
美 [læk]英 [læk]
  • v.缺乏;不够;需要
  • n.缺乏;需要的东西
  • 网络缺少;不足

第三人称单数:lacks 现在分词:lacking 过去式:lacked

lack confidence,lack experience,lack expertise,lack security,lack motivation
severe lack,serious lack,general lack,lamentable lack



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谁知道英语中Lack的用法?-英语... ... ( lacked; lacked; lacking ) 缺少;没有 ( lacked; lacked; lacking ) 缺少;不足;没有 ...

The silent pictures were the purest form of cinema; the only thing they lacked was the sound of people talking and the noises. 无声电影是电影最纯粹的形式,它唯一缺少的就是人物的谈话声以及噪音。
He notes in particular that the team lacked data on how much black carbon would be emitted per flight by space tourism vehicles. 他尤其指出,研究小组在太空旅行飞船每次航行会释放多少黑碳上缺少数据。
They told the Journal of Advanced Nursing, how the technique was easy to learn and lacked the side-effects of other treatments. 他们在《高级护理期刊》发表文章说,这一技巧很容易学习,而且不会像其他治疗方法一样产生副作用。
Being with James was no longer a solution to feeling lost and anxious, and I lacked the skill set to comfort myself. 杰姆在我心里,他再不能当我感到困惑焦虑时,给我带来安慰感了。
One of the main critiques was that our plays were too static and lacked the ability to branch into other scoring opportunities. 批评声中最尖锐的一个就是,我们的战术太静态了,没有延伸触发其他得分机会的能力。
Every once and a while we suffer too much, even today we lacked a bit of continuity. 每一次或一段时间我们没有做到,就是今天我们还是缺少一些连贯性。
She could, for a while, throw herself into a high-minded endeavor, but she lacked the discipline to see it through. 她可以让自己投入到高尚的努力当中,但是为时不长,她缺乏完成它的约束。
During the first third of the century water was often condemned on the ground that it lacked food value and did not aid digestion. 水在十九世纪前三十多年常常受到批评,理由是它不具有食物的营养价值,也无助于消化。
I liked the feel of the keyboard, but it was the only wraparound that lacked dedicated buttons for copy, cut and paste. 我喜欢它的键盘的手感,但是它是唯一一种缺少拷贝、剪切和粘贴键钮的全包式保护套。
"So what do you think? " he said. His voice lacked enthusiasm, as if he were trying to convince himself. “你看这蛇怎么样”,他用冰冷的声音问道,好象在说服自己。
While Amazon has long offered digital content on its website, it has lacked much of the hardware to go with it. 尽管亚马逊一直在其网站上提供数字内容,却缺乏相应的大部分硬件。
The breakfast is served at the restaurant next door which belongs to the hotel and the food lacked a bit of variety. 早餐在隔壁的餐厅吃,当然餐厅是酒店的,东西缺乏一些多样性。
The game lacked a bit of spark due to the silence. On the positive side, we are more used to playing on this kind of pitch than Celtic. 但是在积极方面看来,我们应该更习惯在像凯尔特人主场这样的场地上比赛。
At the time, it was an emotion he had lacked the spine to own up to. 有时他好像缺少一根支撑他身体的脊柱,不愿坦承自已的情感。
On Thursday, the Office of Fair Trade said the complaints lacked substance, and the agency won't investigate. 6月30日,英国公平贸易办公室(OfficeofFairTrade)称,这些申诉没有实质意义,该机构不会展开调查。
"He did not have to fight for this position, to struggle for it. He felt he lacked the preparation to be prime minister. " “他并没有去争这个职位。他觉得自己还缺乏就任首相的准备。”
The problem with the general warrant was that it lacked specificity. 空白搜查令的问题在于,它没有具体对象。
At the time I understood the Word of God as the Truth, but I lacked the faith and a personal relationship with Christ. 在那时,我理解作为事实的上帝的话,我缺乏信任和一种个人的关系与基督一起。
While he lacked any scientific expertise, he said, "the one thing I have is the ability to put money to work" . 虽然他没有科学专家,他说“我能做的就是投入资金。”
Mugabe said last December that he was tired of working with the opposition party, which he said "lacked ideology and policies. " 穆加贝说,在去年12月的运动中,他曾尝试与对立党合作,但却缺乏观念和政策上的统一。
What the Python of a year ago sorely lacked was a sufficient programmatic infrastructure for sharing Python code. 一年前的Python极度缺乏的是用来共享Python代码的充分规划的基础结构。
But Mr DeNoma said the bank lacked an "extendable, scalable [management] model" to take full advantage of its international presence. 但狄朗华表示,该行缺乏一种“可延展、可升级的(管理)模式”,以充分利用其国际业务。
The poll also lacked specific details of each of the sites, as well as instructions on what criteria were to be used in forming an opinion. 并且,这份平易近意查询拜访问卷同样短少每个文化遗产地详细细节,及对构成一个观念应采用什么样地规范缺乏阐明。
The concept of elements is always used in the working of fashion design, but the full-scale expound is lacked. 元素的概念在服装设计实际操作中经常使用,但是缺乏全面系统的理论论述。
And the previous position that there was no safe level clearly lacked any sort of evidence base at all. 同时这也说明了先前安全等级为零的观念没有一丁点的证据基础。
Back in the 90's self-managed teams were all the rage but they had a high rate of failure mainly because team members lacked people skills. 在20世纪90年代,当时自我管理团队风靡一时,然而他们的失败率却很高,主要原因在于团队成员缺乏人际沟通能力。
"What Elizabeth Taylor lacked in talent, she made up in her crusading for AIDS research well before anyone was really doing it, " Lash said. “什么伊丽莎白泰勒在人才缺乏,她在她的十字军注册艾滋病研究之前有人真的这样做了,”拉什说。
When he broke the great news, however, he lacked the joy that should accompany the culmination of such a long search. 当他公布这一特大消息时,却没有伴随这样长时间的寻找最终达到目的而带来的应有的喜悦。
She never went beyond the high school diploma that allowed her to find work as an accountant, though, because she lacked self-confidence. 不过,由于缺乏自信,她再也没有拿到过超出中学学历,能让她找到会计这类工作的文凭。
They lacked much culture, but did have burial customs in which bodies were laid out in the sun before being painted with ochre and buried. 他们没有太高的文化,却有埋葬仪式,尸体被放在太阳下,然后涂上赭土下葬。