
美 [laɪ]英 [leɪn]
  • v.躺;撒谎;欺骗;哄骗
  • n.谎言;巢;(高尔夫球的)球位;〔英口〕躺
  • 网络玲音;铃音;位于

复数:lies 现在分词:lying 过去式:lay 过去分词:lain

tell lie,believe lie,lie bed
deliberate lie,downright lie,blatant lie,obvious lie



同问求玲音LAIN)全集下载 2010-12-08 18:05 psa17 | 分类:动漫 RT 好像有480P的画质的 (最好不要低于480P)速度最 …


服务器维护 - 下载天地 - 时空网 ... ││├─KYO[ 鬼眼狂刀][26全] ││├─Lain[ 铃音] ││├─Last Exile[ 最后 …

lay和lie的区别?_百度知道 ... 下蛋 laid lain 说谎 lied ...


动词过去式变化规则 - 孤雁的日志 - 网易博客 ... wear( 穿) lay,lain( 躺,位于) welcome,welcome( 误) ...


lie在不同意思下的过去分词_百度知道 ... 下蛋 放置 laid 躺下,位于 lain 撒谎 lied ...


小学英语不规则过去式_百度知道 ... lie: 躺下 lain 撒谎 light: 点燃 ...

英语不规则动词归类记忆表 星沙英语网 ... had 有,吃 lain lost 丢失 ...

英语复习专题... ... “Why not go…?” 之前就发生了, 所以选D. lie__ lies___ liying___ lay___ lain 是“躺, ”, ...

Her sense of Mrs Penniman's innocent falsity , which had lain dormant, began to haunt her again. 她感到对佩尼曼太太无知与虚伪的那种厌恶在潜伏一阵之后又开始来纠缠他了。
All removed completely with the younger female cousins has lain down on a bed, actually back to back, was not has not played? 跟表妹都脱光了躺在一张床上了,却背靠背,不是没戏吗?
Although she could have lain in bed most of the morning as she mostly did, she got out of it quicker today than usual. 她本可以象往常一样,在床上躺上大半个上午,可是今天,她的起床动作比往常来得利索。
They lay on their faces as if paralyzed, exactly as I had lain a few minutes before now. 他们面伏于地,彷佛瘫痪一般,完全和我数分钟前的姿势一样。
This man had been her husband, had lain beside her for a few nights, had given her a child with eyes as soft and brown as his. 这个人曾经做过她的丈夫,曾经跟她同床共枕过几个晚上,曾经留给她一个儿子,眼睛也象他自己那么温柔而褐色。
If I had not taken drugs, I would not have lain here in the hospital. 假如我没有滥药,我就不会躺在医院里。
He was compelled to think this thought, or else there would not be any use to strive, and he would have lain down and died. 他不得不这样想,否则他的艰难搏斗将毫无意义,还不如躺下死掉。
Uncle James might just as well have lain on his back in the garden and chattered to the lilac tree about the habits of caterpillars. 现在,J姑父也许正仰卧在花园里与丁香树探讨毛毛虫的生活习性呢。
When I had lain awake a little while, those extraordinary voices with which silence teems, began to make themselves audible. 我睁着双眼无眠地躺了一会儿,在寂静之中又出现了奇怪的响声,一切东西都在低语。
It felt as if he had only just lain down, but the room was hot and stuffy with the bright warmth of the sun. 他感觉就好像是自己刚刚躺下不久,房间里很热,屋子里充斥着阳光带来的明亮与热量。
What's more, the narrative of his own life has lain at the heart of his political message. 更重要的是,他自己的这段人生经历正是他所表达的政治信息的核心。
Some man of the people might have lain with thy wife, and thou hadst brought upon us a great sin. 差一点百姓中就有人与你妻子同睡,叫我们陷于罪恶。
Now I lain understood all the phrase "Christmas comes but once a year, mo make golden cup empty for the month of meaning! " 我现在纵欲都明白了那句“人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月”的含义!
The ship has lain at the bottom of the harbor for two hundred years. 那条船在港口的水底已经二百年了。
In that time of excitement, I was as free of all inquiry as though I had lain in a desert. 在那骚动的日子里,我竟摆脱了一切盘问,仿佛我是躺在沙漠上似的。
In fact I also love my grandpa very much, however, he has already lain in 8 year before lasts to lead a life time, I often think of him. 其实我也很爱我的爷爷,不过,他已经在于8前年过世,我时常想念他。
A retrovirus that has lain dormant in chimpanzees and their ancestors for at least one million years is surrendering its secrets. 在黑猩猩和它们祖先体内潜伏了至少100万年的反转录病毒的秘密正逐渐被瞭解。
It has lain dormant for eons of time and it is only now that one is beginning to even question the possibility that this is of Truth. 它已经休眠了亿万年,只是现在个体才开始提出可能的质疑,这就是真相。
The father bear looked at his bed, and he said, "Who has lain on my bed? " 熊妈妈也看了看它的床,说:“谁睡过我的床?”
For a body that has lain for more than a few days, guesswork is the best forensics can do in telling us how long ago a person was murdered. 对于已被放置超过数天的尸体,猜测是法医学告诉我们这个人何时被谋杀的最好方法。
He carefully examined the surface topography, exposing a secret that had lain beneath the earth's surface for 60 million years. 他仔细研究了当地的地表形貌,揭开了深埋地下六千万年的谜。
The cause underestimated is lain in1 Huang Xing is a bourgeoisie revolutionist, and is not proletarian revolutionist. 低估的原因在于:黄兴是资产阶级革命家,不是无产阶级革命家;
The fast plum lain to implant top an on each cause, but can still keep surmising, they are seeing toward this square of they at the moment. 躺着床上的敏梅一动不动,可是却依然能猜到,她们此刻一定正在看向自己这方吧。
She took up her pen and pad and began working from words that had lately lain in her mind. 她提起笔,拿起本子,组织最近徜徉在她脑海中的字词。
Ms Soliman was only 25 weeks' pregnant when she collapsed in her bedroom last Wednesday, having lain down complaining of a headache. 上周当索利曼女士瘫倒在床上,躺下抱怨头疼时,她怀孕仅25周。
Farmer Ra Damthanin said she has lain within a coffin at least six times in the hopes of a long life. 农妇雷戴姆塞尼说,为了能活得更久,她至少已经在棺材里躺过6次了。
The Light chambers nullify all this and vivify what has lain dormant in you. 光之密室会使所有这些无效,并且激活你的潜力。
For centuries, the code of the Samurai has lain in the ruins of a hidden Bushido Temple in the mountains of central Japan. 封建时代的日本武士秘笈藏在日本中部的山上隐蔽而且破旧的武士道庙里已经几个世纪了。
The rest of the sample of tissue has lain in a freezer since, until it was defrosted to make the Dollies. 剩余的细胞样本被保存在冰箱里,直到它被解冻用来制造更多的多利羊。
The children are playing a game. They've all just lain on the grass. 孩子们正在玩游戏,刚才他们都躺到草地上。