
美 [kɪd]英 [kɪd]
  • n.小孩;年轻人;小山羊;小山羊皮革
  • v.开玩笑;哄骗;戏弄;欺骗
  • adj.妹妹;弟弟
  • 网络儿童;童装;孩子

复数:kids 过去式:kidded 现在分词:kidding

little kid,young kid,cute kid
take kid,raise kid


1.[c](informal)小孩;年轻人a child or young person


handle/treat, etc. sb with kid gloves

小心应付某人to deal with sb in a very careful way so that you do not offend or upset them

kids stuff

极容易的事;“小儿科”;小孩子都懂得的道理something that is so easy to do or understand that it is thought to be not very serious or only suitable for children


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Plan B - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... My Life( 我的生命) Kids( 孩子) Dead and Buried( 死和埋没) ...


首页-唯购专业全球代购-淘宝网 ... Men 男士 Kids 小孩 women 女士 ...


你觉得孩子们(kids)应该在何时被以成人身分对待? 有哪些特质是青少年们转变到成人身分时应该增加的?


同问谁有电影半熟少年Kids)的中文字幕 下载地址也行 注意不是半熟少年激杀案 也不是天地无伦 滑板公园。。 2010-09-21 …


电影超感应(KIDS)片尾曲慎原敬之-Firefly.mp3 - mcucrdbh: 志光 ...Bejaminchong: 这麽偏远的地方你也能找...雨狐: http://hi.b...g...


儿童专区Kids)中,LED ES8000提供了各种免费的VOD视频点播、儿童电子书等内容,家长可以为孩子选择合适的内容, …

One of the other kids in first grade told me his mother said you could make things stick together with a paste made of flour and water. 一个一年级的小孩告诉我,他妈妈说用面粉和水调成浆糊可以粘东西。
No doubt a great many Americans would be up in arms if social agencies sent kids out to promote the use of condoms. 毫无疑问,如果政府让儿童去宣传安全套的使用,很多美国人会站出来斗争。
You know your kids have grown up when: your daughter begins to put on lipstick and your son starts to wipe it off. 当你女儿开始涂口红,而你儿子擦去口红时,你就知道他们已经长大了。
Now kids will come up to me and their first question is usually how much I bench. 现在的孩子会出现我和他们的第一个问题通常是我多么替补。
Although you may be ready to move on, your kids may still be reeling from the idea of their parents no longer being together. 尽管你准备好忘记过去、继续前行,但你的孩子可能还承受着爸爸妈妈以后不在一起的不良影响。
The most effective thing Jamal's school did was to make kids sit next to students they didn't know during lunch period for a week. 假毛儿的学校做的效果最好的事情,就是在一整个星期的午饭时间让孩子们坐在陌生的孩子中间。
There was laughter-the merry mirth of kids out on a lark, having no care at all what consequences their actions might have. 伴随而来的是一阵哄笑,那群幸灾乐祸的小子根本对后果不管不顾。
The spa and fitness center is as big as an Olympic sized swimming pool and the ship has four kids' clubs and a shopping precinct. 水疗和健身中心与奥运会游泳池一般大小。此外,该船还有四个儿童俱乐部和一个购物区。
Mom smiled, and said that I said was the truth, because the kids like to play the best and told me to play Chu Mingtang have a happy. 妈妈笑了,说我说的是心里话,因为小孩最喜欢玩了,并告诉我玩出名堂就有了幸福。
Summer camp kids get a hand with an old Asian tradition, with a twist, pounding rice cakes infused with blueberry juice. 参加夏令营的孩子们体验了一项古老的亚洲风俗,他们敲击着经过改良之后浸润着蓝莓汁的新型年糕。
I grew up in a small town in Iowa. There was a sheriff in town that none of us kids liked. 我是在爱荷华州的一个小镇上长大的。镇上有一个治安官,我们这群孩子都不喜欢他。
As best I could tell, Mike and I were the only poor kids in this school. Mike was like me in that he was in this school by a twist of fate. 迈克和我可以说是学校里仅有的两个穷孩子。他和我一样由于命运的捉弄而进了这所学校。
Easy to get angry because their children to drink milk, milk, Hua Chang, kids are prone to diarrhea, milk, also carry a variety of bacteria. 容易生气,因为他们的孩子喝牛奶,牛奶,华喳嗯,孩子容易腹泻,牛奶,还带有大量病菌。
It's an important lesson for kids to understand -- that some of these laws get broken by accident and that laws have to be interpreted. 对孩子们来说这是一个重要的教训—有些法律是人们无意之中触犯的这些法律应该得到解释,以被人们所知晓。
We have been going thru a bit of a lifestyle creep for our kids. 我们为了孩子而转变了些许生活方式,不过孩子们开心就好。
As the weeks wore on, her kids quickly made new friends up and down the block. 几周过去了,她的孩子们很快便在小区内左邻右舍交了一些新朋友。
Think back a year or two. Picture yourself at a cocktail party or maybe picking up the kids from soccer. 想想前两年,设想你正参加一个鸡尾酒舞会亦或接你踢完足球的孩子回家。
Shortly before Christmas, there was a non-league match against a team sponsored by an inner city church. The kids were mostly black. 圣诞节前有一场并非联赛的摔跤比赛,对阵市内教堂赞助的一支队伍,大部分都是黑人小孩。
Well, I've had the privilege of seeing my gay friends being parents and watching their kids grow up in a loving environment. 但是,我却有幸看到我的同性恋朋友成为了父母,并且将孩子在一个充满爱的环境中抚养长大。
If you're wondering how much your kids' education might cost you, download the App for FREE and start planning for it now! 您孩子的理想教育需要几多储蓄?马上下载程式,一起为您孩子的理想未来开展计划!
Now, he praises single mothers for scrimping to put "a great meal at the table for her kids. " 如今,他赞扬单身母亲缩衣节食地“让孩子享用丰盛的食物”。
Like this morning, Julie wanted me to take the early shift with our kids. I said it was her turn. 就像今早,茱莉想让我早上带孩子,我告诉她轮到她的时候,她开始不满。
After they put the kids to bed, he often disappears into his basement office until the wee hours of the morning. 哄孩子上床后,他常常会消失在地下室办公室,直到第二天凌晨。
I also like playing with the kids, but I am happy, my life is in the laughter in the past has never been sorry to leave. 我也跟孩子们一样爱玩,但我是幸福的,我的一生都是在欢声笑语中走过的,从未留下过遗憾。
The money did not come from part-time jobs. The kids earned the money by getting high scores on math and reading tests. 这些钱不是打临工挣来的,而是这些孩子在数学和阅读考试中取得高分的奖励。
It seems all the kids have to go through this period, recently Michelle began to ask question about death too. 好像所有的孩子都得过这一段吧,最近,雯馨也开始问我关于死亡的问题。
My kids tell me to put them on so I don't freak people out when they see me with a goofy hairdo and no makeup. ' 我的孩子们告诉我要戴上太阳镜,这样人们看到我怪异的发型和素面朝天的样子就不会被吓着了。
If I had kids climbing the fence up and down all day, they don't know whey they're doing it. 如果我的孩子整天爬篱笆,他们其实不知道自己为什么这么干。
And why not? Playing dress up, asking for candy and getting it, staying out a bit late and carving pumpkins--it's all the stuff kids love. 当然了,在这天孩子们可穿着奇装异服,可索取并获得糖果,可在外逗留久一点,可以玩刻南瓜,这些都是他们喜欢做的事。
We Gyptians have been hurt more than most by these child thieves. -I need to go North with you, and help rescue those kids. 这些偷小孩的强盗,我们杰普顿人是深受其害。--我得跟你一起去北方,帮助你救出那些孩子。