keep up

  • na.支持;保持;继续;停歇
  • 网络维持;坚持;持续

第三人称单数:keeps up 现在分词:keeping up 过去式:kept up

keep upkeep up

keep up


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... keep one's word 守信 keep up 保持; 维持; 继续 knock at 敲 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... keep under 压制;控制 keep up 继续;坚持,维持 keep up with 跟上,不落后 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... keep one's word 守信 keep up 保持; 维持; 继续 knock at 敲 ...


考研英语常考固定词组(word下载版) - 豆丁网 ... keep to 坚持,保持 keep up 保持,维持,坚持 keep up with 跟上 ...


初二英语下册短语 - 豆丁网 ... keep together 在一起,动作协调, keep up 持续,使不低落, keep up with 跟上,不落后, ...


反响显著跟不上(Keep up)。沉默不是简单地指一味不说话,沉不住气的人容易失败,适时的沉默是一种智慧、一种技巧、一种 …


高考英语听力习语必备 ... keep in shape 保持健康 keep up 坚持下去 law school 法学院 ...


与up搭配的动词短语_嘉师堂_新浪博客 ... Keep up with 赶上 Keep up 继续、保持 Wake up 醒来 ...

Clark, who has sold more than 100 of the bags and is now looking for a production firm to help her keep up with orders. 克拉克说。她已经卖出100个这样的保护巾,现在正在找一家代工厂帮她应付订单。
With a planting season last only half a year, most processing industries do not have enough supply to keep up with the production. 由于种植季节只有半年,很多加工产业没有足够的供应来保持生产。
Well, a little less, I have to catch up with the end of the river, but I let the river flow on the way, I really keep up with it? 就差那么一点儿,我已经赶上了河尾,可惜我松懈了,河就这样流过了,我真地追不上了吗?
He said: "They are selling like hot cakes. We only officially launched four weeks ago but we cannot keep up with demand at the moment. " 他说:“泳衣正在热销,我们正式推出这种泳衣仅四周,但现在已供不应求。”
The second time I do not know, may be the time to keep up with a visa are separated by only a month. 第二次我不知道,可能是跟上一次签证的时间只隔了一个月。
You have clearly set goals for yourself and it seems to be a constant struggle for you to keep up with them. 你为自己清楚地确定了目标,而对于你来说,坚持这个目标是一个不断挣扎的过程。
This fun song has a pretty quick beat for your faster runs. Give it a try and see if you can keep up with it. 这首有趣的,适合快速跑的歌曲的节奏相当快。尝试一下,看看自己能不能跟上它。
Job hunters around the United States are struggling to keep up their spirits as they look for work, despite the poor economy. 美国各地的求职者在寻找工作时都在努力打起精神,尽管经济不景气。
This assumes you are quick enough to keep up for at least part of a lap. 要做到这一点你至少要在赛道的某一段跟得上别人。
To keep up his spirits, the sailor was voluntary to go on a very long voyage. The matter was decided by vote. 为了振作精神,海员自愿长途航行,这得由投票决定。
Man: To be honest, with all the new insurance products coming out it isn't easy to keep up with them all. 男:说实话,随着所有新的保险产品的出现,赶上他们很不容易。
"Whew" , you say to yourself "I've got to stop blinking my eyes the World is going faster now than I can keep up. " “呀”,你跟自己说:“这【生活】快到我都没法跟上节奏了,我都不敢眨眼了。”
The tall young man put my box on his cart and drove off at such a speed, that I had to run to keep up with him. 这个高个子的年轻人把我的箱子放在他的马车上赶车就跑开,其速度之快,我只有紧跑才能赶上他。
I'm the youngest in my family, and everyone is very funny, and I was always trying to keep up with them. I just loved making people laugh. 我是家中的老幺,每个人都恨有趣,我总是努力赶上他们,我就是喜欢逗人家开心。
Edward is always trying to keep up with the Joneses. 爱德华老是不断地和邻居比较。
The poor fellow went broke because his wife was always trying to keep up with the Joneses. 那个可怜的家伙破产了,因为他的妻子老是与左邻右舍比排场比阔气。
I thought when the drums started it would keep up forever. I expected to see people fall out of the boxes or throw their hats away. 我以为鼓一旦敲响便会一直响下去,我期望看到人们从包厢里跳下来,或是把帽子扔掉。
It is important for you to keep up the momentum and take it to the next level and the next focal point. 你们应该相信并运用自己的能量去保持这样的势头,好让它达到下一个阶段和焦点。
How much does it cost to keep up your large house and garden? 维护你的大房子和花园需要多少钱?
As everyone knows, is his own experience in another time, guilty of the same to keep up with a just a mistake. 殊不知,只是自己在又一次经历的时候,犯了跟上一次相同的错误罢了。
Paul Watson, captain of the Sea Shepherd ship tracking the whalers , says he is prepared to keep up the chase for weeks. 保罗沃森船长被海洋看护协会派来跟踪捕鲸船队,他说他已经准备好继续工作几个星期。
The sealed home depended on at least some of the individual plants being able to keep up with the lungs of one man. 这个封闭的家园至少能依靠某些个品种的植物来满足一个人的肺活量。
RSS is a straightforward way for you to keep up-to-date with the latest news from CHP. RSS是一种让你能时刻紧贴生防护中心最新消息的简易途径。
As you know, many PVC leather manufacturers have heavy burden to keep up with the high unit cost due to rising oil price. 如你所知,很多PVC皮革制造商沉重的负担,配合高单位成本由于油价上涨。
I ran after the man who stole my box, bumpinginto people, falling in the mud, trying to keep up with him. 我追赶着偷我箱子的人,时而撞到行人怀里,时而跌倒在泥水中,想尽力赶上他。
So I really encourage you to know this Web site, to keep up with it, because we are updating it as new information comes out all the time. 所以我强烈建议你能了解这个网站,并能跟上它,因为我们随时都在跟新,只要有新的信息,无论何时。
However, later inquiries revealed that the driver was wronged. The road had to be covered with such a speed to keep up with the schedule. 后来向旁人打听,说是冤枉司机了,这条路就得这么飚,才能按照时刻表的要求到达。
They also aspire to a higher place in society's pecking order, but in so doing force others in the rat race to run faster to keep up. 他们渴望能得到更高的社会地位,但这么做使得别人不得不在这场激烈的竞争中跑得更快来跟上他们。
You search for news or for a pair of shoes or to keep up with your favorite celebrity. 用户通过搜索来查看新闻,查找钟爱的鞋子,追踪最喜爱的名人动态。
Her mother wanted her to keep up on her English skills as if she was going to an American school. 她的妈妈希望她能把英语学习的进度保持得跟在美国一样。