
美 [kaɪnd]英 [kaɪnd]
  • n.种;类;方法;性质;种类;同类的人(或事物)
  • adj.体贴的;慈祥的;友好的;宽容的;厚道的;和蔼的;亲切的;充满柔情的
  • 网络最亲切的;最亲切;最好的

比较级:kinder 最高级:kindest 复数:kinds

same kind,offer kind,face kind,kind act


1.[c][u]同类的人(或事物);种类a group of people or things that are the same in some way; a particular variety or type


in kind

以实物支付;以货代款;以服务偿付consisting of goods or services, not money

a kind of

(表示不确切)某种,几分,隐约used to show that sth you are saying is not exact

kind of

稍微;有几分;有点儿slightly; in some ways

nothing of the kind/sort

(强调情况与所说的大不相同)决不是那么回事,一点也不,才不哩;没有的事used to emphasize that the situation is very different from what has been said

of a kind

不怎么样,徒有其名(指不如本应有的那么好)not as good as it could be

one of a kind

独一无二;独特the only one like this

something of the/that kind

(与所言)类似的事物something like what has been said


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And we were talking about something, or arguing, and he said to me, in the kindest way possible, 'Leonard, you are not CEO any more. 有时我俩商讨(或争论)时,他会以尽可能委婉的口气提醒我,‘伦纳德,您已不再是CEO。’
King Lune was the kindest-hearted of men and on seeing his enemy in this regrettable condition he forgot all his anger. 国王伦恩是男子汉中最为慈悲心肠的,眼见他的敌人处于这种懊悔不迭的境地,他把愤怒全都忘记了。
Just the other day I heard a friend tell a group of men proudly that his wife was the kindest person he had ever known. 就在前几天,我听到一位朋友骄傲地告诉一群男人,说他的太太是他所认识的最仁慈的人。
"He was the kindest human being, " she said. "I feel left with nobody to inspire me any more. " “他是最善良的人,”她说。“我觉得没有人留下了激励我了”
He was one of the sweetest, kindest, most talented and generous men I've ever known. 他是我所知道的最温柔、最善良、最具天才和最慷慨的人之一。
Don't you think it would be kindest to put him to sleep? 您不觉得最仁慈的办法就是让它安眠吗?
I would appreciate your kindest understanding and hope to be able to receive your products catalogue soon. 在此恳请您的理解,并希望能够在近日收到贵方的产品手册。
It was too late though, and I felt that the kindest thing I could do now would be walk away. 然而为时已晚,我感到此时唯有走开才是最积德的事。
It was too late though, and I felt that the kindest thing I could now would be walk away. 然而太迟了,我感到此时走开才是最积德的事。
Linton lavished on her the kindest caresses and tried to cheer her by the fondest words. 林顿在她身上不惜施以最温柔的爱抚,而且用最亲昵的话想使她高兴。
Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream. It pays to help others. 张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈有过因为他的鼓励,我终于实现我的梦想帮助别人是值得的。
The kindest friend there could ever be is the kind of friend you are to me . Happy birthday! 如有诤友,那就是像你对我那样关怀的朋友我。生日快乐!
kindest friend there could ever The be is the kind of friend you are to me. Happy Birthday! 世上如有诤友,那就是像你对我那样关怀的朋友。祝你生日快乐!
She represents her mother as the kindest mother in the world. 她把她的妈妈描绘成世界上最好的母亲。
For the power given by the kindest god and the highest law of the Great Republic, I announce you Earl Warrior! 以我们最仁慈的神之名,以及根据我们共和国最高的法律,我授予你沃雷尔伯爵的称号!
Steerforth! What can you mean! ' I cried. ' You're the best, the most intelligent, the kindest of men! ' “斯提福兹!你在说什么呀!”我叫道,“你是最优秀、最聪明、最好心肠的人!”
A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. 义人顾惜他牲畜的命;恶人的怜悯也是残忍。
clothes and hat is neat , face is clean and fresh , the kindest , natural smile , want to have certain knowledge to applying for an unit. 衣冠整洁,面容干净清新,最亲切,自然的微笑,要对应聘单位有一定的了解。
The degree of variation is still debated, but the kindest way to describe the tongue map is an oversimplification. 尽管差异的程度仍然面临争议,但是以味觉的种类方式来描绘舌头地图却显得过于简单化。
m writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your kindest nursing during my stay at the hospital. 我写信的目的是要向您表达我衷心的感谢,谢谢您在我住院期间对我的精心护理。
In the Eurozone, forecasting over the past few years has been so wayward that it is kindest to say no more. 在欧元区,过去几年的预测非常离谱,我们最好对此不要再加以评论。
The merchant promised to do this, and in the kindest manner said: "Here, take the key of my warehouse and set your jar where you please. " 商人答应代为保管,非常和善的说:「喂!你把仓库的钥匙拿去,随你高兴把瓶子随便安放。回来时,自己可在原处找着你的东西。」
You know what? In my eyes, you are the kindest, most lovable and beautiful woman in the world. 你知道吗?在我的眼里,你是最善良,最可爱,最漂亮的。
As I had created the embarrassing situation, I knew the kindest thing I could do was walk away. 因为是我造成了那个尴尬的局面,我知道我所能做的最好的事就是远远走开。
With good wishes, and kindest regards to you and your wife. 问候你和你的新夫人好。
AMERICA'S universities are the best in the world, but the kindest verdict on its schools is "could do better" . 美国有着世界上一流的大学,但对于中小学而言,“可以做的更好些”却是他们能够得到的最温和的评价。
Dear Sue, I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your kindest help when I was involved in that terrible traffic accident. 我写信的目的是衷心感谢你在我遭遇那场可怕的交通事故时所给予我的最善意的帮助。
That woman was the most communicative, sweetest, kindest person. 因为她是这个世上最善解人意、最温柔善良的女子。
In a roundabout way, that confusion can teach us something: Christians should be the kindest of all people. 虽然这是一种间接的方式,但这种混淆也可以告诉给我们:基督徒应该对所有的人都很良善。
He is a kindest person with all his fortune to help people in need. 他心地很好,他把所有的家产用去帮助有需要的人。