
美 [dʒʌmp]英 [dʒʌmp]
  • v.跳;跳动;(物价等)猛增;跳过
  • n.跳跃;跳伞;跳跃运动;一跳的距离
  • adj.(爵士音乐中)急拍子的
  • 网络跳转;跳跃指令;跳跃动作

第三人称单数:jumps 现在分词:jumping 过去式:jumped

jump queue,jump ship,jump fence



单人技术——跳跃(Jumps)、旋转(Spins)、燕式接续步/步法(Step/Spiral Sequences)双人技术——托举(Lifts)、抛跳(Throws)、 …


这些一般称作“跳转”(Jumps),并在程式中带来循环行为、条件性执行(透过条件跳转)和函式。许多指令会改变标志暂存器 …


...sctagsbash自动补全分屏diff其他 跳跃指令 (jumps) 跳跃指令类似于游览器中的按钮 CTRL-] -> 跟着link/tag转入 (follow link/t...


跳跃动作Jumps)讲求高度,要跳得高,必须具备爆炸力。★前屈体合腿跳( Pike Jump):向上跳起,身体向前摺曲。


...个指令欲读的所在变阁较远,改变程式计数器就是一般“跳位”(jumps)指令,犹有“连环”(loops)程式会重做指令,以及条件指令 …


...引体向上(chins)、起坐次数(situps)、跳跃次数 (jumps)。


... shoulders n. 肩, 肩部, 侧翼 jumps n. 跳跃, 上涨, 惊跳 vice n. 恶习, 恶行, 坏脾气, 罪恶, 堕落, 老虎钳, 缺点, 缺陷 ...

He missed both of his planned quad jumps and will trying to get his confidence back over the next two days. 他忘记了原计划的四周跳,并将努力在之后两天中找回他的自信。
Suddenly, a piece of concrete the size of a quarter jumps free and plummets down the shaft as the rock-hammer pushes through. 突然,随着那把石锤的探出,一块混凝土迸出并坠落井下。
Mollie jumps up on her hind legs and does a little dance every time I walk in the door. 当我走进家门,莫莉会手舞足蹈地跳起来。
now, it is at a premium to the offering price, which makes it a good deal only if the price of shares jumps a lot once they are issued. 现在,则是有一定的溢价,这使得只有被投资方的股票价格有很大的增长才能够使投资者获利。
Candy jumps on top of him, landing on his chest. She begins to punch his face with closed fists . 凯蒂跳到他身上,坐在他胸口,开始用握紧的拳头猛击他的脸。
He jumps and crawls along the way, his light-brown flying like butterflies with the wind, the grass tickling his feet. 他跳跃和检索1路上,他地浅棕色飞行像蝴蝶在风地帮忙下,基层tickling他地双脚。
Askydiver goes high up in the air on a plane. Then he jumps off the plane and floats in the air with the help of a parachute. 一个空中潜水者通过飞机到达高空,然后他跳飞机和浮在空中的降落伞。
It will not be so easy to turn the calm heaven into Desperado 's paradise full of crazy jumps, twists and evolutions! 将平静的天堂变成充满发狂跳跃、一扭和进化的不要命的恶汉的天堂将不会是如此容易!
As you're increasing your distance or the time of your running segments, make small jumps so your body can adjust to the increase in stress. 当你增加你跑步的距离或跑步的时间,做很小的提高那样你的身体可以调整适应增加的压力。
Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stood on his head. 然后,北极熊开始暴跌。他跳跃和旋转、翻筋斗,站在他的头上。
She looks up and nearly jumps out of her skin. She runs like an Olympic sprinter, hurdling two garbage cans before reaching her house. 她抬起头,大吃一惊。她像一个奥林匹克赛跑选手一样跑起来了,接着又像一个跨栏高手一样跨越过两个垃圾桶,溜进了家里。
soldier a : he jumps back down and pushes himself on top of the radio , as if it was like a seat , you know , just sits down on it. 士兵甲:他向后跳去,扑到无线电上面,就像那是一个座位似的,一下子坐到它上面。
She is offered a knife with which to stab the prince to death, but rather than do that she jumps into the sea and dies by turning to froth. 魔咒中,只有用剪刀刺死王子,她才能获救。她没有照做,而是跃进大海,变成了泡沫。
It is at this moment that the neighbor's dog jumps up and bites Karl in the arm, which leads to the police being able to approach him. 正是在这个时刻,在邻居的狗咬伤跳跃和卡尔在手臂,从而导致警察无法接近他。
In regular binaries, indirect jumps are often used for multi-way branches, candidate targets are reserved in a jump table. 在通常的应用程序中,间接跳转指令经常用来实现多目标分支语义,分支目标存放在跳转表中。
The energetic, cheerful animals had plenty of room to wow the audience with synchronized swimming, jumps, and even a little bit of dancing. 欢快的精力充沛的动物们有足够的空间让观众们惊叹于它们的同步游泳、跳跃,甚至是几步舞蹈。
A rabbit runs out, a frog jumps and a fish sticks his head out of water and looks at us. 一只野兔跑了出来,一只青蛙跳了起来,一条鱼把脑袋伸出水面看着我们。
I will tell you that this symbol jumps from her pens tip with such speed that it is impossible to follow the method. 我会告诉你,这个符号从她的笔与这样的速度,这是不可能遵循的方法技巧跳跃。
The boat's wake acts as a ramp. The rider can use the wake to perform thrilling tricks, like the jumps and flips of a snowboarder. 汽艇的尾波充当斜坡,玩家可以用尾波表演精彩刺激的特技,像是滑雪板的跳跃和翻滚。
When Pippi opens her present, she's so excited that she jumps up and down. She plays the music box for a long time. It has a pretty tune. 皮皮打开礼物,兴奋地蹦蹦跳跳。她打开音乐盒,听了很长一段时间,好美的旋律。
She jumps up from her desk, carefully replaces her chair, and runs down the lavender-hued hallway to the doctor's office. 她从桌子旁跳开,小心把椅子放回原处,穿过淡紫色的走廊跑到医生办公室。
Asian men don't realize that yoga requires a great deal of power, especially in Flow and Ashtanga, to be able to do jumps and arm balances. 亚洲人不明白瑜伽其实需要很大的能量来做出跳跃和手臂平衡的动作,尤其是流瑜伽和阿斯坦珈。
He is holding the golden ball in his mouth. He jumps out of the water and puts it on the ground. 青蛙嘴里衔着那颗金色的球,它跳出水面,把球放在地上。
In a huge sideways jumps called a grand jete, a skillful ballet dancer seems to float fro an impossible length of time. 在一种大幅度的侧身跳跃动作(小跳)中,一个技艺精湛的芭蕾舞演员好像在空中可以停上一段让人难以置信的时间。
The loop instruction also points just like the JMP to a memory location, but only jumps to that location if the ECX register is not 0. 循环指令和JMP指令一样,也是跳转到一个内存位置,但是他就仅仅当ECX寄存器不等于0的时候跳转到一个位置。
"Typee" is an account , told in the first person, of the adventures of a young American who with a companion ( Toby) jumps ships . 《泰皮》是一篇用第一人称自述的记载,写的是一个美国青年的冒险。他与同伴托比私自离船出走。
Excuse me. [gets up, jumps up and down while he zips his zipper up. . . other patrons look at him] How you doing? 不好意思。(转身拉拉链。邻桌的人在看他)晚上过得还好?
Love that readily jumps off the face brings one hours of joy; Love that stems from the heart of hearts keeps one's whole life happy. 挂在脸上的爱给人一时欢乐;发自内心的爱使人一生幸福。
The big woman sees this and jumps into the air, landing with all the force in her massive legs on Natasha's stomach. 那个大块头女人蹦到了空中,用尽了壮硕的大腿的力量猛踩娜塔莎的腹部。
An official throws the ball in the air as a player from each opposing team jumps to gain possession of the ball. 裁判将球抛向空中,这时双方的选手通过跳跃来争球。