
美 [læp]英 [læpɪŋ]
  • n.搭接;膝;怀;膝头;【建】(瓦的)互搭;(磨宝石等的)磨盘;膝;〈比喻〉怀抱
  • v.搭接;研磨;舔;重叠;重叠;(波浪)拍打;舔食;用磨盘磨
  • 网络抛光;精研;研光

过去分词:lapped 现在分词:lapping 第三人称单数:laps



n. v.

1.[ususing](坐着时的)大腿部the top part of your legs that forms a flat surface when you are sitting down

2.(跑道等的)一圈one journey from the beginning to the end of a track used for running, etc.

3.(行程或工作等中的)一段,环节a section of a journey, or of a piece of work, etc.


drop/dump sth in sbs lap

把(某事)推给他人负责to make sth the responsibility of another person

sth drops/falls into sbs lap

(美事、好运等)被某人轻松得到somebody has the opportunity to do sth pleasant without having made any effort

in the lap of the gods

由神掌管;结果难以预料;非人力所能左右if the result of sth isin the lap of the gods , you do not know what will happen because it depends on luck or things you cannot control

in the lap of luxury

生活优裕;养尊处优in easy, comfortable conditions, and enjoying the advantages of being rich


机械专业英语词汇(很全) - Lemon Tree ... jack 千斤顶 lapping 研磨 lead 导程 ...


机加工英语 您所需要的一切尽在 中国机械CAD论坛 ... lap grinding n. 研磨 lapping n. 研磨,抛光,精研,搭接,擦准 lathe n. …


机加工英语 您所需要的一切尽在 中国机械CAD论坛 ... lap grinding n. 研磨 lapping n. 研磨,抛光,精研,搭接,擦准 lathe n. …


机加工英语 您所需要的一切尽在 中国机械CAD论坛 ... lap grinding n. 研磨 lapping n. 研磨,抛光,精研,搭接,擦准 lathe n. …


船舶专业词典.xls ... 171 1)低潮 2)低水位 low water 178 1)研光 2)搭接 3)卷 lapping 188 1)线 2)线路 3)航线 line ...


机加工英语 您所需要的一切尽在 中国机械CAD论坛 ... lap grinding n. 研磨 lapping n. 研磨,抛光,精研,搭接,擦准 lathe n. …


五金英语学习 金属加工 - 豆丁网 ... Industrial mechanics 工业机械 Lapping 重叠 Large sized machining 大型加工 ...


关于表面处理专业词汇的中英文对照 ... 5.11 脱色 bleaching 5.12 精磨 lapping 5.13 尺寸增生 build-up ...

If it's lapping at the edges of the capital, however, it might be more of a problem. 如果暴乱正好发生在首都边缘地带,那么也许会更麻烦。
I saw [Jarno] Trulli lapping on his bike today and I don't see the point of that. 今天我看到诺诺骑着单车绕圈圈,我觉得这没啥意义。
I sat there in the boat listening to the gentle lapping of the water and watched the sun rise. 我坐在船头,倾听着悠扬的涛声,观看那喷薄而出的旭日。
"It's like the moment in Saving Private Ryan when you can hear the lapping of the boats as they're headed to the beach, " says Younis. “那一刻有点像拯救大兵雷恩里的场景,当他们向海滩前进时,你可以听到海水拍打小船的声音,”Younis说。
"Will the sea obey me? " he asked; and he looked down atthe little waves which were lapping the sand at his feet. “大海听我的吗?”他问,他俯视着拍打他脚下沙子的小浪花。
In the fall of 1913, he had a vision of a "monstrous flood" engulfing most of Europe and lapping at the mountains of his native Switzerland. 在1913年的秋天,他幻想「丑陋的洪水」吞没大半的欧洲,甚至高达他的祖国——瑞士的山峰之上。
Unless the briny is lapping at the door, which generally takes a hurricane, politicians give little thought to the sea. 除非是通常被飓风带来的海水涌到了家门口,否则政治家们几乎不会考虑海洋。
The dollar has gained strength, and the U. S. is back to its familiar position of lapping Europe and Japan in growth. 美元坚挺,美国的增长已经回到了人们熟悉的状态,将欧洲和日本抛在身后。
The eurozone crisis has worsened, with contagion spreading through Italy and Spain and lapping at the door of France. 欧元区危机进一步恶化,目前已席卷意大利和西班牙,并来到了法国门前。
Compared to the quiet lapping of water on my board this new sound was like a freight train blowing it's whistle into the night. 比起船上安静的水滴声,这个声音就像运货火车在夜晚呼啸而过。
Soft, soft hisses the desert, like the lapping of the ocean against the pebbles of the beach. 柔和的,沙漠柔和的嘶嘶声,就像海水不断轻拍海滩上的鹅卵石一样。
He was slapping his tambourine against his maroon wide-wale corduroys , a flap of shaggy brown hair lapping at his face, his eyes closed. 他正闭着眼睛,向自己身上穿的酱紫色粗条灯芯绒衣服上拍打手鼓,一缕褐色的头发不羁地搭在脸上,随着节奏上下抖动。
I could hear small lapping sounds beside me, as if a kindly monster was taking discreet sips of water from a large goblet. 耳边涛声絮语,像是一个友善的巨怪小心地从高脚酒杯里汲水时发出的声音。
By means of numeric calculation, the dynamic response of gear lapping system is obtained under different retarding torques. 通过数值计算,得到了不同制动转矩下,研齿系统的动态响应。
By this time, Love was growing a little anxious, as the waters were lapping at her feet. 到了这个时候,“爱”开始很焦虑,因为水已经升到她的脚面上了。
In a new study by researchers in the U. S. , high-speed footage has revealed how cats keep clean while lapping milk or water. (配图说明)在美国研究者的一份最新研究中,高速胶片回放显示了猫是如何在舔食牛奶或水时保持清洁的。
The genie disappears and only the gentle lapping of beer on the hull breaks the stillness as the two men consider their circumstances. 精灵消失了,两个人安静地考虑他们的处境,只剩下啤酒轻轻拍击船壳的声音。
By the time the inevitable court battles are resolved, the waves may be lapping at our doorsteps. 到了不可避免的诉讼战得到解决时,海浪拍打可能会在我们家门口。
Secondly, parameters must be optimized in lapping process as follows: pressure, rotation, slurry concentration, flow, time. 在研磨工艺中,研磨压力、磨盘转速、磨液浓度、流量大小、研磨时间必须有效配合;
Shhh, if you listen quietly enough you might even hear the gentle waves of the dead pool lapping up along the shores of sorrow. 嘘,如果你侧耳倾听,或许还能听到郁闷的海岸边,波澜不惊的死水正在轻轻拍岸。
This was first observed by an MIT engineer, who filmed a cat lapping liquid in 1940. 这最早由MIT的一个工程师在1940年发现,他当时拍下了一只小猫舔水的画面。
The radial gap uniformity can be achieved by lapping with a process spindle. 采用工艺轴刮研轴承获得均匀的径向间隙。
Age accounts receivable entries incorrectly and not recognize potentially uncollectible amounts as part of a lapping procedure. 做不正确的应收账款帐龄表,为截留款项,未确认潜在的不能收回款项。
China's central bank, which alone had been lapping up more than $5 billion-worth a month, has barely touched the stuff in recent weeks. 曾在一个月内欣然接受价值高于[size=10.5pt]50[size=10.5pt]亿美元的债券的中国央行,在最近几个星期几乎没有任何动作。
But they can hardly used in batch production for low lapping accuracy and efficiency, or complexity of the machine, or out of control. 但这些加工方法或由于加工精度、加工效率不高,或由于机构和控制较复杂,难以应用于批量化生产。
Lapping the superheater header unit seats, the connection between the superheater header & tubes. 研磨这过热器设备头单位位置,连接在————过热器设备头
A storm came, black clouds thick as soup and gales with rain lapping ceaselessly against the sides of the encircled machine. 一场暴风雨降临,黑压压的密云包围在小飞机旁,大风夹杂着雨水不停地敲打着机身。
The deep nick can be erased by fine lapping effectively, while R(subscript a) can be reduced effectively by fine polishing. 而抛光能有效降低表面粗糙度,但其对划痕的消除不如精磨有效;
For the purpose of rapid measurement of Subsurface Damage(SSD) in lapping process, a nondestructive measuring method was developed. 提出了一种光学材料研磨亚表面损伤的非破坏性快速检测方法。
Maybe it happened that she woke up when she felt the heaviness of the water lapping at her flanks. 可能她醒来时,发现大水已经漫到了自己的腰间。