
美 [naɪf]英 [naɪf]
  • n.
  • v.用刀伤害(或杀害)
  • 网络小刀;刀子;餐刀

复数:knives 第三人称单数:knifes 现在分词:knifing 过去式:knifed

use knife,hold knife,sharpen knife,find knife
sharp knife,putty knife,makeshift knife


n. v.

1.刀a sharp blade with a handle, used for cutting or as a weapon


the knives are out (for sb)

(对某人)磨刀霍霍,兴师问罪the situation has become so bad that people are preparing to make one person take the blame, for example by taking away their job

like a knife through butter

轻而易举;毫无困难easily; without meeting any difficulty

put/stick the knife in|put/stick the knife into sb

对某人怀恨在心;加害于某人to be very unfriendly to sb and try to harm them

turn/twist the knife (in the wound)

恶意地说(或做);落井下石;往伤口上撒盐to say or do sth unkind deliberately; to make sb who is unhappy feel even more unhappy

under the knife

接受手术;动手术having a medical operation

日常生活英语单词_百度文库 ... plate 盘子 knife fork 叉 ...


上古卷轴5武器代码全集_游迅网 ... (Fork) 叉 (Knife) 小刀 (The Rueful Axe) 悲哀之斧 ...


新概念英语第一册单词表_百度文库 ... tin( 罐头) 17、 knife( 刀子) 18、 fork( 叉子) 19、 ...


酷词公园,看图学英语 - n词酷 ... Fork 餐叉 Knife 餐刀 Spoon 勺 ...


匕首Knife):游戏开始时自带,适合对付单个敌人,威力较小。 这是苏联画册上的二战德军 这个是不是可以玩?


鲁教版五四制八年级上册英语单词_百度知道 ... spoon n. 匙;调羹 knife n. 刀;刀具 crowed v. 挤满;充溢 ...


厨房用品-英语点津 ... potholder 锅把 knife 菜刀 cleaver 切肉刀 ...


计算机与网络英语词汇(J-K) ... kludge computer 杂牌计算机 knife 美工刀 knowbot 知觉机器人 ...

He went to a rotten log near at hand and began to dig under one end of it with his Barlow knife. 他走到近处的一根烂树干旁边,开始用他的巴露折刀在一头开挖起来。
Then her mother gave her a knife, and said, "Cut a piece off your heel. When you are queen you will no longer have to go on foot. " 她妈妈给了她一把刀,说,“把脚后跟削掉一部分,只要你当上了王后,还在乎这脚趾头干嘛,你想到哪儿去根本就不需要用脚了。”
Calmly, the man withdrew a small knife from his pocket and carved a mark on the boat at the spot where he dropped the sword. 那个人不慌不忙地从衣袋里取出一个小刀,在船舷上落下宝剑的地方刻了一个记号。
Hold the bird in one hand, breast upward and with its rear end toward you. Insert the point of a sharp knife into the throat. 一只手抓住鸟,鸟的胸部朝上,尾部朝向自己,将刀从鸟的喉咙处插入。
When you say things in angry, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. 这个几句话的意思是:当你气愤地说出什么话时,他们就会留下这样的一块疤痕。
i can ' t , hey ? " said the little soldier who held the knife , grinning impudently at her" . “我不能拿?”那拿刀的小个儿士兵对她嘻笑脸地说道。
Deng said she pulled out a knife after the men repeatedly dragged her back as she tried to leave. 邓玉娇说她极力想离开,那几名男子却一再把她往后拉,她就拔出了刀子。
In the implementation of the looting process, the suspect was shot and wounded Fengmou, his wife was a suspect with a knife lacerations . 在实施抢劫过程中,冯某被疑犯开枪击伤,其妻被疑犯用刀捅伤。
There was blood on the painted feet, as though the thing had dripped-blood even on the hand that had not held the knife. 画中人那脚上还有血迹——甚至好像连没有拿过刀的手也在淌血。
Then, young friends began to look around bum, that look like a cold knife, even the young inadvertently see shiver all over though not cold. 接着,少年的朋友开始环视四周的混混,那目光就似一把阴寒的匕首,连少年无意间看到都不寒而栗。
He's got to be 100 per cent right, because if he comes back too soon and damages the disc he will have to go under the knife again. 他最好等到100%痊愈才复出,因为如果他复出太早,将会伤害到小骨,如果这样他就要再做一次手术。
The department store chain found that forks were far outselling knives, with a peak of three forks sold for every knife in London. 结果发现,餐叉的受欢迎程度远远超过了餐刀,在伦敦餐叉的销售数量甚至是餐刀的三倍。
He took up a knife, and with the flat part of it played a tune on his cheek in a wonderful manner. 他拿起一把小刀,用刀面在自己脸上以一种巧妙的方式演奏了一支曲子。
Oh no, she says pointing the butter knife at me as if I'm starting trouble, no sir. 哦,不,她用切黄油的小刀指着我,好像我正在挑起事端一样。不行,长官。
Ashe thought of it, a sharp pang of pain struck through him like a knife and made each delicate fiber of his nature quiver. 他想到这一点时,一阵剧痛袭遍他的全身,就像一把刀砍来,使得他身体内每个脆弱的纤维都产生颤动。
At his previous place, a kid with a knife had come in and demanded forty bucks from his wallet. 过去他居住的那地方很乱,有个小鬼拿着一把刀进屋要他从钱包里拿出四十美元。
They find Jigger and Snooze trying to calm Brooks, who has Heywood in a choke hold and a knife to his throat. 他们看到齐格尔与斯诺正在劝布鲁克斯冷静,他一个胳膊夹着海沃德的脖子,一只手拿着刀子对着海沃德的颈部。
I had to look up from there to see the top of the101-story World Financial Center, which tapers like the blade of a putty knife. 我从那里看向世界金融中心这个高达101层的大楼时,这些尖角就像是油灰刀的刀刃。
Police say that when they took Zopittybop-Bop-Bop into custody, they found him in possession of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, and a knife. 据警方称,当他们拘留咗噗嘀叭叭叭时,发现他身上携带大麻、吸毒用具,还有一把小刀。
If you object to steaming a live lobster, plunge the point of the knife into the head between the eyes. 如果你拒绝蒸活龙虾的话,将刀插入两眼之间的地方。
He always get his knife in me, just as I've ponied out his shortage ever. 仅仅是因为我曾经指出了他的缺点,他就一直怀恨在心。
I thought it would be funny to throw a small rock at him. He thought it would be funny to pull out his knife and chase me for six blocks. 我觉得朝他扔个小石头会很有趣,他觉得掏出刀追我6个街区会很有趣。
Nobody wants to be caught trying to catch that knife with their mouths like in a circus act. 没有人想被人看见自己像演马戏一样用嘴去接那把刀。
His knife, which had never been used to gut anything but fish, was thrown in the river for fear it would incriminate him. 他有一把刀,除了用来处理过鱼,别的什么也没用过,但是他把这把刀扔进了河里,因为他担心,这会成为他有罪的证据。
An eyewitness said the victim was stabbed 50 or 60 times by the man sitting next to him, who then severed his head with a large knife. 一名目击者称遇害者被旁边的男子刺了五六十刀,然后用一把大刀将其脑袋砍下。
Judge Lu took out his knife and quickly cut off the sleeping woman's head just as easily as people use a knife to cut watermelon. 陆法官拔出了刀立刻把这个熟睡中的女人的头切了下来﹐就好像人们用刀切西瓜一样。
The knife was stuck on the chopping block but she pulled it out with a jerk. 刀被卡在砧板上了,但她猛的一下就把它拔了出来。
The last good thing the boy did was to help a timid classmate fight against violence of bully, during which he died under a knife cutting. 这个男孩做的最后一件好事是帮助一个胆小的同学对抗暴力威胁,在这个过程中他被捅了一刀,不治身亡。
The police found him in a prone position with a knife in his back. 警方发现他俯卧着,背上有一把刀。
One night in prison, he got into a fight with his roommate, and with a knife, he uncontrollably felt impelled to kill him. 有一天晚上,他在狱中与室友发生打斗,当时他手上有一把刀,他不由自主地有杀害对方的冲动。