
美 [dʒʌst]英 [dʒʌst]
  • adv.只是;就;仅仅;刚才
  • adj.公正的;正义的;正当的;合理的
  • n.正直的人;公正的人
  • 网络刚刚;正好;恰好




2.~ as…正当…时at the same moment as

3.~ as good, nice, easily, etc.不少于;同样no less than; equally

4.(only) ~.~ after, before, under, etc. sth刚好;差一点就不;勉强by a small amount

5.刚才;方才used to say that you/sb did sth very recently

6.此时;那时;眼下;现在at this/that moment; now

7.~ about/going to do sth正要;正准备;马上就要going to do sth only a few moments from now or then



10.(informal)真正地;确实;完全really; completely

11.(引起注意、表示允许等)请,就used in orders to get sb's attention, give permission, etc.

12.(提出请求、表示歉意等)请used to make a polite request, excuse, etc.

13.could/might/may ~(表示稍有可能)可能,也许used to show a slight possibility that sth is true or will happen

14.(表示赞同)used to agree with sb


could/might just as well…

不如;还是…的好used to say that you/sb would have been in the same position if you had done sth else, because you got little benefit or enjoyment from what you did do

it is just as well (that…)

(…)还好,倒也不错,还可以it is a good thing

just about

几乎;近乎;差不多almost; very nearly

just a minute/moment/second

稍等一会儿;请稍候used to ask sb to wait for a short time

just like that

(就是那样)突如其来,冷不防,不加解释suddenly, without warning or explanation

just now

此时;此刻;眼下at this moment

just so

(做或安排得)井井有条,有条不紊done or arranged very accurately or carefully

just then

那时;就在那时at that moment

not just yet

这会儿还不;可能很快not now but probably quite soon

I, etc. would just as soon do sth

乐意做某事(跟所建议的事一样)used to say that you would equally well like to do sth as do sth else that has been suggested


字典中 甫 字的解释 ... (6) 通“圃”( pǔ)。种植果木瓜菜的园地[ orchard;garden] (1) 方才,刚刚[ just] ...


七年级英语单词表 ... neighborhood 附近;邻近 just 直接地;就;只;仅仅 straight 一直;直接 ...


适字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 舒适,满足〖 comfortable〗 正好,恰好〖 just〗 偶而,偶然〖 occasionally〗 ...


2013年七年级英语下册-6单元单词_百度文库 ... movie n 电影 just adv 只是;恰好 house n 房子 ...


牛津初中英语8B单词_百度文库 ... ever adv. 曾经 45. just adv. 刚才 46. own v. 拥有 47. ...


适字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 舒适,满足〖 comfortable〗 正好,恰好just〗 偶而,偶然〖 occasionally〗 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... Mrs.Malaprop, 以用词错误闻名) (ad+just+ 正确→弄正确→调整) (dia+gram→ 交叉对着画→图 …


英语常用单词 - 豆丁网 ... owner n. 所有人,物主 100 just a. 公正的,公平的 because conj. 因为 102 879 ...

We are all happy for him, as he's always worked hard and well during training, let's hope this was just a starting point. 他在训练中一直很努力,让我们一起希望这仅仅是一个开始。
The question of whether years of intense endurance training might, just possibly, be harmful to the heart is hardly new. 经年累月高强度的耐力训练,可能会损害心脏,这并非一个新话题。
'Mr. Mendoza was not just a wild-card crazy man, ' said Mr. Fink. 'In a society without recourse for justice, people will do crazy things. ' 芬克说,门德萨不仅仅是一个不按常理出牌的疯子;在一个无法寄望于司法的社会,人们就会做出疯狂的事。
Just as he caught the ball there was a tearing sound. 他把球抓住时,听到了一种撕裂的声音。
"We were not looking at this guy as anything special until today, " he said. "He was one of thousands. We were just keeping an eye on him. " “在今天之前,我们没有给予佩奇特殊关注,”他说。“他只是几千人中的一员。我们只是留意他的行为而已。”
It is wrong, however, for the program to just dump the problem on a user's lap and wipe its hands of the matter. 但是如果程序只是将问题堆在用户身上,撒手不管,这是不对的。
Rather than just a snapshot, event monitors can be thought of a movie capturing what occurred over time. 事件监视器不只是拍一张快照,可以将它看作是一部电影,这部电影可以捕捉随时间流逝而发生的事情。
All this points to the only certain thing about Obamacare: that this is just another episode in the long saga of health reform. 所有这些都指向了奥式保健的唯一定事:即这仅仅是旷日持久的医改长剧中的小小一幕。
That may sound prosaic, but Schuman declared that it was much more than just a business deal. 这种想法听上去单调乏味,但舒曼宣称其意义超过了商业交易。
At the moment, according to Prado, Brazil's government spends just $17 million or so a year on agricultural cooperation projects in Africa. 据普拉多数据,目前,巴西政府每年花费在非洲的农业合作项目上的费用是1700万美元。
" He said he had just come back from an apple farm, and thought the name sounded " fun, spirited and not intimidating. 他说,他刚从一个苹果园回来,想到苹果这个名字听起来“有趣、有灵性,而且不咄咄逼人。”
Just goes to show how much care is being given to this game. 这就是为了证明开发商有多关心这个游戏。
If that sounds like the right kind of quest for you, click here to buy the Empire Building Kit now, before orders close in just a few hours. 如果这正是你想要的探寻,那么请点击这里,订购你想要的“帝国缔造工具包”,订购几小时后就将结束。
Ares: You are still just a mortal, every bit as weak as the day you begged me to save your life. 阿瑞斯:你始终还是一个凡人,就像那天你企求我救命的时候那样渺小。
Yes, I'd like to have to lemonade. And put just a little bit of port wine in it, please. 是的,我想喝柠檬水,请加一点点酒。
Although the research is just a initial stage and is immature in many aspect, I believe that the direction of my endeavor is right. 尽管本文的这种研究仅是一个开端,在许多方面还欠成熟,深入,但我坚信这一努力方向的正确性。
And, indeed, these people would say "Yes! , " as if I had asked them to pass the salt. I was just staggered by it. 就好像我请他们把盐递给我那样理所当然对这样的回答,我感到很震惊。
She did everything to get the two of them together, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. 她极力撮合他两个,但我觉得那根本不可能。
Not much had physically changed, my home still smelt like home and even my old room was just as I left it, but I was changed. 我的家的摆设还是没有改变的,还是那样充满家的味道,我的房间也和我离开前一模一样,但是我变了。
Just then Tesla began to shoulder his way to the center of the circle. 就在这时,泰斯拉用肩膀推出条路,走到围圈中央。
It's very badly swollen. It's probably just bruise, but it could be broken. So I'm going to ask you to the hospital for an X-Ray. 这儿肿的厉害,可能只是擦伤,也可能骨折了,所以我打算让你去医院照个X光片。
Well, I was just calling to ask if you've received my email about this year's sales projections. 我打电话就想问一问你是否已经收到关于今年销售方案的电子邮件。你查过邮件后,如果发现我的报告有问题就给我打电话。
eg However, I just did not like and acclimate the environment that they do not work. 只是我不太习惯和喜欢那样的环境,天天坐在一起没事侃大山增进感情。
It just means the concept of art is exhausted. No new style of art can emerge. There is no direction for art history to go on. 它只是意味艺术概念的可能性已经穷尽了,艺术在风格方面不能再有突破,艺术史也不可能再有发展方向。
He used to spend the entire class just sneaking glances at her, admiring her beautiful face, and picturing himself with her. 他曾经花了整节课的时间去偷偷地看她,欣赏她那俊俏的脸庞,幻想着和她在一起。
I came out of it with just a cut over my eye, but my son fell into a coma. 我的眼睛只轻微划伤,而我的孩子却陷入了昏迷。
This morning I got up and tried not to think about anything, tried to avoid contact with people too much, just tried to do my own thing. 早上起床,我尝试不去想任何事情,想尽量避免人群,只专注我自己。
Well you know she wants to be an actress, not just a singer, so maybe this is strategy. 你知道她想成为演员而不仅仅是歌手,所以这有可能是个策略。
They usually are. The build-up to these things is just too much. And lists like this don't help. 对于这些事情的炒作实在是太多了,像我们这样的许愿清单是没有用处的。
Life is just a series of trying to make up yout mind. 生活只是由一系列下让你的脑海。