
美 [dʒɑr]英 [dʒɑː(r)]
  • n.缸;坛子;(玻璃)罐子;广口瓶
  • v.受震动而疼痛;(对…)产生不快的影响;使烦躁;(与…)不协调
  • 网络应用遥感杂志(Journal of Applied Remote Sensing);瓶罐;玻璃罐

过去式:jarred 第三人称单数:jars 现在分词:jarring



n. v.

1.[c](玻璃)罐子;广口瓶a round glass container, with a lid, used for storing food, especially jam, honey , etc.

2.[c]一罐,一瓶(的量)a jar and what it contains

3.[c]缸;坛子a tall container with a wide mouth, with or without handles, used in the past for carrying water, etc.

4.[c](informal)一杯啤酒a glass of beer

5.[sing]猛然震动;撞击an unpleasant shock, especially from two things being suddenly shaken or hit

应用遥感杂志(Journal of Applied Remote Sensing)

The Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS) is an online-only journal that covers remote sensing research and applications...


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Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side. 回到家里,关上门,你和你儿子在里面将油倒在所有的器皿里,倒满了的放在一边。
One of these includes, as the top left view, a hierarchy containing various Java packages, classes, JARs, and miscellaneous files. 其中之一就是左上角的视图,它是一个包含各种Java包、类、jar和其他文件的层次结构。
Abdalla, seeing her very uneasy, said, "Do not fret and tease yourself, but go into the yard, and take some oil out of one of the jars. " 阿布达拉,看到她非常心神不宁,说,“别苦恼也别自己戏弄自己,去院子里,随便从哪个坛子里弄点油。”
Once shark fins are dried and in jars, it is all but impossible to tell what kind of shark they came from or whether they were finned. 鲨鱼的鳍一旦被晒干并放入罐里,便几乎无可判断它们来自哪种鲨鱼,或者是否是被割下来的。
His arms reached toward one of the jars above his head, and I watched the demented reunion between the man's body and his sight. 他够出手臂伸向头上的一个广口瓶,我站在一旁看着这一幕身体与视线重新团聚的疯狂场景。
Both his hands shake as if he were trying to open a pair of jars. 当他尽力去打开两个药瓶时,他的两只手颤抖着。
The next morning she told everything to her master and led him to the oil jars to show him what was in them. 第二天早上她把事情经过全盘告诉她的主人,并带他去看皮瓮里的东西。
While such a sentence might be formally correct, its imbalance jars the listener, and hints at deeper problems. 尽管这样的语句形式上正确,其失衡却会使听众感到震惊,暗示有更深层的问题。
He uncapped one of the jars and passed it to Raley, who sniffed the contents, then shook his head and passed it back. 他打开其中一瓶的瓶盖,递给雷利。雷利用鼻子闻了闻,摇摇头,递回给他。
Something that jars the mind or emotions as if with a violent, unexpected blow. 象用猛烈,突然的一击一样刺激心灵或感情的东西
He had hardly deemed her a woman, wingless and earthly, subject to household conditions and domestic jars. 他几乎没把她看作是一个普通的女人:没长翅膀,属于尘世,在繁琐俗务的和家庭的龃龉中间生活。
It's twenty jars of tomato sauce. That was the only thing I knew that you liked. For spaghetti. 二十罐西红柿酱,我就知道这么一样你喜欢的东西。拌意粉吃。
Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false. 讽刺作品使我们排除了自满情绪,并愉快地惊叹道许多我们毫无疑问地接受的价值观是错误的。
If something isn't done fast, we'll all die choking -- while fighting over old jars to see who gets the last breath of air. 如果不尽快作出努力,我们都会窒息而死——到时看看谁吸地球上最后一口气。
Thanks to a well-placed bribe, she escaped execution; the children's files were buried in glass jars. 感谢一次言而有信的贿赂,她逃脱了死刑,孩子们的文件藏在了玻璃罐中。
Sloppy enough to leave footprints, but smart enough to steal shoes in advance ? This is our guy, no question. You find any caviar jars? 很邋遢,他留下脚迹不过够聪明,他会预先偷鞋子这是我们要找的人,没有疑问你是否找到鱼子酱瓶子?。
When all the jars were full, she said to her son, "Bring me another one. " 器皿都倒满了的时候,她对儿子说:“再拿一个器皿给我。”
Actually, JARs can do more than store source code, but you have to know what else is possible, and how to ask for it. 事实上,JAR能做的不止是存储源代码,您应该了解JAR还能做什么,以及如何进行。
The fact is, if the task were left entirely up to him, we'd be in the poorhouse on just his purchases of mega-jars of pickles. 事实是,如果这个任务完全交给他,我们会因为他购买大罐腌菜而住在救济院中。
We initially decided to use the JAR tool to list the contents of the various runtime JARs and grep for the classes in question. 我们最初决定使用JAR工具列出JAR的各种运行时间的目录并查找出现问题的类。
We go through a glass jar of salsa every week, and that means that I don't need to save five glass jars on a shelf someplace. 我们每周都会有一个玻璃果酱罐子,这说明不需要在架子上某个地方留五个玻璃罐。
Twenty cauldrons stood steaming between the wooden desks, on which stood brass scales and jars of ingredients. 木桌之间竖着二十个坩埚,桌上放着铜天平和一罐一罐的配料。
There in two large jars was a variety of kitchen utensils just waiting to have their photo taken. 这里有各种各样的厨房用品等着被拍呢。
boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line. 对检测的大量需求催生了那些非常规的实验室,在这些实验室中成箱的标本瓶接受流水线一般的处理。
On a shelf behind her desk that day were at least a hundred jars of strawberry jam, gaily tied with red-checked ribbons. 那天,她办公桌后面的架子上放置了至少一百罐草莓酱,上面扎着鲜艳的红格缎带。
She said the fire'd go out and her jars would break . 她说炉火会熄灭的,她的罐子就会冻破。
There is a second method of utilizing Utility JARs that improves upon this, and allows you to include Utility JAR files in an EAR project. 第二种利用UtilityJAR优势的方法是,在这个基础上的提高,允许您在一个EAR项目中包含UtilityJAR文件。
RPC Containers Corby is targeting the long-life food sector with a range of multi-layer plastic jars. 科比的RPC容器是针对长寿命粮食部门与一系列多层塑料瓶。
The demo takes up to three arguments: run time in seconds, number of production lines, and period between jars arriving in milliseconds. 演示程序接受3个参数:以秒计算的运行时间、生产线数量、以毫秒计算的罐子到达的时间间隔。
Families camped out on sofa sets, reading newspapers, drinking tea from glass jars and eating biscuits. 经常有家庭在沙发套件上安营扎寨,读报纸,从玻璃罐里饮茶以及吃饼干。