
美 [kip]英 [kiːp]
  • v.继续;遵守;养;放
  • n.生活必需品;生活费用;城堡主楼
  • 网络保持;保存;Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study

过去式:kept 第三人称单数:keeps 现在分词:keeping

keep track,keep secret,keep promise,keep word,keep going
probably keep,permanently keep,away keep


v. n.


1.[i][t](使)保持,处于to stay in a particular condition or position; to make sb/sth do this


2.[i]继续,重复(做某事)to continue doing sth; to do sth repeatedly


3.[t]~ sb使耽搁;使延误to delay sb

不退还not give back

4.[t]~ sth保有;留着;不退还to continue to have sth and not give it back or throw it away

为某人保留save for sb

5.[t](为某人)保留,留下to save sth for sb


6.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.放,存放,贮存(在某处)to put or store sth in a particular place


7.[t]~ sth开设,经营,管理(商店或餐馆)to own and manage a shop/store or restaurant


8.[t]~ sth养;饲养to own and care for animals

健康about health

9.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.(询问或谈论某人的健康)used to ask or talk about sb's health

食物of food

10.[i]保持不坏to remain in good condition


11.[t]~ a secret.~ sth secret (from sb)保守(秘密)to know sth and not tell it to anyone


12.[t]~ your promise/word.~ an appointment遵守;笃守;恪守to do what you have promised to do; to go where you have agreed to go


13.[t]~ a diary, an account, a record, etc.记下,记录,记载(日记、账目、记录等)to write down sth as a record

供养support sb

14.[t]~ sb/yourself供养;养活to provide what is necessary for sb to live; to support sb by paying for food, etc.


15.[t]保护;使免受to protect sb from sth


keep going

(在身处困境或遭难时)尽力维持下去,坚持活下去to make an effort to live normally when you are in a difficult situation or when you have experienced great suffering

keep sb going

足以使某人维持(或支撑)to be enough for sb until they get what they are waiting for


翻译:How do you like the food?_百度知道 ... smeels : 闻起来 keeps保持 turns : 旋转,轮换,变质 ...


新概念英语2-3册课后答案<7>_教师... ... , b. sells 卖) , d. keeps 保存) a. holds 握,拿) ...

Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study

The Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study (KEEPS) is an ongoing study in which women who are close to menopause (no …


... touching adj. 动人的, 令人同情的 keeps n. 保持, 保养, 生计, 监狱, [史]要塞 sister n. 姐妹, 姐, 女会员, 修女, 妹 ...


B级字大字版_英文单字达人 ... day 日天白天 keeps 保留; doctor 医生博士 ...


2012年职称英语卫生类考试历年真题,2012年辽... ... plays 玩;C项 keeps 保持和D项 maintains 维护,都不适合。 ...


矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译_专业词汇... ... keatite 热液石英 keeps 罐笼座 keeve 洗矿桶 ...


... touching adj. 动人的, 令人同情的 keeps n. 保持, 保养, 生计, 监狱, [史]要塞 sister n. 姐妹, 姐, 女会员, 修女, 妹 ...

I can do nothing with him and he can do nothing with me, he thought. Not as long as he keeps this up. 我拿它一点没办法,它也拿我一点没办法,他想。只要它老是这样干下去,双方都一点没办法。
When Apple does a public beta, it usually keeps it out of the hands of the, you know, public. 通常苹果进行公测时,不会拿广大用户做测试。
It is quite a loud ground, but I enjoy the atmosphere, it gives you a bit more motivation and keeps you focused. 这是一个很喧嚣的场地,不过我很享受这样的球场氛围,这会给你更多的动力,并且让你保持专注。
The company says the system allows an electric vehicle to travel theoretically "unlimited distances" if it keeps swapping batteries. 这间公司表示,如果持续交换电池,这套系统理论上能让一台电动车一直行走,没有距离限制。
That's part of why Berkshire always keeps at least $20 billion cash on hand for unforeseen events or investment opportunities, he said. 那也是为什么伯克郡公司总是在手上保持200亿美金已备突发事件之需和投资机会,他说。
The boss keeps finding fault with my work; for some reason he's been getting at me all day. 老板老是挑剔我的工作,不知为什么他老是整天纠缠着我。
The problem is that sin keeps us from having any relationship with God, let alone an eternal relationship with him in heaven. 问题是,罪防止我们与上帝有密切的关系,更不用说与他在天堂里有永恒的关系了。
Earning twenty dollars a week , John barely keeps his head above water . 约翰一星期赚二十元,虽然不用举债度日,但过得很勉强。
What's changed is the perception that China will soon take over the world if it keeps growing at 10 percent a year. 改变的只是那种认为如果中国保持每年10%的增长率它将很快超过美国的看法。
Such a structure lends rigidity to the work as a whole and keeps its shape when hung on the wall. 这种结构使得刚性的工作作为一个整体,并保持它的形状时,挂在墙上。
If he keeps breaking up with you, then come to you to get reconciled . 如果他不断的与你分手,然后又来找你和好。
The amount is sent to the next level, but the holding manager keeps part of it as a salary for the members of his holding brotherhood. 数额送到下一一级但持保留经理作为工资部分的成员,他的兄弟控股。
Although he finds it easier to do business in Spain and keeps an apartment there, it is no longer the country in which he wants to live. 虽然他发现在西班牙做生意更容易,并在那里保留了一间公寓,但他不再愿意在那个国家生活。
Echo is still ready to answer us when we call her, and she keeps up her old habit of having the last word. 当我们叫她时,爱蔻仍然准备好要回答我们,而且仍然保持着说最后一个字的老习惯。
The central truth of that logic still seems to be apparent as the Treasury keeps finding takers for American debt. 随着财政部为美国债务不断地找到接受者,这套逻辑的中心事实似乎依旧清晰可见。
And that explains why H-P keeps hammering on this point about 'confidential information'. 这就解释了惠普为何一再强调“机密信息”这一点。
It's the pain of the original wound that keeps you locked into the pattern of trying to get your needs met with similar people. 因为正是这伤痛,你被困在了这个不断从类似的人身上寻求满足的模式中。
Edward keeps asking to come home. It breaks my heart. I can't take care of him anymore. I did what I thought was best. 爱德华一直要回家。这让我心碎。我无法再照顾他。我做了我认为对他最好的。
This heat keeps the surface of the falling ice slightly warmer than its surroundings, turning it into a soft hail known as graupel. 这些热量使得这些降落的冰雹的表面稍微较周围的环境略暖,并使得它们变成软雹,也就是霰。
carry--on or cabin baggage, which the passenger keeps with him in the passenger compartment of the aircraft. 手提或放置于机舱的行李,亦可随身携带。行李将被放置于乘客舱。
Google keeps all links on its websites blue for a reason: the color is familiar to most users, which makes it easy to locate. Google在其网站上保持所有的链接都是蓝色只有一个原因:大多数用户对这个颜色熟悉,这使得很容易定位。
One of her impressive characteristics is her optimism. She is such an optimist that she always keeps cheerful. 少琴小姐最大的特点还有,总是保持快乐的心情,是一个乐观向上的人。
my sister has mistaken me for a mushroom . she keeps me in the dark and feeds me shit. 我老姊为了一朵蘑菇而错怪我。她把我关在暗无天日的地方,喂我吃狗屎。
"I do not know if it [demonstrating] affects public opinion, but it keeps the awareness there, " she said. 她说:“我不知道游行是否会影响民意,但是游行会让大家继续关注这件事。”
This basically poisons those cells and keeps them from carrying oxygen to the heart and from the heart to the rest of the body. 它主要是使红细胞中毒,阻止它们携带氧气进入心脏和将氧气从心脏运输到身体其他部位。
If Mr Uribe keeps bad company, it is the result of an instinctive reluctance to leave any political space to his right. 假如乌里韦与损友相交,那么这是他本能地不愿意给他的右翼政府留有任何政治空间的结果。
Lyle: You may be right. I told him he's going to get canned if he keeps it up. I think I'll have another talk with him. 莱尔:可能你是对的。我告诉过他,如果再这样下去的话,他会被炒的。我想我还要与他谈谈。
The Athenian does not mind a man to be clever, as long as he keeps it to himself. 雅典人不介意人家聪明伶俐,只要他只对他自己施展那份聪明伶俐的劲儿就行了。
Missoula, Montana, is one of these towns, but it possesses some indefinable spirit that keeps it from being confused with any other. 蒙大拿州的米苏拉就是这类城镇中的一个,但它有某种难以说明的精神,能将它和其他城镇区分开来。
"This death really shows the bottom line of what is intolerable keeps getting lower, " he said. 这起死亡事件显示出容忍的底线在继续下降。