
美 [dʒæmz]英 [dʒæmz]
  • n.果酱;堵塞;拥挤;卡住(因而发生故障)
  • v.使劲(往某处)挤(或压、塞);不能动弹;塞入;塞进
  • 网络营销科学学报(Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science);短裤睡衣;冲浪短裤



n. v.

甜食sweet food

1.[u][c]果酱a thick sweet substance made by boiling fruit with sugar, often sold in jars and spread on bread

人多;车多many people/vehicles

2.[c]拥挤;堵塞a situation in which it is difficult or impossible to move because there are so many people or vehicles in one particular place


3.[c]卡住(因而发生故障)a situation in which a machine does not work because sth is stuck in one position


be in a jam

陷入困境to be in a difficult situation

jam tomorrow

可望而不可即的美好未来;许而不予的好东西good things that are promised for the future but never happen


注册在橄榄蜜饯的 100 枚商标 ... 葡萄干 Raisins 果酱 Jams 海枣 Dates ...

营销科学学报(Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science)

...nce收录,并在暑期参会,同时他还有一篇文章发表于JAMS (Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science);在2011年JMS …


《Friends》词汇表B ... prevents v. 防止, 预防 jams n. 短裤睡衣, 宽短裤 expects vt. 期待, 预期, 盼望, 指望, <口>(料)想, 认为 ...


服装专业英语词汇 ... ... 运动短裤 trunks;sports shorts;gym shorts 冲浪短裤 jams;surfer’s shorts 散步短裤 walking shorts ...


(满月/周岁) 蛋糕 ... 布丁类( Puddings) 果酱类( Jams) 饼乾类( Cookies) ...

You know, back home in London, we also have bad traffic jams. 你知道吗,在我的老家伦敦,我们也常有交通堵塞的状况。
Lead singer Frankie Beverly's natural rhythm seems to be in the slow lane, so Greatest Slow Jams is where he and the group really thrive. 主唱弗兰基富康的自然节奏似乎是在慢车道,所以果酱是最伟大的慢,他和该集团真正兴旺。
I admit I haven't listened to a whole lot of MJ's songs but I have heard all his popular old jams and this CD is a bit different. 我承认我没有听过一兆焦耳的歌曲一大堆,但我听到他的所有流行的旧果酱,这CD是一个有点不同。
Sugar-free jams and jellies turn out to be just as tasty, if not more so, than those packed with sugar. 无糖的果酱和果冻变得一样美味,甚至比那些加了糖的还要好吃。
However, the large influx of people did not cause traffic jams or other problems, as Hangzhou had prepared well for this. 杭州对此早就做好了准备,所以大量的人流并没造成交通拥堵或其他问题。
CHINA tends to do everything a bit bigger than the rest of the world, including traffic jams. 中国想要做的每件事都比世界上其它国家要大一点点,包括交通堵塞。
It is also timesaving if you think about how much time you would use in traffic jams and finding a parking. 想像一下,当你坐公交遇上交通拥塞,或者开车花很长时间找停车场,骑自行车是多么的省时。
I saw the traffic jams and wondered if it's possible to make buses high up in the air as well. 当我在路上遇见堵车,就会想是不是可以让公交车也在空中运行。
But Woodstock was no earnest rally; it had love songs, blues and extended guitar jams. 但是伍德斯托克不是表忠大会,她有爱情歌曲,布鲁斯,还有大段的吉他即兴对奏。
Okay, I'll admit, the Stern Review on Traffic Jams doesn't sound like the sort of thing to keep you awake at night. 我承认,《斯特恩报告》关于交通拥堵的论述,听起来并不是让你夜不能寐。
The fruits of any of these plants, used for jams, jellies, desserts, or beverages. 醋栗茶子属植物的果实,用来制作果酱、果味、甜食或饮料。
To see people fighting on the highway and cause traffic jams, crossing immediately to the high-speed drivers, traffic police the police. 看到有人在高速公路上殴斗并造成交通堵塞,过路司机立即向高速交警报了警。
Three-way quick release levers allow instant height setting of upper carriers. It's easy to clear jams and running E-flute cartons. 三方位快速松放手杆能即时调节上带板高度,容易清理塞纸,适用E楞纸箱。
By the time we reached the area, all we encountered were the garden-variety traffic jams here and there. 截止我们到达当地的时候,我们碰上的都是到处都有的普通的堵车状况。
I would be a very patient person if it weren't for traffic jams and long lines in the grocery store. 若不是交通堵塞和在超市大排长龙的话,我是一个非常有耐心的人。
Local residents do not want to see the quality of life would be reduced due to the traffic jams caused by having new Wal-Mart stores. 当地居民称不愿看到沃尔玛开店后交通拥堵从而降低生活质量。
The early 1970s were the era of noodling jams and 10-minute drum solos that would have to be torpedoed, a few years later, by punk-rock. 70年代初流行起了没完没了的吉他即兴和长达10分钟的鼓手表演,但几年后很快被朋客音乐打的落花流水。
During rush hours, traffic jams are serious in cities. If you were the head of the Wenzhou Traffic Bureau, what measures would you adopt? 岑岭时间,都会交通拥挤紧张,要是你是交通局局长,你有何处理完成方案?
Cities all over the world have to solve the problems of traffic jams, crime, housing, energy, drinking water, and overcrowding. 世界上所有的城市都不得不解决堵车,犯罪,住房,能源,饮用水和拥挤等问题。
Rubber-necking at accidents on the opposite side of the road seem to cause most of the senseless traffic jams. 对向车道看热闹的人引起了最多无意义的交通堵塞。
So at least they'd spend less time fuming in jams about the injustice of it all. 所以司机们至少可以减少堵车时由于种种不公而急得冒烟的时候。
He yanks it out, jams it back into the empty socket and goes back on the court. 埃尔顿猛地把牙齿拔出来,把它塞回空空的牙槽,回到赛场上。
Inside the yurt, a low table is laid with a variety of homemade jams, a bowl of thick fresh cream and a basket of homemade bread. 毡房里有一张矮桌,上面放满了各种自制的果酱,一碗浓厚的鲜奶油和一篮自烤的面包。
Status Offline Then our canned-good shelves and cupboards began to grow with preserves, tomato juice, grape juice, plums, jams and jellies. 我们的罐装食品货架将增加新的产品,如蜜饯,番茄汁,葡萄汁,李子,果酱以及果冻等产品。
The Economist concluded that the main reason for the long travel times for Chinese people is the traffic jams in cities. 《经济学家》认为,中国城市的交通堵塞是导致中国人上班路上花费时间过长的主要原因。
Mike, we have helped each other out of many jams. Please let me help you this time. 迈克,我们曾经互相帮助解决了很多困难。这次让我来帮你吧。
But we have to say that family cars have brought lots of problems, such as traffic jams, traffic accidents and air pollution as well. 但是,我们必须说家用汽车已经带来了许多问题,像交通堵塞,交通事故和空气污染。在什么样的方式下我们能够减少家用汽车呢?
Jams and jellies make good Mother's Day gifts (as long as your mom likes that sort of thing). 果酱和果冻是母亲节的好礼物(只要你妈妈喜欢这些东西)。
During the Paralympic games, the whether in Beijing was approximately perfect and there were no traffic jams and the sky was blue. 在残奥会期间,北京的天气近乎完美,没有交通拥堵,抬头可见蓝天。
Evacuees have been stuck for hours in massive traffic jams. Roads are lined with vehicles that have run out of gas. 由于交通非常拥挤,德州撤离的居民被困在路上已经有好几个小时。公路上汽油耗尽的车辆到处可见。