when seeing it from far away, but it's not the case when seeing it up close. 从远处望上去还好,但是近看就不是这样了。
It is OK if it takes you a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet strangers. 这没关系,只要你适应了以后再去新地方与陌生人交谈。