kind of

  • na.有点儿;有几分
  • 网络种类;稍微;相当

kind ofkind of

kind of


大学英语四级常用词组 ... kill off 消灭,杀光 kind of (状语)有点儿,有几分 bend one's knee to 向…跪下,屈服于 ...


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... box 盒子 kind of 有几分 south 南 ...


八年级下册英语词组_百度知道 ... in front of 在……前面 kind of 种类 culture palace 文化宫殿 ...


中考英语复习资料_百度知道 ... keep quiet 保持安静 kind of 有点儿;稍微 knock down 击倒;撞倒 ...


Prison Break 越狱第一季 第一集... ... to hell with: 让…见鬼去吧 kind of: 有点儿,相当 take a seat: 坐下来 ...


新目标七年级下词组 - 豆丁网 ... a bit 一点 kind of 一点 5 have black long and curly hair 有一头黑,长卷发 6 ...

So the guy kind of reluctantly let us in and we sat down on the floor. 终于那个男人很不情愿的让我们进屋,于是我们坐了下来。
In Russia, a very different kind of uprising replaced the aristocracy of the czars with that of the Soviet Politburo. 在俄罗斯,性质完全不同的起义,推翻了沙皇的贵族统治,取而代之的是苏共中央政治局的贵族统治。
He was the kind of guy you would tell little children, "Go to bed now or Mr. Benedetti will get you. " 他甚至是那种你可以用来吓唬那些不想睡觉的小孩的那种家伙--“快睡觉去,要不毕讷德提先生就要来了”。
We have prepared this Birth Plan to help you understand our philosophy and the kind of care we hope to have for the birth of our child. 我们准备了这份生产计划书,希望能够帮助你们理解我们生孩子的理念以及我们在孩子出生这个问题上所希望得到的照料方式。
'Very few people were looking for the kind of growth numbers that were actually printed, ' he said. 他说,很少有人期望能实现不错的增长,即使增长数据就明明白白地摆在那里。
The simplest kind of proposition, an elementary proposition, asserts the existence of a state of affairs. 最简单的命题,即基本命题,断有一个事态的存在。
For a week in October shoppers were treated to a very different kind of store assistant. 十月里的一个星期,一个非常不一样的店员接待了顾客。
I told him and he had some words of wisdom about what kind of a life I'd be getting into and he definitely shaped my artistic perception. 我跟他讲过,他给了一些忠告,说我当演员的话将会过一种什么样的生活。他对我的艺术观肯定是有影响的。
Like the kind of woman, fulfill their duties, and the officials of the poised the old couple, they say. 像那位善良的女人,恪尽职守的官员,和那对从容淡定的老夫妇,他们视死如归。
What we talked about was if she were to come on board that's the kind of thing she would be interested in doing. 我们谈论的是如果她在船上,这样的事情她会感兴趣去做。
It's kind of a nightmare for those of us trying to understand it. 对于我们那些人来说,尽力地去了解它们是一种梦魇。
As I said at the beginning, in a way Wall Street's self-centered, self-absorbed behavior has been kind of funny. 正如我在文章开始说的,在某种程度上,华尔街这种以自我为中心的,孤芳自赏的行为有点可笑。
A kind of mission of a photographer somewhere calls me to compile all my photographic works to communicate and share with you by the camera. 冥冥中一种影人的使命召唤着我,我整理了半生所摄作品,旨在用镜头说话,与您交流和分享。
And on top of that, it's kind of neat because, as much as I love acting, this is a chance for me to share a bit more of my personality. 而且在此基础上,这机会满好的,因为就像我爱演戏一样,这是一个让我分享多一点我的个性的机会。
"If you see this kind of behavior, it's really wise for that person to get an evaluation by a mental health professional, " she said. 如果你发现了这类行为,让他去精神病学专家那儿做个评估是很明智的。
And so, gradually over these three days, you start off kind of trying to figure out, why am I listening to all this irrelevant stuff? 因此,在为期三天的TED会议里,你开始会试图弄明白为什么我要听这些彼此无关的演讲?
And you see me worried and trying to protect my child, because you don't leave anyone with this kind of child, even a minister. 你可以看到我很担心,试图保护我的孩子,因为你不会把那样的孩子留给任何人,即使是一个部长。
There was a time when this kind of advice would have been very popular and not seen as controversial at all. 曾经有那么一个时期,类似的建议相当流行,根本不会引发争议。
This kind of lighting system was one in which lights were connected in a series circuit, so if one failed, the whole circuit failed. 这种照明系统是把光源连结到一圈一圈的回路之上,所以如果有一个循环坏掉了,那么整个设备也坏了。
The Christian church shows the world what kind of community is possible when believers come together and serve one another in the Lord. 教会当向世人彰显信徒聚集在主里彼此服事时会造就怎样的群体。
Well is the kind of mosquito-like bottle, the next smooth the beam, wall chisel too Guang Liu, there is no place for climbing. 井是那种大肚瓶似的,下畅上束,井壁凿得光溜,没有可供攀援的地方。
If there are too many results to easily manage, use one of these buttons to see only the kind of file you are interested in. 如果结果太多而难以管理,请使用这些按钮之一来查看您感兴趣的文件种类。
or to the kind of specialized spray spray shoes shoes perfume. 或一种专门喷雾香水喷雾鞋鞋。
If you don't feel the losses , if they don't hurt you and humble you, that's when you know you're not cut out for this kind of work . 如果你无动于衷,如果你不再为病人的离去感到难过,那才是你不能做医生的时候。
By means of the qualitative theory, we obtain sufficient conditions and a necessary condition for this kind of equations. 运用常微分方程定性理论的方法,获得了这类方程所有解有界的充分条件和必要条件。
This kind of tool is "must have" , since all of your private data is usually recoverable by anybody even after you delete it. 这种工具是“必须有”,因为您的私人所有数据通常是由人可收回即使您将其删除。
What was weird was to be on television and be a little. . . not famous. . . but, you know, having people kind of know you. 让我别扭的是出现在电视上,而且有点···不是说出名···而是,我是说,有的人会知道一些关于你的事情。
oh, the mountains of crap that you crawl through on all fours, you know, I think I selectively kind of forget most of that. 哦,你四肢着地爬过的垃圾山,你知道,我认为我选择性地忘记了大部分过去。
But it just could be a sign of the kind of intemperate policies many hope a future Libya will avoid, and what help now could prevent. 但是,这可能正是一种过激政策的迹象,很多人希望未来的利比亚能避免出现这样没有节制的政策,也希望现在提供的支持能避免发生这种问题。
Mr Hayward was appointed with a mission to be a different kind of leader from his ambitious, visionary predecessor. 唐熙华在上任时身怀一项使命:作为领导,他必须有别于野心勃勃、富有远见的前任。