
美 [ˌaɪ ˈvi]英 [ˌaɪ ˈviː]
  • n.静脉注射;火山学研究所
  • 网络静脉注射(intravenous);初始化向量(Initialization Vector);四





静脉注射(iv)腹腔注射(ip)口服(po)皮下注射(iH)灌胃(ig)iv 静脉注射ip 腹腔注射ig or po 灌胃注射或者口服给药 io 没见过iv 静脉注...

初始化向量(Initialization Vector)

初始化向量 (Iv) 适用於所有的加密作业。Framework45 使用中可用的加密方法。

字母密码表 - 豆丁网 ... Vv 五/胜利 iv v 五 ...

The Black Adder I - King Richard IV is the insane monarch ruling England during the really dark part of the Dark Ages. 黑加法我-金理查德四是疯狂君主统治时期的黑暗时代英格兰很黑的一部分。
It was at this point that Henry IV lost his head. 这是亨利四世丢掉头颅的关键时间。
There was an IV attached to his left hand, yet he looked so peaceful lying there sleeping. 左手上吊着点滴他躺在那里熟睡着,看起来那么安详。
When hassled by a passing Imperial Type IV probe droid, ASP-704's short temper caused him to swat the little nuisance out of the air. 一个路过的帝国四型探测机器人跟他发生矛盾后,ASP-704气急败坏,把这个讨厌的小东西打到了天涯海角。
Leadership is a trick of perception, a bit of wisdom Shakespeare lent Henry IV, to pass along to Prince Hal. 领导权是一种任职谋略,是莎士比亚借给亨利四世,让其传给哈尔亲王的一点智慧。
Dame Quickly was the owner of an inn in Shakespeare's play Henry IV. She declared that she was an honest lady, and never reserved anything. P61)快嘴桂嫂是莎士比亚戏剧《亨利四世》中的酒店女老板,她在和别人吵架时说,自己是个老老实实的女人,从来不会藏头盖脸。
"Means I got to do chemo every month, " he said, patting the IV pump. “我只知道我得每月都去化疗治疗,”他轻轻地拍了拍点滴泵。
It's a story George set out to tell when he made Episode IV all those years ago, and now he's just telling it. 这是个乔治在多年前拍摄EP4时起就开始讲述的故事,现在他只是接着讲而已。
Busch IV had been seeing Martin regularly for about a year, according to a person familiar with the matter. 据知情人士透露,布希四世和马汀定期交往已有一年左右时间。
The doctors have confirmed that she has stage IV breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body, including her spine and ribs. 医生们确认她到了乳腺癌四期,癌细胞已经扩散到了身体的其它部位,包括脊柱和肋骨。
Lincoln takes the IV needle out his arm and calls Michael's name into the grate, Michael excitedly knocks back against the new metal plate. Lincoln拔掉手臂上的静脉注射针,在栅栏处大声叫唤Michael的名字,Michael激动地敲击新的金属管道向他做出回应。
Busch IV declined to comment on both incidents for a 2008 profile of him in The Wall Street Journal. 在《华尔街日报》2008年对布希四世作个人简介时,他拒绝就上述两次事件置评。
The Panzer IV was the only German tank to fight on the front - line from the first day to the bitter end of the war. 四号坦克是唯一一种自开战当日直至战争结束,一直艰苦战斗在最前线的德国坦克。
After spending a fair bit of time with GTA IV for the PC, we can say there's no doubt it looks absolutely incredible. 经过一个公平一点时间与横行霸道四的PC,我们可以说毫无疑问它看起来绝对难以置信。
IV contained large amount of dark brownish pigments impurities, further treatment of purification had not been carried out on this fraction. 四所载黑褐色色素大量杂质,净化进一步治疗没有进行过关于这一部分。
IV. Your suggestion shall be easy to understand and no more than 90 words. 您的建议、意见力求通俗易懂,每稿一般不超90字。
But she wanted to be the one to clean out his catheter and give him his daily shots, IV fluids and pills. 但是凯西希望能做一位护士,清理他的导管,天天给他打针,静脉流体和药片。
Four centuries after his death, King Henry IV of France is being laid to rest. Or at least his head is. 在归西后400年,法王亨利四世终于得以安息,至少他的头颅是这样的。
In Part IV, Zarathustra assembles in his cave a number of men who approximate, but who do not quite attain the position of the overman. 第四部分中,查拉图斯特拉聚集在他的洞穴一些男性谁近似,但谁不达到相当的立场,弗曼。
Only a week later, I found myself in the operating room and realized that something as commonplace as an IV tube was uncomfortable. 只有一星期之后,我发现我自己在手术室中而且意识到像IV管一样平凡是不舒服的。
Cisplatin is usually administered as a short IV infusion in most contemporary North American osteosarcoma treatment protocols. 目前大多数北美地区骨肉瘤治疗方案中,顺铂通常采取短时间静脉输注的给药方式。
XPS analysis shows that the vanadium on the surface can be stabilized mainly in the state of V(IV). 通过XPS分析,证实钒元素主要以V(IV)价态存在于催化剂的表面。
Part IV is to tell us what the general principles should be followed in the media management by the enterprises. 第四部分为企业在一般情况下进行媒介管理时所应遵循的原则。
There was an IV bag on a pole through which he was fed the high-protein liquid that made up his diet. 在一个支架上挂着注射袋,他通过这个获得自己的食物-高蛋白流食。
AC-IV folds into a rare form of a barrel-like shape previously seen in only three other unrelated proteins. 此前,这种形状只在另外三种不相关的蛋白质发现过。
IV. The Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau shall be responsible for the interpretation of the specific application of these Provisions. 本规定的具体应用问题,由市医疗保险局负责解释。
Medics secured him to a backboard, gave him an IV to prevent dehydration, and applied warming packets to raise his body temperature. 医护人员用担架护送他,并且给他输液防止虚脱。并且裹上暖和的毯子来提升他的体温。
Chapter IV will focus on the analysis of his remarks on international politics and a reflection of political choices and positions. 第四章则着重分析费孝通关于国际时政的言论。及其折射出的政治选择和立场。
The Part IV, it points out the perfecting direction of present election system by elaborating the challenges of competitive election to it. 文章第四部分,通过论述竞争性选举对现行选举制度的挑战,指出了选举制度完善的方向。
Class IV areas shall be defined as areas never seen by the operator. Class IV cosmetic requirements are the least critical in this document. 四级区域为检测者看不到的区域。四级区域的外观要求在此文件中是最不重要的。