
美 [dʒɑr]英 [dʒɑː(r)]
  • n.缸;坛子;(玻璃)罐子;广口瓶
  • v.受震动而疼痛;(对…)产生不快的影响;使烦躁;(与…)不协调
  • 网络文件

过去式:jarred 第三人称单数:jars 现在分词:jarring



n. v.

1.[c](玻璃)罐子;广口瓶a round glass container, with a lid, used for storing food, especially jam, honey , etc.

2.[c]一罐,一瓶(的量)a jar and what it contains

3.[c]缸;坛子a tall container with a wide mouth, with or without handles, used in the past for carrying water, etc.

4.[c](informal)一杯啤酒a glass of beer

5.[sing]猛然震动;撞击an unpleasant shock, especially from two things being suddenly shaken or hit


罐_百度百科 ... 罐头[ tin,can] 罐子[ pot; jug;jar;pitcher] 罐 guàn ...


生活英语单词大全 - 豆丁网 ... 模子 mould 坛子 jar 罐头 can ...


有个J开头的单词_百度知道 ... Japanese a. 日本的 n.日本人 jar n. 罐子,坛子,广口瓶 jaw n. 颌,颚 ...


如何学习托福英语_百度知道 ... import v. &n 重要;进口 jar v. &n 震动;坛子 envision v. 想象,预想 ...

普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... Japan 日本 jar jaw 颚 ...


Java实用教程 -图书 ... 8.5.1 JScrollPane 面板 174 9.6 JAR 文件 197 10.2 IP 地址封装 208 ...

A teacup, a grenade, a pair of glasses, a frozen pig's tail and a peanut butter jar have all been removed from the male rectum by doctors. 一只茶杯,一个手榴弹,一副眼镜,一条冷冻猪尾巴还有一罐花生酱都曾被医生从男性直肠内取出过。
The only real hassle is keeping track of all those extra JAR files, but as you'll see in this section, that's not such a big deal. 唯一的麻烦就是跟踪这些额外的JAR文件,但是正如在这一节中会看到的,这不是个大问题。
Nowadays the children are growing up sweetly as if they were soaked in a honey jar. 现在的孩子是泡在蜜罐里长大的。
The oil floats on top of the jar and seals out air, leaving water to collect at the bottom, where it acts like a Petri dish for botulism. 油浮到罐头的顶部,封住空气,留下水在底部聚集,就像是为肉毒菌提供一个有盖培养皿。
A bear cub in Florida, which had a plastic jar stuck on its head for at least 10 days, has now been freed, BBC reported. 据英国广播公司报道,美国佛罗里达州的一只小熊脑袋卡在塑料罐中十余日后,终于获救。
But that breaks the jar, but he didn't like the skinny, as the head also don't torsional moment, looking at the jug, as usual cast his way. 可是那个摔破罐子的人,却像没这么回事一样,头也不扭一下,看都不看那罐子一眼,照旧赶他的路。
the sparge of osmund appearance is I had been used comfortable least of all, unexpectedly sapid , and jar designs inconvenience. 薇姿的喷雾是我用过最不舒服的,居然有味道,而且罐子设计不方便。
Socrates's famous aphorism "the unexamined life is not worth living" was, by the time of his trial, clearly beginning to jar. 苏格拉底的名言“未经审视的生活是豪无价值的”,从他被审判时开始,明显开始动摇了。
Bundle the files into a JAR file and you re ready to deploy. 把这些文件捆绑成一个JAR文件,您就可以部署它了。
Set up a jar and have the kids sit on their knees on the chair and toss coins over the back of the chair trying to get them in the jar. 放一个罐子,让孩子们跪在椅子上,试着从椅背上将硬币抛进罐子里。
The server is bundled and ready to run from the Geronimo_installation_directory as the server. jar archive. 服务器被打包为server.jar,可以从Geronimo_installation_directory运行。
The doctor scratches his head and mumbles to himself a little and tells Mr. Smith, "What you need is jar number 43. . . " 医生搔了搔脑袋,嘀咕了一会儿,对史密斯先生说道:“你需要的是43号罐子……。”
a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. 有一个女人,拿着一玉瓶极贵的香膏来,趁耶稣坐席的时候,浇在他的头上。
If the sealed jar had light and a steady temperature, there was theoretically no reason why the lichens couldn't live until the sun dies. 如果这个封闭的玻璃罐能获得光照和稳定的温度,那么,从理论上说,这些苔藓没有理由不能生存到太阳毁灭的那一天。
One day they caught her with her hand in the cookie jar; she was stealing stamps for personal use and she was fired on the spot. 有一天,正当她在偷邮票给她自己用的时候被人当场抓着。她立即就被解雇了。
If you go through your white flour in less than a year, however, you can safely keep it on the counter in an airtight jar or canister. 不过,如果您可以在不到一年的时间里用完您的白面粉,那您就可以放心的把它放在柜台上的一密闭瓶或罐中。
As he was about to start the experiment, Bell knocked over a jar of water and it splashed all over the place. 贝尔正要开始时,却意外打翻了一罐水,水溅得到处都是。
Nearby was an empty Mason jar labelled "Human Sweat" and a bunch of yellow sponges in a plastic bag marked "Human Bait. " 它旁边放着一个拧着金属盖的玻璃瓶,上面标着“人汗”,再旁边是一个标着“蚊饵”的塑料袋,里面放着一块黄色的海绵。
Then he pulled out a one-gallon, wide mouthed jar and set it on the table in front of him. 于是,他拿出一个容量为1加仑的广口玻璃瓶,把它放在面前的桌子上。
Third, throws in Pacific Ocean spatially models the glass jar, how much time within do 10 years float in the water surface? 一只扔在太平洋的空塑料瓶,10年之内浮在水面多少时间?
How much tea can the jar hold? 这只罐子能装多少茶?
When he tried to take his hand out of the jar, however, he found that the opening was too narrow for his clenched fist to pass through. 当他企图把手拿出罐子的时候,可是他发现对于他握紧的拳头去通过显得太狭窄了。
The code creates a simple project structure, typical of a Java application that will eventually be packaged into a JAR file. 这段代码创建了一个简单的项目结构,是Java应用程序的典型特征,最终会被打包成JAR文件。
In the middle of a circle covered with a net pattern painted on the belly of the jar, there was grotesque human figure outlined in black. 罐子腹上一个布满密网的大圆圈里,有一个粗放的黑彩勾画的怪人。
When you attempt to drop and recreate the stored procedure, but did not remove the JAR file before calling sqlj. install_jar again. 试图删除并且重新创建存储过程,但是在再次调用sqlj.install_jar之前没有删除JAR文件。
The JAR, then, is close to what you need for a good reusable module but it lacks some basic modularity characteristics. 看来,JAR与良好的可重用模块的要求比较接近,但缺乏一些基本的模块特征。
A fisherman opens an old jar and a giant comes out of it. 一个渔夫打开一只古瓶,结果飘出一位精灵。
thousands, maybe millions, of dragonflies showed up out of nowhere. They were delicate and beautiful and I put one in a jar. 成千上万,或许上百万只蜻蜓,不知从哪里冒出来,他们如此精致美丽。
TB Activiti can be embedded in any Java application. To Java developers, it's just a . jar that they have to put in their CLASSPATH. TomBaeyens:Activiti可以嵌入到任何Java应用中,对于Java开发者来说,Activiti只不过是个jar文件而已,只需放到CLASSPATH下即可。
Joey: (to Monica) Hey, how much will you give me to eat this whole jar of olives? 如果我把整罐橄榄吃光,你要给我多少钱?。