
  • abbr.(=joint strike fighter)【军】联合攻击战斗机
  • 网络联合攻击战斗机(Joint Strike Fighter);爪哇服务器外观(Java Server Faces);联合攻击机



联合攻击战斗机(Joint Strike Fighter)

例如联合攻击战斗机JSF)和联合战术无线电系统(JTRS)等。国防部建立了JCIDS过程是通过建立新的要求审查联合组织 …

爪哇服务器外观(Java Server Faces)

...关介绍 1.3 JSF示例 1.1 什么是JSF Java Server Faces (JSF) :符合JavaEE5标 准的Java Web应用框架。


美国联合攻击机(JSF)的备选机型X-32和X-35除有一定隐身能力外,都可以“短距起飞、垂直着陆”。大家可能会奇怪,为什么是“ …


美国联合打击战斗机(JSF)确定由马丁-贝克公司提供这种新一代战斗机的弹射座椅俄罗斯K-36D 弹射座椅俄罗斯K-36D 弹射座 …

美国联合攻击战斗机(Joint Strike FighterJSF)

我们可以从美国联合攻击战斗机(JSF)研发形式找到答案。JSF被定位为用途广泛、性能先进而低成本的低档战斗机,公司通过 …


直到联合打击战机JSF)大批量地列装,我们将不得不继续购买用于升级F-15和F-16战机的航空电子设备。总之,为了有效应 …

Building a custom JSF component is often the right thing to do. 构建一个自定义JSF组件通常是正需要做的事情。
With all the background work out of the way, I think you're ready to take the plunge and develop your own custom JSF components. 有了这些基础工作之后,我认为您已经可以采取行动,开发自己的定制JSF组件了。
Even then, it was readily apparent that JSF made adopting Ajax more difficult than it had to be. 即使如此,这一点仍然很明显:JSF使得Ajax比过去更难于采用。
This would make it easier for a developer to use individual parts of JSF without being forced to use all of it. 这使得开发者能更加轻松地使用JSF的单个部分,而无需使用其全部。
One of the down sides to using JSF was the technology used for the rendering layer, which by default was provided by JavaServer Pages (JSP). 使用JSF的缺点之一是用于呈现层的技术,默认情况下由JavaServerPages™(JSP™)提供。
WebSphere Studio enables you to easily drag the Web service onto a portlet page in the form of a JSF Web service client component. WebSphereStudio使您能够轻易地以JSFWeb服务客户端组件的形式将Webservice拖动到portlet页面上。
JSF, to put it in terms we Domino developers understand, is the equivalent of a custom-class rendering engine. JSF用我们Domino开发人员理解的术语来说,就相当于一个定制类呈现引擎。
But before we get into all that, I'll take just a minute to separate some JSF FUD from fact. 但是在开始之前,我将花一点时间来划清JSFFUD与事实真相。
Many JSF components require additional resources to be added to the page or to the application. 许多JSF组件需要额外的资源添加到页面或者应用软件中。
For pages wanting to use both input and output controls on the same page, it is quite easy to develop a JSF page with no navigation. 对于希望在同一个页面上同时使用输入和输出控件的页面,开发不带导航的JSF页面是很容易的。
We told you to refer back to the JSF application lifecycle and see if you could figure it out. 请参阅前面的JSF应用程序生命周期,看看您能否找到答案。
Once you ve laid out the page in normal HTML you want to tell the JSF system that you re going to be using JSF to manage your components. 一旦将该页面布局到普通HTML中,您就想要告诉JSF系统,您将使用JSF来管理组件。
We've covered quite a bit of ground in this article when it comes to JSF conversion and validation. 在本文中我们讨论了相当多的JSF转换和验证的基本内容。
The last field in this section specifies the names of any JSF facets that may be used with a component. 本部分的最后一个区域,指定了可能与组件一起使用的JSFfacets的名字。
JSF is the result of lessons learned over several years of evolving Web development techniques on the Java platform. JSF是几年前学过的在Java平台上改进Web开发技术的课程的结果。
That said, the truth is that JSF is not bound to JSP technology inherently. 这就是说,JSF并不内在地绑定到JSP技术。
As with all things JSF, I promise it will be easier than you think and far too rewarding, in terms of time and headache saved, to ignore. 使用JSF的东西,我敢保证要比您想像的要更加容易,而且从节约的时间和精力上来说,回报如此之多,多得不能忽略。
You can associate expressions to any property on a component, thus allowing the component's property value to be set with JSF-EL. 可以把表达式关联到组件上的任何属性,这样就允许用JSF-EL设置组件的属性值。
I've barely scratched the surface of JSF 2 features so far, with managed bean annotations, simplified navigation, and support for resources. 到目前为止,我仅仅触及了JSF2特性中最浅显的内容,包括托管bean、注释、简化导航和资源支持。
For the type-ahead JSF component to work, its value attribute must be bound to a Map object. 为了要预输入JSF组件工作,它的value属性必须关联Map对象。
The location bar does not get updated to reflect the new view after an action because JSF advances to it through a server-side redirect. 地址栏没有更新,以反映执行动作后的新视图,因为JSF通过一个服务器端重定向使之前进。
The easiest way to dissolve your preconceptions about JSF is to delve right into the technology, and we'll do that in just a few minutes. 消除您对JSF的偏见的最好方法是,适当地钻研这种技术,我们马上就来做这件事。
Seam components are more like Spring beans than JSF managed beans in that they plug into a sophisticated, aspect-oriented framework. Seam组件更像Springbean,而不是JSF托管bean,这是因为它们插入到复杂的、面向方面的框架。
The JSP tags in a JSF application render the view and represent the component, but cannot change the state of a JSF component. JSF应用程序中的JSP标记呈现了视图,并表示组件,但无法更改JSF组件的状态。
Each entry and element of such a data map contains the value of a JSF input component whose ID is also the key in the data map. 这类数据地图的每个条目和元素都包含JSF输入组件的值,其ID是数据地图的键。
The technique presented here can be used to set any attributes or properties of the JSF components, not just the default styles. 这里所展示的技巧可以用来设置JSF组件的任何属性,而不仅仅是默认的样式。
While JSF makes it easier for you to create richer HTML-based user interfaces, JSF is by design a server-based technology. 尽管JSF简化了创建丰富的HTML用户界面的过程,但是根据设计JSF是一种基于服务器的技术。
Throughout this series I've tried to help you overcome the FUD that has caused many Java developers to shy away from using JSF technology. 贯穿这个系列,我一直在试图帮助您克服造成许多Java开发人员逃避使用JSF技术的FUD。
Looking back at Figure 1, JSF is at the heart of the Controller layer in this application. 回过头看一下图1,JSF是该应用程序中Controller层的中心。
Now you will create a JSF Web project to see how the new component library integrates with the JSF tools. 现在您已经创建了一个JSFWeb项目,以查看这些新组件库是怎样与JSF工具集成到一起的。