last but not least

  • na.最后但不是最不重要的一点
  • 网络最后但并非最不重要的;最后但同样重要的;最后但并不是最不重要的

last but not leastlast but not least

last but not least


仁爱版英语八年级下册词组专项... ... 笑某人 laugh at sb. 最后,但同样重要的 Last but not least 载人飞船 a manned spaceship ...


英语行业 / 专业词汇_英文阅读网 ... Watch list 观察名单 last but not least 最后但并非最不重要的 Hotel 英语词汇精选 ...


仁爱英语九年级上册词组 - 豆丁网 ... laugh at 嘲笑 19. last but not least 最后但同样重要的 20. in public 在公共场合 ...


last是序数词吗_百度知道 ... last long 持续很久,持续很长时间 last but not least 最后但并不是最不重要的 last in 殿后者 ...


英语书面表达中常用的过渡词_百度知道 ... at first 首先 last but not least 最后但同样重要的是 generally speaking 一般来说 ...


托福范文:改善公共交通工具_托福写作部分... ... route n. 路线 last but not least 最后一项要点是 quality of life 生活质量 ...


浅谈发挥学生... ... E.g. knit one’s brow 皱眉头 last but not least 最后但不是最不重要的一点 laugh in one’s face 当面嘲笑 ...


高中英语常考词组短语大全[J-L][嘉兴英语网] ... lack of 缺少 last but not least 最后也是最重要的 last time 最后一次, 上次 ...

And last but not least, it makes up for the long, obliterating neglect in his own land of one of history's greatest scientific visionaries. 最后,同时也是重要的一点,这项举动对于历史上最伟大的科学前瞻者之一,在其祖国所受到的长期忽视,有所弥补。
Last but not least, try to get on well with your classmates. Be ready to help whoever is in trouble. 最后,但是重要的是,尽力与同学好好相处,总是准备好给处于困境的人帮助。
And last but not least, the aquarium seems to be a good environment for the chosen fish species. 最后,但并非最不重要的,水族箱似乎应该是为鱼选择的一个良好的居住环境。
Last but not least, students' creativity tends to be repressed due to the humdrum and dull homework. 最后,学生们的创造力在单调乏味的作业压力下受到极大的压抑。
The last but not least, it is always the best time to prepare for strategic share participation when the market is in its bad time. 最后,在市场不景气的时候往往是进行战略性参股行为的良机。
Last, but not least, it should be noted that Germany is no longer entirely master of its own banking destiny. 最后,但同样重要的是,我们应该说明,德国不再完全掌控本国银行业的命运。
Last but not least, a recruiter is looking for "a strong sense of values and ethics. " 最后也同样重要的是,招聘人员希望你具备“强烈的价值观和道德感。”
Last, but not least, use proper woodworking blueprints. Nowadays it is very easy to download these woodworking blueprints from the Internet. 最后,用合适的木工图纸。现在很容易从网上下得到这类木工图纸。
Last but not least, the looseness of the steering concerns me. I notice it particular when the front wheels hit big bumps or potholes. 我关心的最后但决不是最小的问题就是方向盘松了,当前轮碰上大的路包和坑洞时这个问题尤其明显。
Even in the age of electronic computers a designer should be guided by intuition, knowledge, experience and last but not least common sense. 即使在电子计算机时代设计者仍须依靠他的知识,经验,直观和常识指导工作。
Last but not least, we will reserve part of this session to provide guidance as you prepare for the Final Examination. 最后但最重要的,我们将保留部份的时间提供如何准备期末考的指引。
Last but not least, teacher Yue Juan's students play cat & mouse. The three hungry cats are trying to catch some mice for dinner. 最后,悦娟老师的学生们玩“猫抓老鼠”:这三只猫肚子饿,要抓老鼠来吃。
And last but not least, we will keep trying to win championship in every international competitions. 最后,我们将继续努力争取拿到每一个国际比赛的冠军。
And last but not least, he must review what he was studied at least three times. 最后也是相当重要的就是,他必须把念过的书至少复习三遍。
And last but not least, be sure you select Text as a login type at the bottom of the screen. 最后(但不是最不重要的),确认您在屏幕底部选择了Text作为登录类型。
Last but not least our special gratitude goes to those man and women who put everyday their lives in danger, " he said. " 最后但也是很重要的一点,我们要特别感谢那些每天的生活都面临风险的男士和女士们。
Now, last but not least, we end off with yet another milestone for The Dark Knight! 现在,最后一点,但不是不重要的,我们将以《黑暗骑士》——另一个奇迹结束。
Last but not least, the combination of text-markup language and XSLT works with DocBook and any other XML vocabulary. 最后一点(但不是最无关紧要的一点),文本标记语言和XSLT的组合可用于DocBook和其它XML词汇表。
Last, but not least, investors care about GDP growth. Corporate profits depend upon the absolute rate of growth of an economy. 最后一点,但并不是不重要,投资者很在意GDP的增长速度,一个企业的利润其实取决于一个经济体的绝对经济增长值。
Last but not least there is Mother Earth deserving of your loving help, as she too must be ready in time to ascend. 最后至少有非常重要的一点就是地球母亲是需要你用爱心帮助她的,因为她是急于马上做好扬升的准备了。
Last but not least, Generation templates can also be specified as part of a library definition (see previous section). 最后,也尤其重要的是,生成模板还可以被指定为库定义的一部分(请看前面的部分)。
The last, but not least important, we suggest some policy recommendations to the Shaanxi Province to raise the human capital. 最后,在全文讨论分析的基础上,给出关于陕西省人力资本筹集的政策性建议。
And last but not least, how about a pat on your own back and on the backs of all the Celtics fans around you. 最后而且是最重要的,鼓励一下你自己和你身边的凯尔特人球迷怎么样?
contest? Last but not least , what made you participate in the contest as you are ashy boy and seldom make speeches in public? 比赛?最后但并非最不重要,是什么让你参加比赛,你就会背驼男孩和很少会在公众面前讲话吗?。
Last but not least , It's very important for myself to have my own minds and take ti into practice. 最有,要有自己的有想法并且能提出具体实施步骤。
Last but not least, students may develop new interest in subjects used to be boring. 最后,通过这种方式学生还可能对以往厌烦的课程产生新的兴趣。
Last but not least, you'll serve as a resident expert and coach for your sales associate colleagues. 最后一点,但同样重要的是你将担任销售伙伴的常驻专家与良师。
Last but not least, deployment tasks performed with Ant do not include testing, by definition. 最后一点(但并非最不重要的一点)是,根据定义,利用Ant执行的部署任务不包括测试。
Last but not least, our school has many good English teachers, who are willing to help us whenever we meet with difficulties. 最后,我们学校有很多优秀的英语老师,都愿意帮助我们解决学习问题。
The last, but not least, important pillar of good health is to drink lots of water. 健康的最重要的支柱是喝很多水,但这不是最终的。