
美 [noʊ]英 [nəʊ]
  • v.知道;认识;了解;熟悉
  • n.〈口〉知晓
  • 网络的过去式;知道的过去式;懂得

过去式:knew 过去分词:known 第三人称单数:knows 现在分词:knowing

know everything,know reason,know thing,know girl,know secret
probably know,surely know,somehow know,personally know,intimately know



自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... know 知道;认识;懂得 knew 知道;认识;记得 known 已知的;知名的; ...


自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... know 知道;认识;懂得 knew 知道;认识;记得 known 已知的;知名的; ...


英语中考必会1600词 - coco的日志 - 网易博客 ... (pl, knives)(有柄的)刀 (knew, known)知道;了解 (lent, lent )借给…


以k开头的英语英文单词 ... knelt 的过去式(分词) knew 的过去式;知道 knickerbockers 灯笼裤 ...


出五道是五年级上册下册,六年级上册的英语听... ... 拜访者 visitor 知道的过去式 knew 星期一 Monday ...


小学生要掌握的英语动... ... will would 将,愿意 know knew 知道,懂得 begin bigan 开始 ...


2000个最频英语单词(1)_秦哥哥_新浪博客 ... point 点 knew 知道了 City 城市 ...

But I could certainly pick out an almagre, a rust-colored stallion, and I knew that the term came from the Arabic al-magra, "red earth. " 但我无疑能够认出一匹almagre——铁锈色的牡马,并且我知道这个词出自阿拉伯语的al-magra,即“红土”。
Now he said he knew what I have been going through. 此刻他却说他明白我所经历的一切。
It was astonishing to see how angry Cersei could wax over accusations she knew perfectly well to be true. 瑟曦明明知道这些指控都完全属实,却依旧气成这麽样子,真是难以置信。
Although the accident had left me with torn shoulder tendons and a mangled shin, I knew it could've been a lot worse. 虽然那场车祸造成我肩膀的肌腱断裂、脚胫也严重受伤,但我知道后果原本可能更不堪设想。
Older Norman: And I knew just as surely, just as clearly, that life is not a work of art, and that the moment could not last. 老诺曼:我很清楚、确切地知道,生活不是一件艺术品,美好的时刻不会长久。
When you had Ronaldo in front of you sometimes it was tempting to just give him the ball because you knew he could make something happen. 如果你有CR,在前面,那么你只需要把球给他就好,因为你知道他会搞定一切。
He therefore was responsible for the explosion as he knew , with Mr McMahon absent, he would assume control of Raw . 因此,他负责的爆炸,因为他知道,与顾麦克马洪缺席,他将承担起控制原料。
As she descended from the carriage, she saw Suellen smirk and knew that she must have picked out Frank Kennedy in the crowd. 思佳丽下车时,看见大妹苏纶在傻笑,知道她在人群里找到了富兰克·肯尼迪。
I knew so much about his work and if the Gestapo found out I was his wife it would be dangerous for me and for those working with us. 我对他的工作如此了解,要是盖世太保知道我是他的妻子,这对我还有那些和我们一起工作的人,会非常危险的。
The boy looked at all with beg, he knew that she had no can give plume eat something bestowed, but everyone also had no eating. 男孩用乞求的目光看着大家,他知道自己已经没有可以给羽妃吃的东西了,但是大家也早已没有了吃的东西。
He crawled out through the gunfire and put his own life at risk because he said he knew he had to save the woman or die trying. 他在枪声中爬出去并把自己的生命置于危险境地是因为他说自己知道必须拯救妇女或将死之人。
the heart beating under the spotlight as if it were an actor that knew that this could be its last chance to perform. 心脏在聚光灯下跳动,好像一个演员知道这是最后一次表演一样,
It seems to me that my mother was the most splendid woman I ever knew. . . 对我而言,我的母亲似乎是我认识的最了不起的女人……
Even if we do not reach the Champions League, that does not matter. I knew this was the situation and am ready to accept this sacrifice. 即使不能参加冠军联赛也没有关系。我知道现在的情形,并已准备为尤文奉献我的力量。
Until he told me, I knew Tom had been ill for a week. 知道他告诉我,知道他告诉我,我才知道汤姆病了一个星期了。一个星期了。概述
Among all the learned men and Samanas, of which I knew many, there was one of this kind, a perfected one, I'll never be able to forget him. 在所有的智者之中,其中有许多是我所熟知的,只有一个人在这方面堪称完美的典范,我永远无法将他忘怀。
What I saw before me was a human being, and I knew that in a different life-course, it could have been me on the other side of the glass. 在我面前,我看到的是一个人,我知道,在这片玻璃的后面是一段与众不同的人生。
Rebecca Johnson knew that pregnancy meant an immediate end to the regular nights out on the town that she had enjoyed with friends. 对丽贝卡约翰逊来说,怀孕就意味这她在夜晚和朋友们出去享乐这种生活的戛然而止。
The divorced parents of a boy I knew in high school installed him in his own apartment because neither of them wanted him at home. 我在高中时认识的一个男孩被单独安置在一套公寓里,因为他那对离异的父母都不愿让他住在自己家。
I knew from the moment I first set eyes on Geraldine that she was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. 从我看见Geraldine的第一眼开始,我就知道了,她将是我想要的陪伴我这一生的女孩。
After he made up his mind to spend the rest of the war in the hospital, Yossarian wrote letters to everyone he knew. 自从尼索林打定主意要在医院里度过战争的余下岁月以后,他便给所有认识的人写信。
And I knew they could come in and do something really different with it, put a dance break in it, here or there. 我知道他们能投入并做出一些确实与众不同的东西,在里面不时插入舞蹈。
"It was the first time I'd heard of such a thing, " he recalled. "And I knew at once that it was what I wanted to do. " “那是我第一次听说有这么一个东西,”他回想到,“我一下就明白了,这就是我想要做的。”
He knew this greatest of all weapons, the one inside his mind, was the precious diamond gem of his own intelligence. 他知道这是所有武器中威力最大的,它就在他的心里,是他自己智慧的结晶。
You had to think of someone everybody knew. Someone you could imitate and everyone else would have to guess who it was. 你得想出大家都知道的一个人,一个你可以模仿,而别人都能猜出来的人。
Of course, midnight came and went and I was still at the bar. I knew my wife will going to kill me if she found out. 当然啰,半夜早就过了,我人也还在酒吧里。我知道如果被老婆发现就死定了。
So far as he knew, he said, there was nothing worth reading. 他说,据他所知,到目前为止,还没有什么值得一读的东西。
He knew he would never get away with it so he decided to face the music and give himself up to the police. 他知道自己已经无法逃脱,所以他决定承担后果并向警方自首。
Here were the disciples in the midst of a storm and almost ready to drown, and Jesus, the one they knew could make a difference, was asleep. 门徒们在暴风之中快要沉到海里了,主耶稣是他们唯一的救命稻草,竟然睡了。
One hour a day listening to BBC. Copy down all the words you knew. Ignore all the words you do not know. 每天花一小时听BBC,把你知道的单词都写下来。忽略掉那些你不认识的单词。