keep out

  • v.防止进入;阻止;不参加
  • 网络禁止入内;遮挡;使…不入内

第三人称单数:keeps out 现在分词:keeping out 过去式:kept out

keep outkeep out

keep out


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... keep order 维持秩序 keep out 使其等在外面,不让进入,阻止 keep...out of... 把某人制止在……外 ...


“闲人免进”用英语怎么说_爱问知识人 ... No spitting 禁止吐痰 Keep out 禁止入内 Be Quiet 请安静 ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... keep on 继续(干) keep out 遮挡,使不入内 keep silence 保持沉默(安静) ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... keep on 继续(干) keep out 遮挡,使不入内 keep silence 保持沉默(安静) ...


搪_百度百科 ... 2. 同本义[ draw] 3. 抵挡[ keep out;ward off] 5. 骗取,混[ take pertunctorily] ...


人教版八年级下册英语重点短语 - 好研 ... 25. talk to/with 和……交谈 1. keep out 不准进,阻止进入 2. argue with sb. 和……争 …


初中英语复习资料 - 豆丁网 ... just now 刚才 166 keep out 不让 …… 进入 168 keep sb adj 让……保持…… ...

Sleeves were tight around the arms to keep out the wind, and the 'horse-hoof' shaped cuffs flared out to protect the hands. 袖子围绕着胳膊是紧绷的,以防止灌入风,袖口是马蹄型外翻的,用来保护手部。
A thin plank fastened to the side of a boat or to the sill of a port to keep out the sea and the spray. 挡水板,防浪板缚于船边或港基的薄木板。用来阻挡海水及其喷溅。
Plenty of good CEOs are bullies - the answer is to keep out of his way and if he lets rip at you, not to take it too personally. 许多CEO都很霸道,解决办法是,避开他,如果他对你大吼大叫,也不要太往心里去。
Her ragged dress and worn shawl did not keep out the cold and she tried to keep her bare feet from touching the frozen ground. 她褴褛的衣服和戴围巾并未御寒和她试图让她的脚裸接触空中解冻。
He will stay on as supreme military commander for a year or two after that, but will probably keep out of day-to-day decision-making. 之后一到两年,他仍将保留最高军事指挥官身份,但大概不会插手日常决策。
Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight. Do not take if tamper evident seal is broken or missing. Keep out of the reach of children. 阴凉干燥处保存,避免阳光,如果密封破损或是丢失,请不要使用,避免儿童接触。
In the middle of the circle was one hut that had a better roof than the others, so it would keep out the wind and the rain. 中间有一栋屋顶比其他的要好一些的石屋,因此它可以挡风避雨。
She set the time at 6. 30 pm so that the dark would keep out snooping eyes, and reportedly hired false brides to look like her. 她把时间安排在晚上6:30,希望黄昏能够阻止那些窥探者的目光。据报道,她甚至雇了长得很像自己的人假扮新娘。
spray detest agent, doors, Windows etc do not hope the parts should be sprayed to keep out, in case of gush to immediately with clean water. 喷憎水剂时,门、窗等不希望喷到的部位应予以遮挡,万一喷到应及时用清水洗净。
If I made any attempt to slur over or keep out of sight any item which I feared he would not like, it was sure to come out. 我若是企图略过或者隐瞒任何我担心他听了不会满意的项目,最后一定会被他发觉的。
"In the long term, politicians are not good at understanding financial reporting, and the more they keep out of it, the better, " says Ball. Ball教授认为,“政府官员不懂财务报告,从长远看,他们越少插手越好。”
A year went by during which Wainwright continued boxing , stayed in school, and managed to keep out of trouble. 一年之中,温赖特坚持练拳击,规规矩矩地上学尽量不去惹事生非。
Let's just keep out of his way today. 我们最好别去烦他吧!
If he know enough to keep out of It , he is a pretty good lawyer . 假使他了解至足以置身于其外,那么他已经是相当可观的法学家了。
He probably even chuckles to himself inwardly at the desperation of my plea, a desperation that I could scarcely keep out of my voice. 也许他还会在心里窃笑我这诉求的绝望,那种我几乎无法从声音中驱除的绝望。
My tuppence worth from the City trenches : try to keep out of his way , report success and watch the sits- vac ads . 我的建议是:设法置身事外,申报成绩,并关注招聘广告。
TAMPER RESISTANT; DO NOT USE IF IMPRINTED SEAL UNDER CAP IS BROKEN. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Store in a cool dry place. 并请留意:当瓶盖下面的压痕封印破损,请勿服用及选购,并请放在儿童无法接触的地方。于阴凉干燥处存放。
Obviously, alcohol, street drugs and cigarettes are at the top of the list of things to keep out of your body. 很明显,酒、街头毒品、香烟是你最不能接触的东西。
The moral state of scientific community then was so bad that it was very hard of resist the tempt of cheating and keep out of it. 当时的科学界的道德状况是如此糟糕,科学家在这种环境中进行研究.能抗拒怍弊的诱惑是不容易的,要做到时刻洁身自好是很难的。
At first, this was merely for function: to keep out the cold weather of the world only beginning to emerge from the great ice age. 一开始,这么做仅仅只是为了驱走天气的寒冷,那时世界刚刚进入大冰期时代。
Not for use by individuals under the age of 18 years. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Keep out of reach of children. 十八岁以下请勿使用;怀孕授乳妇女请勿使用;请存放在儿童拿不到的地方。
The local swimming pool was an agreeable place, with a high entrance fee imposed to keep out the lower orders. 当地的游泳池是个宜人的地方,但为了不让下等人进入,实行了高收费。
"Your Majesty, " came the reply in a squealing voice, "it is because before I left home my wife told me to keep out of crowds. " “回禀陛下,”一个尖啸的声音回答道,“因为我在离开家之前我的妻子就叮嘱我要远离人群。”
He's a very quitet sort of person and usually tries to keep out of arguments. 他是那种性情非常温和的人,通常总是尽量避免卷入争论。
The children have been warned to keep out of the fields while the crops are growing . 已经告诫孩子们不要在庄稼生长的时候走进庄稼地。
Keep out of the reach of children. Bottle has child resistant cap. Do not use if seal is broken or missing. 避免儿童接触,瓶子有儿童保护盖,如果密封破损或是丢失,请不要使用。
We haven't yet found any doors, but we think they might have hung animal skins at the cave mouth to keep out the cold. 我们没发现门,不过我们认为他们可能在洞口挂着动物的皮来御寒。
She gathered the shawl about her shoulders to keep out the wind. 她用披肩把肩头裹紧以挡风。
You can find somewhere else to sleep. Down in the hold, up on deck, it makes no matter. Just keep out of my sight. 你能在别处找到睡觉的地方的。下到货仓,上到甲板,随你便。只要别让我看到你。
Keep out of the reach of children. Tamper resistant: Do not use if outer seal is broken or missing. 请不要置于儿童能打仗的地方。为了防冒充:若外部密封条破坏或丢失,请不要使用。