
美 [kaɪnd]英 [kaɪnd]
  • n.种类;同类的人(或事物)
  • adj.体贴的;慈祥的;友好的;宽容的
  • 网络和蔼的;善良的;仁慈的

比较级:kinder 最高级:kindest 复数:kinds

same kind,offer kind,face kind,kind act


1.[c][u]同类的人(或事物);种类a group of people or things that are the same in some way; a particular variety or type


in kind

以实物支付;以货代款;以服务偿付consisting of goods or services, not money

a kind of

(表示不确切)某种,几分,隐约used to show that sth you are saying is not exact

kind of

稍微;有几分;有点儿slightly; in some ways

nothing of the kind/sort

(强调情况与所说的大不相同)决不是那么回事,一点也不,才不哩;没有的事used to emphasize that the situation is very different from what has been said

of a kind

不怎么样,徒有其名(指不如本应有的那么好)not as good as it could be

one of a kind

独一无二;独特the only one like this

something of the/that kind

(与所言)类似的事物something like what has been said


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... thriller n. 恐怖电影或小说 kind n. 种类 opera n. 歌剧 ...


形容人性格的词汇 ... just 正直的 kind 仁慈的,和蔼的 kind-hearted 好心的 ...


小学英语分类单词表 ... nice 好的 kind 善良的 smart 聪明的 ...


形容人性格的词汇 ... just 正直的 kind 仁慈的,和蔼的 kind-hearted 好心的 ...


从A到Y开头的英语单词大全_百度文库 ... K kangaroo 袋鼠 kind 和蔼;亲切的 kitchen 厨房 ...

It's kind of a nightmare for those of us trying to understand it. 对于我们那些人来说,尽力地去了解它们是一种梦魇。
As I said at the beginning, in a way Wall Street's self-centered, self-absorbed behavior has been kind of funny. 正如我在文章开始说的,在某种程度上,华尔街这种以自我为中心的,孤芳自赏的行为有点可笑。
A kind of mission of a photographer somewhere calls me to compile all my photographic works to communicate and share with you by the camera. 冥冥中一种影人的使命召唤着我,我整理了半生所摄作品,旨在用镜头说话,与您交流和分享。
With the kind assistance of him, I have translated the poem into Chinese. 在他的帮助下我已把这首诗译成汉语。
And on top of that, it's kind of neat because, as much as I love acting, this is a chance for me to share a bit more of my personality. 而且在此基础上,这机会满好的,因为就像我爱演戏一样,这是一个让我分享多一点我的个性的机会。
In order to make best use of my time, I would like to be able to use your library facilities , I'm writing to ask for your kind permission. 为了最充分地利用好我的时间,我很想能够使用贵图书馆的设施,我写信的目的就是想征得您的许可。
"If you see this kind of behavior, it's really wise for that person to get an evaluation by a mental health professional, " she said. 如果你发现了这类行为,让他去精神病学专家那儿做个评估是很明智的。
And so, gradually over these three days, you start off kind of trying to figure out, why am I listening to all this irrelevant stuff? 因此,在为期三天的TED会议里,你开始会试图弄明白为什么我要听这些彼此无关的演讲?
And you see me worried and trying to protect my child, because you don't leave anyone with this kind of child, even a minister. 你可以看到我很担心,试图保护我的孩子,因为你不会把那样的孩子留给任何人,即使是一个部长。
There was a time when this kind of advice would have been very popular and not seen as controversial at all. 曾经有那么一个时期,类似的建议相当流行,根本不会引发争议。
Well is the kind of mosquito-like bottle, the next smooth the beam, wall chisel too Guang Liu, there is no place for climbing. 井是那种大肚瓶似的,下畅上束,井壁凿得光溜,没有可供攀援的地方。
If there are too many results to easily manage, use one of these buttons to see only the kind of file you are interested in. 如果结果太多而难以管理,请使用这些按钮之一来查看您感兴趣的文件种类。
or to the kind of specialized spray spray shoes shoes perfume. 或一种专门喷雾香水喷雾鞋鞋。
If you don't feel the losses , if they don't hurt you and humble you, that's when you know you're not cut out for this kind of work . 如果你无动于衷,如果你不再为病人的离去感到难过,那才是你不能做医生的时候。
By means of the qualitative theory, we obtain sufficient conditions and a necessary condition for this kind of equations. 运用常微分方程定性理论的方法,获得了这类方程所有解有界的充分条件和必要条件。
However, Facebook said the use of the networking site in the Australian case was thought to be the first of its kind. 但Facebook表示,在澳大利亚这一案件中使用该社交网站送达法律文书,据信是此类案例中的第一桩。
This kind of tool is "must have" , since all of your private data is usually recoverable by anybody even after you delete it. 这种工具是“必须有”,因为您的私人所有数据通常是由人可收回即使您将其删除。
Not a word. I gathered it was a clerical or executive job of some kind, because he had the appearance. And his hands were soft. 一句也没说。我推测他是一个办公室的工作人员或者干的是某种行政上的工作,因为他具有这种外表。而他的手很软。
What was weird was to be on television and be a little. . . not famous. . . but, you know, having people kind of know you. 让我别扭的是出现在电视上,而且有点···不是说出名···而是,我是说,有的人会知道一些关于你的事情。
oh, the mountains of crap that you crawl through on all fours, you know, I think I selectively kind of forget most of that. 哦,你四肢着地爬过的垃圾山,你知道,我认为我选择性地忘记了大部分过去。
In the world, red is often considered a kind of color for get-up-and- go, while gold is generally regarded as the symbol of high - quality. 世界范围内红色大都被认为是一种积极向上的颜色,而金色一般被视作高品质的象征。
Less mysterious, he said, is the matter of fostering the kind of innovative thinking that leads to scientific breakthroughs. 他说,培养导致科学突破的创新思维方式的这件事情,并不神秘。
It was this kind of navel gazing that led to its own flotation in 1999, after years of often rancorous debate among the partners. 正是这种专注的自我审视,让高盛集团在经历了合伙人之间常常满怀恶意的多年争论之后,于1999年整体上市。
After a kidnapping, she did the kind of bedrock detective work Russian prosecutors would not. 在一次诱骗事件后,她担任起了那种一般俄罗斯检查官不会做的基层侦探工作。
Even with the new kind of display, correlation of reflections is not always as simple as it may appear. 即使采用这种新型显示方式,反射波的对比往往亦非易事。
Now, a kind of snakeskin print might be just the thing for a fashionable octopus trying to blend in with the smart set. 现在,像蛇皮一样的图案可能非常适于一只时髦的章鱼尝试与背景相混合。
The prices quoted above do not include any taxes, duties, ~s and any other charges of any kind which may be levied. 上述报价不包括税款、关税、进口税及其他各种可能征收的费用在内。
Among all the learned men and Samanas, of which I knew many, there was one of this kind, a perfected one, I'll never be able to forget him. 在所有的智者之中,其中有许多是我所熟知的,只有一个人在这方面堪称完美的典范,我永远无法将他忘怀。
This kind of approach would be a great deal better than the desperate improvisation we witnessed last autumn. 比起我们去年秋见到的孤注一掷的临时做法,这种方法可能要好得多。
How much of the student population is involved in this kind of thing? 但这在学生中占多大比例呢?