
美 [keɪ]英 [keɪ]
  • abbr.一千;千米;公里;千字节
  • n.英语字母表的第 11 个字母;(化学元素)钾
  • 网络开;开氏温度;卢铸



1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 11 个字母the 11th letter of the English alphabet

开 - 搜搜百科 ... 分离,分开[ separate] kāi 开 kāi ...




Mr. Simon says clients in his native U. K. have been 'eager to put money into the U. S. ' this year. 西蒙说,今年,他的祖国英国的客户一直都很积极地把钱投入到美国来。
Mr. Blair has said he would give the proceeds to a charity benefiting U. K. armed forces. 布莱尔说,他将把所得收益捐给一个惠及英国部队的慈善机构。
O. K. Just a moment. and I'll check on it for you. Well, sir, your baggage seems to have been misplaced. 好,请等一下,我替你检查。啊,先生,你的行李好像被放错了地方。
Our boarding staff has a wealth of experience in looking after the children of parents from all over the U. K. and abroad. 我们负责寄宿管理工作的员工都具备丰富的相关经验,可以非常完善地照顾来自英国各地的孩子们。
Gender switches would not necessarily draw much attention at the courthouse, said the court's supervising judge, Jeffrey K. Oing. 法院的监督法官JeffreyK.Oing说性别改变不一定会在法院引起很大注意。
It appears that this theory is not so much wrong (the "O. K. Club" certainly existed) as it is incomplete. 看起来这理论好像还不错(O.K.俱乐部确实存在),不过很不完整。
Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die. --G. K. CHESTERTON. 勇气就其意义上讲几乎就是个矛盾,它意味着以一种时刻准备去死的形式表现一种强烈的求生欲望。
He had a year before assigned Colonel William K. Harrison to investigate its organizational weaknesses and search out a remedy for them. 一年前他就指派哈立逊上校,研究组织上的弱点,并寻求改进方法。
First, Europe's economic growth remains sluggish and likely will lag behind that of the U. K. and the U. 首先一个,据分析人士说,欧洲大陆的经济增长仍旧疲软,明年可能会落后于英国和美国。
In an exclusive interview with The Associated Press, Karr also said he tried to contact the Ramsey family. 在一个独家访谈中,相关记者K也表示他试图联络R的家人。
PEDR O. K. , if you want it that way. You finish the painting, and I''ll be happy to sign my name. I love to see an artist working. 好吧,如果是这样,你来画画,我来签名。我倒很爱看你们这些艺术家工作。
As investors scramble to protect themselves from the next credit flare-up in Europe, their worries are spreading to the U. K. 投资者急急忙忙地防范欧洲爆发下一轮信用危机之时,他们的担忧已经扩散到了英国。
And I know he was my boyfriend because he said, "I want you to be my girlfriend, " and I said, "O. K. " 我确认他是我的男朋友是因为他对我说:“我希望你做我的女朋友,”我说:“好的。”
B. K. thought Sue was just playing games. He couldn't understand how she could forgive him for such a terrible crime. 想这是sue玩的手段,他不明白她为什么要原谅一个罪犯。
The computer asked people to enter the total number of hill (n) and each time the maximum number allowed to move mountains just (k). 计算机请人输入山的总数(n)和每次允许搬山的最大数止(k)。
Less than a week later, the project was sold by original owner NTR Holding's Tessera Solar to K Road Power, aNew York investment firm. 一周后,这个项目被原来的发起人NTR控股的Tessear太阳能卖给KRoad电力公司,那是一家纽约的投资商。
The size of protection on the U. K. has roughly doubled since the year began, a move that far outpaces the run-up in Greek CDS last fall. 自今年年初以来,防范英国违约的CDS规模大约已经翻了一倍,远远超过去年秋季希腊CDS的增加速度。
They used to be everywhere, but I actually had to search around a few years ago. I think K-Mart finally had them. 过去,他们到处都能买得到,可事实上几年前我却到处地找。
Unless they are very strong, these accents are usually not as hard for foreigners to understand as the U. K. regional accents. 除非寓意非常强,否则这些口音还是不会比英国方言难理解。
He could at least drop me a line to let me know he's O. K. 至少他总要写封短信,让我知道他平安吧。
To fill the gap, he said, U. K. banks will have to raise more capital than they already raised, though how much will be enough isn't clear. 他说,为了弥补这个缺口,英国银行业必须筹集到比当前水平更多的资金,但到什么程度才够还不得而知。
Then, by the next day, that dish square's density will change by D[K] (which may be a positive, negative, or zero value). 然后,在第二天,这道菜广场的密度会改变用D[K](可能是一种积极的、消极的、或零价值)。
So you can immediately see that, of course, the value for kappa-- -- the torsional constant-- is a function of the length. 你可以马上看到,当然,K值…,扭力常数-,是长度的函数。
Those are more likely to contribute to the revenue growth the bank needs if it's ever to wriggle free of U. K. -government ownership. 如果苏格兰皇家银行有朝一日能够摆脱英国政府的所有,这些业务更有可能为该行所需的收入增长出一份力。
The weekly Profil magazine identified the man only as Andreas K. from Wiener Neustadt, south of Vienna, and said he asked not to be named. 《Profil》周刊只报道了这个男人是来自维也纳南部维纳·诺伊施塔特的安德里亚斯·K,因为他不愿公开姓名。
Life in the U. K. could get a whole lot cozier. The population's projected to rise at its fastest rate in at least a century. 英国的生活本应更温馨。英国人口预计以一个世纪以来最快的速度增长。
Inflation is up in the U. K. and price acceleration in Europe is now running ahead of central bankers' targets. 英国的通胀率在上升,而欧洲物价的加剧上涨现在已经超过央行的目标。
Because at first it was an obsession as she looked like Katherine, but then he realised she was completely different. 因为首先当他看起来长得像K的时候,那是令人困扰的。但是后来他发现她们是完全不同的。
U. K. government officials said killing the Libyan leader would be legal if it prevented civilian deaths as laid out in a U. N. resolution. 英国政府官员表示,如果消灭利比亚领导人可以实现联合国决议的既定目标,阻止平民死亡,那么斩首行动也是合法的。
News Corp. dropped its bid to take full control of BSkyB, amid a scandal over reporting tactics at at least one of its U. K. newspapers. 因旗下至少一家英国报纸采用的报道策略引发丑闻,新闻集团(NewsCorp.)放弃了全资控股英国天空广播公司(BSkyB)的计划。