
美 [ˈleɪbər]英 [ˈleɪbə(r)]
  • n.劳动;劳动力;分娩;工人
  • v.努力做(困难的事);干苦力活;困难吃力地行进

第三人称单数:labours 现在分词:labouring 过去式:laboured

surplus labour,manual labour,physical labour,skilled labour,hard labour
labour transfer,use labour,labour point


n. v.


1.[u]劳动;(尤指)体力劳动work, especially physical work

2.[c][usupl]任务;(一段时间的)工作a task or period of work

劳动者people who work

3.[u](统称)劳工,工人;劳动力the people who work or are available for work in a country or company

分娩having baby

4.[u][c][ususing]分娩期;分娩;生产the period of time or the process of giving birth to a baby


5.[singspv]英国工党the British Labour Party


a labour of love

为爱好而做的困难工作a hard task that you do because you want to, not because it is necessary

"The emphasis has been a bit more on labour [standards] but environmental issues are going to become more important, " he said. 他表示:“人们对劳动(标准)的重视已经有了一点提高,但环境问题将变得更为重要。”
That will be hard, because Labour has had its revolution and Mr Brown was at the heart of it. 而那非常困难,并且工党在改革,而布朗则是改革的核心。
From about the middle of the Eighteenth Century the improvement in agricultural technique began to make it possible to economize in labour. 自十八世纪中叶前后起,由于农业技术的改进,节约劳动力开始成为可能。
My very best is what you get, now and forever, so what you see is all I have in those moments of being in labour. 我所能做的最大努力就是你们所能得到的,从现在直到永远,因此你们现在看到的是我在分娩时刻的阵痛。
For a time the news delighted labour MPs and trade union stalwarts: the city, at last, ws getting a taste of its own nasty medicine. 这条消息使工党的议员们和工会的忠贞分子高兴了好一阵:伦敦商业区终于快要得到同样苦涩的报应。
It has been a labour of our love for mankind, and a service in the name of the Creator. 这一直是一个我们对人类的爱的劳作,一个以造物主之名的服务。
Prof Nutt refused to leave the drugs debate when he was sacked from his official post by the former Labour Home Secretary, Alan Johnson. 纳特教授在被前工党内政大臣艾伦·约翰逊解雇后仍然不愿意停止他在抗击毒品上所做的努力。
Her campaign speeches are a constant reminder of how much she knows about everything, from foreign policy to labour relations. 她的竞选演讲就是一个恒久的提醒,她对所有事务是如何地了解,不管是外交政策还是劳动关系。
Such gloom is not what was promised in the early years of the Labour government. 这道阴霾并不在早年工党的承诺中。
Some describe how their cars' batteries can suddenly die while trying to overtake or labour up a hill. 一些车主详细描述:当试图超车或缓慢艰难爬坡时,车电瓶就突然失效。
"Now it's up to about 30. " The catalyst is China's new Labour Contract Law, which took effect in January after two years of intense debate. 其推动因素就是中国新的《劳动合同法》(LabourContractLaw)——经过两年的激烈辩论,新法于今年1月开始生效。
My wife complains about poor labour policies, the "fact" that Walmart squeezes suppliers, and that it puts local shops out of business. 我的妻子则抱怨其恶劣的劳工政策、其压榨供应商及导致地方商店倒闭的“事实”。
On October 3rd he said Fiat would pull out of Confindustria(10), Italy's employers' association, and negotiate its own labour deals. 就在10月3日,他宣布退出意大利的雇主联盟协会-工业联盟。
Yet in the automobile industry, at least, Japanese companies stand out for the frequency and seriousness of recent labour problems. 然而至少在汽车行业,在最近的劳资问题中,涉及日本公司的频率和严重程度都很突出。
Where the islands of capitalism met the sea of subsistence labour, there was not a "beach" , but a "cliff" . 在经济特区吸引到足够的劳动力之前,横梗于路上的不是一个“沙滩”,而是一个“悬崖”。
In 1999 the Labour government made it a priority to reduce rough sleeping, the most visible form of homelessness, and renewed it in 2008. 1999年,劳工部着重清扫了无家可归者最易被察觉的粗陋的躺大街行为,2008年又一次重申这一做法。
The city's labour pool tends to be highly-skilled, and the impact of the recession was mostly felt by the lower-skilled. 该市人才多为高技术精英,而受衰退冲击最严重的乃低技术人员。
She was unfazed by it. She did not look like someone who had just been sentenced to three years' hard labour. 她看上去并不像个刚被判处三年苦役的人。
The labour that was mine, removing them out of that common state they were in, hath fixed my property in them. 是我的劳动将它们脱离共有状态的,确定了我对它们的财产权。
I found myself thinking that those words would worry me, if I were Alistair Darling, the last Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer. 我发现自己在想:倘若我是上届工党财政大臣艾利斯坦·达利,这些言语会令我坐立不安。
It was as if he had to labour, and metaphorically sweat, before his genius could, or was allowed to, emerge. 似如在他的天赋可能显露或被接受前,他必须劳动,付出汗水。
Lenovo said the cuts would save the company $250m a year in labour costs. 联想表示,裁员将为公司每年节省人力成本2.5亿美元。
failure on the part of the employing unit to pay labour remuneration or to provide working conditions as agreed upon in the labour contract. 用人单位未按照劳动合同约定支付劳动报酬或者提供劳动条件的。
Another finding was that fertility rates have declined in those parts of Morocco and Turkey that export labour to Europe. 报告的另一项发现是,在摩洛哥和土耳其向欧洲输出劳动力的地区,生育率有所下降。
Speakers from Telford's Labour-controlled council talked about its "urban heartland" , as if it were the Bronx. 来自特尔福德议会(由工党执政)的发言人大谈特谈其“城市中心地位”,搞得自己好像布朗克斯一样。
Many people seem to have dropped out of the labour force for good, perhaps to retire, collect disability, or return to education. 许多人似乎已经永远退出了劳动力群体,也许是退休了,也许领取了残疾证,或接受继续教育。
New Labour, as the name suggests, made a fetish of youth; Tony Blair went out of his way to speak of Britain as a "young country" . 工党,正如其名,疯狂的迷恋年轻人;布莱尔努力把英国描述成一个“年轻的国家”。
Changing times have pushed the question of labour back to the top of the agenda. 时代的变革令劳工问题重新成为议事日程的要务。
But, to his lasting frustration, he never unravelled the mystery of what triggers labour in humans. 但是让他一直沮丧的是,他无法解释引发人类生产的谜底。
It is not yet fully clear how much money this top rate of tax, introduced by the former Labour government, will raise. 这一最高税率是由前工党政府推行的,目前还不是很清楚该税率能为政府筹到多少钱。