
美 [ˈlændəd]英 [ˈlændɪd]
  • adj.拥有大量土地的;包括大量土地的
  • v.“land”的过去分词和过去式
  • 网络已降落;着陆;有田地的



1.拥有大量土地的owning a lot of land

2.包括大量土地的including a large amount of land


旅行常用词汇之机场指示篇 _旺旺英语教学网 ... 实际时间 actual time 已降落 landed 前往...... departure to ...


英语填空和选择题,急!!(最好有解释)_百度知道 ... 3 while 表示“在...的时候” 1、landed 着陆 2、followed 跟着 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... cooked 煮[烹]熟的 landed adj. 拥有土地的, 有田地的 fiasco n. 惨败, 大失败, 可耻的下场 ...


以l开头的英语英文单词 ... lancinate 刺,戳 landed 卸货的 landfall 初见陆地 ...


土地-的英语翻译-bab.la词典 ... 土地遗赠 devise 有土地的 landed 拥有土地的 landed ...


英语首字母_百度知道 ... help 帮助 landed 登陆 Europe 欧洲 ...


理论教学大纲第一章 ... 1、CIF Liner terms 班轮条件) 2、CIFLanded 卸到岸上) 3、CIFEx-tackle 船舶吊钩下交货…

You know you've landed with the wheels up if it takes full power to taxi to th e elevator. 当你满油门才能把飞机驶进停机坪,你就知道刚才降落时,忘记了放下起落架…
Local newspapers are using the site to determine how much stimulus spending has landed in their own back yards. 地方报纸正利用这个网站来确定花费在他们自己地区的经济刺激开支有多少。
Passengers have said the plane landed after, staff began to overhaul the aircraft left engine cover is opened. 有乘客称,飞机降落后,工作人员开始检修,飞机左侧发动机盖被打开。
If a hungry gull landed on the water, the whale would surge up to the surface, sometimes catching a free meal of his own. 若有一只饥肠辘辘的鸥鸟飞临水面,鲸鱼就会浮出水面,有时便捞到免费的一餐。
It seemed unreasonable that life should have landed him in such a place as this. 生活竟把他作弄到这种地步,这似乎不合情理。
They waited for four or five minutes, but nothing happened until there was an enormous splash and a shark landed in the boat. 他们等了四五分钟,但毫无动静,突然间,随着一阵水花四溅的巨响,一头鲨鱼降落船内。
He was landed from the boat, within half a mile of the castle, and rewarded his towers with a guilder , to their great satisfaction. 他在距城堡半英里的地方下了船,给了船夫一个盾的赏钱,使他们感到心满意足。
Moments earlier, Madden had landed on this same road; he took the photo through the window of his plane. 没几分钟前麦登才搭机在同一条路上着陆,他隔着座机的窗户拍下这幅照片。
Finally my feet landed and I slid onto the ground. My hip fell onto the biggest piece of rock around, and I yelped out in pain. 最后,我双脚著地,再滑行坐在地上,我的臀部正正跌在最大的一块石头上,我痛得不禁大叫。
I was looking at a beautiful rose when a beautiful, large dragonfly landed within arm's length of me. 当我正看着一朵美丽的玫瑰花时,一只漂亮的、大个的蜻蜓停在距我一臂之远的花上。
Brian finished the "H-vac" programme in 2007 at the top of his class, but he landed in an economy already beginning to teeter. 2007年,布赖恩以全班前几名的成绩完成了H-vac课程,但此时美国经济已开始步履蹒跚。
My daughter has just got engaged and I suppose I shall be landed with the cost of the wedding. 我女儿刚订婚,我想是到了我终于得拿出婚礼费用的时候了。
they had conferred together until the last moment , when it was necessary for the french gentlemen to be landed in their boat. 他们一直在一起谈话,直到最后一刻两个法国人要乘小船上岸时才停止。
They landed in traditional safe havens like the dollar and yen, which had lost ground to the franc this year as the U. 他们在美元和日圆这样的传统安全避风港上了岸。
Griffiths has landed back in Australia and will resume duties with Newcastle, at least for the rest of this season, shortly. 格里菲斯已经降落在澳大利亚,将恢复与纽卡斯尔的职责,至少在本赛季余下的比赛,在短期内。
Unfortunately for him, upon striking the shoreline and being ejected from the boat, he landed back end first on an old fence post. 对他来说,不幸的是在醒目的海岸线和被逐出船,他回到首先在旧篱笆结束。
it swelled to a roar as they both looked up at the sky -- and a huge motorcycle fell out of the air and landed on the road in front of them. 他们抬头一看,只见空中一架巨大的飞行摩托车缓缓地降落在他们面前的空地上。
When I first landed on the land, I could feel no sense of the uneasiness in a strange place, but some familiarity. 当我第一次踏上那片土地是,我完全没有感觉到来到一个陌生地方的那种不安,而是一种很熟悉的感觉。
One day, a Bat who was very tired, landed on the ground. As he was trying to take off, he was caught by a Weasel. 有一天,一只蝙蝠飞得好累好累啊,与是降落在地面上。当他试着要起飞时,却被一只黄鼠狼抓住了。
In fact, if you think carefully, it is not difficult to find someone to make happy bird landed on his head, made a lot of effort. 其实要是认真的想一想,不难发现人家为了让快乐鸟落在自己的枝头,作出了很多努力。
In Herat, where the Habibi family landed, the reality of Afghanistan turned out to be far from the fabled country her mother had depicted. 她全家在赫拉特(Heart)落脚,阿富汗的实际情况远不是她母亲所讲述的那个神话般的国度。
It had apparently flown into the system, attracted by the light and heat, and was zapped by the high voltage when it landed on the relay. 很明显有飞蛾飞进了系统,他们被光合热所吸引,最后被继电器的高电压击毙。
My feet shot out in front of me and I fell backward. My spine landed flat on a rock and my head snapped back against a rough crest of stone. 我的双脚向前,身子向后摔倒,脊梁骨结结实实地着地,脑袋仰着磕到坚硬的石头上。
Despite many chances, none of the challengers has landed serious blows on Mr Yudhoyono, or even forced him on to the defensive for long. 尽管有一些改变,但是没有一个挑战者能够给尤多约诺致命一击,或者迫使他长久防御。
The pair landed in court after an Emirati woman complained about the public kiss, which the couple insisted was just a peck on the cheek. 当时,这对英国男女因当众接吻而受到一名阿联酋妇女的投诉并闹上法院,但他们坚称当时两人只是亲吻面颊而已。
He said he found the same result with people being asked to name one of four people sending them an e-mail before it had landed. 他指出,在收到来自位亲朋的电子邮件之前猜发件人的实验中,研究者获得了与上述电话试验相同的结果。
They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. 他们跑了他,敲他的所有书籍的他的胳膊和绊倒他,使他落在了污物。
When that went long, he hauled in his own board on the other side of the basket, landed on his feet and put it back in with his left hand. 当时间慢慢过去,他在前场篮子的另一边,把球拿回来,并用左手把球投进。
I had never thought of anything but that I would reach the shore some way, and I would be in a bad position if I landed barefoot. 我当时总觉得我一定能上岸的,不管怎样上岸法。如果上岸时光着脚,那就糟了。
the other half, it landed him in solitary. Warden Norton's "grain & drain" vacation. Bread, water, and all the privacy you could want. “另一半情况,他则会被关禁闭――典狱长诺顿的“吃饱与消耗”休假。面包、水,所有独处(禁闭)用的必需品。”