
美 [dʒaʊ]英 [dʒaʊ]
  • n.〈外〉(中国辅币单位)角
  • 网络焦;矫;教育



角(jue)色与jiao)色有什么不同分别怎么用这两个词?收藏 分享 [ 标签:jue,jiao ] 应该念jue色点jiao色是什么呢用在那里 …

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 阎 yan jiao 宋 song ...

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 檀 tan jiao 金 jin ...


HSK Level 6 vocabulary list ... 6 教养 jiao4 yang3 4 教育 jiao4 yu4 6 阶层 jie1 ceng2 ...

一年被蛇咬,十年怕井-电脑编程网成语频道 ... 井 jing jiao&yao 怕 bo&pa ...

汉音对照 《向阳素描×☆☆☆主题曲》 《 xiang... ... 水 shui jiao 后 hou ...



焦饹馇 (jiao)

His Gao Yi Jiao low feet downwards wade to, feels the true facts seeming ready to all over. 他高一脚低一脚往下走去,只觉真相呼之欲出。
There seems to be very familiar with . . . . . . yo, it seems that I am here to die awkward encounter Na Zhi Jiao little proud of it? 这里似乎很熟悉……唷,似乎我就是在这里遇到那只别扭到死的小傲娇的吧?
I hastened to turn on the lights and general fire bright room have nothing, but next door jiao room but came the voice of weeping faintly. 我赶忙开灯,通火透亮的房间里什么都没有,而隔壁阿娇的房间却传来隐约哭泣的声音。
I do not know when, accompanied by me, is no longer the moonlight Jie Jiao, only yellow lights going from bad to worse. 不知何时,陪伴我的,不再是姣洁的月色,只是昏黄惨淡的灯光。
How much is the vegetable? six Jiao per half a kilo. 你这个菜啷块卖?落角一斤。
So I went in, sat down and ordered two types of jiao zi (one with a vegetable stuffing, one with pork), stir-fried vegetables and a beer. 于是我走进了饭馆,坐了下来,点了两种饺子(一种蔬菜馅的,一种猪肉馅的),还点了炒菜和一瓶啤酒。
Harvard still gained the top spot, but the number of British universities in the top 20 rose to twice that of the Jiao Tong rankings. 根据这个方法,哈佛仍排在头位,但英国大学在前20强中的数量是上海交大排名的两倍。
I think I will be like as a child pu jin your arms, she jiao with you to let you back to childhood. 我想我一定会像孩儿般地扑进你怀抱里,跟你撒娇,让你回到童年。
E Jiao in the film "Princess revenge in mind, " he said he was not so stupid boyfriend shoot nude. 阿娇在拍《公主复仇记》的时候说自己不会那麽蠢被男友拍裸照。
Teacher: Today, let's talk about one of the greatest man in China, his name is Jiao Yulu. Lily, could you tell me something about him. 今天,我们来谈谈中国的另一个伟人,焦裕禄。莉莉,你能告诉我们关于他的一些情况吗?
Because I found jiao face except excited, and wrath, and seems ready to take daoba I chop, if I don't eat it. 因为我发现阿娇的脸上除了兴奋,还有忍怒,似乎随时准备拿刀把我剁碎,如果我不吃的话。
The place previously known as "gang jiao" (the foot of a harbour) is found in which part of Singapore? 以前称作“港脚”的,是位于今日新加坡的哪一个地方?
Welcome to take Tianjin subway line 1. The next station is "Xi Nan Jiao" . Pleasse get ready to get off. 欢迎乘坐天津地铁1号线列车,列车的前方到站是“西南角”站,请下车的乘客做好准备。
Actually, what inspired me to write, except for jiao zi, was that mason's daughter who looked like sleeping beauty. 其实,鼓舞我写作的,除了饺子之外,还有石匠家那个睡眼蒙眬的姑娘。
"Now you think of a way to make me upstairs! " Ah Jiao said. "My dear young lady, " said Avanti, "I have already made you walk downstairs. " “现在你想办法让我走上楼去吧!”阿娇说。“亲爱的小姐,”阿凡提说:“我已经使您走下楼了。”
Which have the person to call to save her she Jiao son front of listen to the truth of ? 哪有叫救了她的人去她轿子跟前听谢的道理?
Xu jiao was a noisy awake separate bedrooms after sound, but found that the son, and abdominal injuries was holding up the chopper. 徐娇被嘈吵声弄醒后分开睡房,却发现儿子腹部受伤,而婷则手执菜刀。
I heard people talking again and again of a "spiritual crisis" in China - a phrase that has even been used by the Premier Wen Jiao Bao. 我经常听到人们谈及中国正在经历的一场“精神危机”——甚至是总理温家宝也用到过这个词。
Are a set of education, rehabilitation, vocational training for an integrated-types jiao zhong xin School. 是一所集教育、康复、职业培训为一体的综合型特教中心学校。
If the nightingale sings mixed in the daytime in the commotion, others did not think it compared to jiao liao sings beautifully. 要是夜莺在白日杂在聒噪?歌颂,人傢毫不认为它比鹪鹩唱得更美。
The system of learning that gave rise to the Sinophone Islamic books is known as jing tang jiao yu, or Sinophone Islamic learning. 学习这套丛书的制度被称为“经堂教育”,即以中文发音为基础的伊斯兰教育。
I call HuangXia jiao, although I look a bit like a boy, but I really is a girl. 我叫黄夏娇,虽然说我看起来有点像男生,但我的确是女生哦。
The color of the sky is clear, the Huang grave Gan of behind must all split, why will he trample on the wet mire to fall off one Jiao? 天色晴朗,后面的荒坟乾得都裂了,为什么他竟然会踩在湿泥上摔一跤?
Jiao Tong is a prestigious school and going there allows you to meet some of the brightest people in Shanghai. 交大是知名学府,在那里上学,你会遇到上海最聪明的一些人,有助于你建立人脉。
At school, children often seize birthday and Jiao Bo raised his arm, once a year, indicating a high long. 在学校里,过生日的孩子常被抓住胳膊和脚脖举起来,每年一次,预示长高。
In the calligraphy version, in the last sentence I used Jiu Huo, rescue back to life, instead of Jiao Huo, teach to be lively. 在翰墨的版本中,在最后的句子里我用〝救活〞以取代〝教活〞。
Seventhly, considering that Jiao-Fang in Song did not play an important role in most of royal court ceremony but Da-Nuo ceremony. 宋代宫廷的多数礼仪中教坊并不负责核心的工作,但在大傩仪中却扮演了重要的角色。
Because be the opposite sex, to a lot of problems ponder over angle different, small Sun Jiao must grind friend is inspired to his very big. 因为是异性,对很多问题的思考角度不一样,小孙觉得研友对自己的启发很大。
The second category is too Jiao Pang, responsive, and parents want nothing less than to provide children with the help and protection. 第二类是过分娇庞,有求必应,家长只想为儿童提供无所不到的帮助和保护。
And for oneself's ability advanced arrive two stars evil teacher, although Qin Yue Lou is glad, also not the Jiao is irritable. 而对于自己能进阶到二星星魔师,秦月楼虽然欣喜,但也并不骄躁。