
美 [nɑk]英 [nɒk]
  • n.敲;挫折;(狠狠)一击;敲门(声)
  • v.敲;打;敲掉;使碰撞
  • 网络敲打;花儿的开放

第三人称单数:knocks 现在分词:knocking 过去式:knocked




翻译几个单词_百度知道 ... knob: 门、抽屉把手 knocks敲打 london 伦敦 ...


英语题,用所给单词适当形式填空_百度知道 ... will 表将来 knocks 敲门 will miss 错过许多次的机会 ...


... 3.With dower of bird and bud,knocks 鸟儿的轻鸣,花儿的开放 4.With dower of bird and bud,knocks 伴随鸟儿和花蕾的天赐 ...

Lincoln takes the IV needle out his arm and calls Michael's name into the grate, Michael excitedly knocks back against the new metal plate. Lincoln拔掉手臂上的静脉注射针,在栅栏处大声叫唤Michael的名字,Michael激动地敲击新的金属管道向他做出回应。
Back home, she knocks me down with a roundhouse, puts her boot on the back of my neck and executes me with a bullet to the back of the head. 回到家后,她用一击勾拳把我打趴下,把鞋放在我的脖子后,似乎要用子弹把我给枪决了。
The horseman who knocks off the last piece of wood will get a prize cup and a wreath will put around the horse's neck. 击落最后一片木块的骑士获得奖杯,马也给带上花环。
Eat an apple before going to bed, knocks the doctor on the head. 吃个苹果上床睡觉之前,敲着医生的头。
"Someone will come round and take your rubbish away, or mend your fence. The next time he knocks it's to ask for your vote, " he says. 他说“有人会来看望你并清理掉你的垃圾,或者修补好你的篱笆,下次他就来敲门拉取你的选票”。
Knocks Ball Past Opponent - Likes to knock the ball past an opponent and attempt to run around him and pick up the ball again. 人球分过-喜欢把球踢过对方球员,然后尝试绕着对方球员跑过去重新接球。
What really irks the Kremlin is that Mr Yanukovych is trying to get lower gas prices from Russia even as he knocks at the EU's door. 真正给克林姆林宫带去烦恼的是,甚至在亚努科维奇敲开欧盟大门的同时,他还正试图从俄罗斯那里得到更低的天然气价格。
My business is to see she gets no more knocks, and that I shall carefully attend to. 我的责任是使她不再受到这样的打击,对于这一点我会认真对待。
And if he knocks out the tooth of a manservant or maidservant, he must let the servant go free to compensate for the tooth. 若打掉了他奴仆或是婢女的一个牙,就要因他的牙放他去得以自由。
Unless he knocks up a one-night stand, Leo's got some time before he fathers a beautiful (you know it's gonna be) child. 除非他不小心把一个一夜情对象的肚子给搞大了,我估计我们还要等很久很久。
He thrashes around as if fighting the bedclothes. He punches the wall or knocks things off the bedside table. 他会在床上乱动,好像在与床单搏斗;他会击打墙壁,或打翻床头柜上的东西。
Make sure to remove all the wood out of the string knocks so the bow will be fast flight ready if you want it to be. 如果您要它是,保证去除所有木头在串敲外面,因此弓将是快速的飞行准备好。
When I was just a little girl, I used to dream of fantastic first love. But the reality really knocks me down. 当我还是一个小女孩的时候也曾梦想过美好的初恋,但是现实总会让人失望。
In the case of a CCD, a photon of visible light knocks an electron out of an energy band in a semiconductor crystal. 在CCD的例子中,可见光的光子将电子打出半导体晶体的能带。
He knocks, a lady opens the door and before she has a chance to say anything, he runs inside and dumps horseshit all over the carpet. 的第一户人家。他敲了门,一个女人来应门在她说话之前,他跑进去把马粪倒的整个地毯都是。
A few seconds later he knocks on the door, kicking at the dried leaves scattered across the porch. 随后他走过去敲门,用脚踢着散落在走廊的枯叶。
A minute later the Red Sox fan without a ticket strolls over to the bathroom and knocks on the door. 不过一分钟后,只见那个没有票的红袜队球迷慢慢朝厕所走去,敲了敲门。
Taking the door ring in his hand, he gave two gentle knocks, then four more after a pause, and finally three more. 来福儿上前执着门环,轻击两下,停了一停,再击四下,然后又击三下。
"There's a special rule for golf courses: If the crab knocks the ball one way, you have to go with it, " she said. “这里的高尔夫课程中有一条不成文的规定:不管红蟹将球碰到何处,你都要在这个地方击球,”特纳说。
After he signs up and pays, the travel agent hits him with a bat, knocks him unconscious and throws him out the back door into the river. 当他签名、付钱后。旅游代理人用棒子把他打晕,通过后门扔到河里面。
He knocks at the door as if he were master here already! 他敲门敲得好像他已经是这儿的主人了!
Man in Video: A police car pulls up in front, and a cop comes to the front door and knocks and says he's looking for me. 录像中的男人:一辆警车停在房子前面,一个警察来到前门敲门,说是找我。
It is often hard to distinguish between the hard knocks in life and those of opportunity. 要辨别出是生活的磨难还是机遇的敲门常常是困难的。
It seemed there were knocks at the door and we said it was nothing but the wind. 仿佛门上有敲叩的声音。我们说那不过是风。
A doubt of guests coming just as the wind knocks on bamboos; Hard to send letters since the wild geese don't fly to mountains. 風才敲竹便疑客,雁不入山難寄書。
And if it's hard not to retaliate when someone knocks you down, it's even harder to let them knock you down again. 如果有人打你一拳不去报复很困难,不让他们再打你会更困难。
As He did with the church in Laodicea in Revelation 3, Christ knocks on the door of our heart and patiently waits (v. 20). 就像启示录3章讲到主是怎样对待老底嘉教会的一样,今天基督正在叩我们的心门,耐心等候我们开门迎接祂(20节)。
When you're young you're more in touch with your real talents, but so often the 30 year slog knocks it out of people. 人年青的时候与自己真正的天赋有更多的接触,但激发出这种天赋经常需要长达30年的时间。
He grabs a plant and pulls it out of its pot. He knocks over other pots. 他抓住一株植物,把它从盆里拔起,又碰倒了其他花盆。
They grew up in a protected environment and got easily dented - just like strawberries - by life's lightest knocks. 他们像草莓一样是在多方保护的环境中长大的,生活中轻微的碰撞就能让他们受到伤害。