last night

  • na.昨晚;最后一夜
  • 网络昨夜;昨天晚上;一夜迷情

last nightlast night

last night


初二英语词组(上) ... three days ago 三天前 16. last night 昨晚 17. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 20. ...


ACTIVITY BOOK英语活动手册六年级下册_百度文库 ... C.Last month. 上个月。 D.Last night. 昨夜。 A.Yes,it is. 是的。 ...


仁爱版八年级英语上册期中考试复习资料 ... 72、on the phone 用电话,通过电话 73、last night 昨天晚上 75、take a seat 坐下…


一夜迷情last night)情节发展太… 2011-04-24 14:23 什么狗屁“绝不投降”---真没水平 2011-04-14 16:18 今年中超谁是黑马 20…


最后一夜》(《LAST NIGHT》),唐。迈凯勒、萨拉。


英语的介词总共有多少?分别是哪些?_百度知道 ... one year 一年 last night 昨天夜里 yesterday afternoon 昨天下午 ...


Moby -- 完全珍藏纪念盘 音乐极限-... ... 开始放( Play) 夜活族( Last Night) 混音单曲( Beautiful EP) ...

I should have thought about this before going to bed last night. 昨晚睡觉前就应该想好的。
B: everything that came in off the fax machine last night is all on your desk. 昨天晚上传真过来的所有材料我都放在您桌上了。
Last night, while on a business trip, I got to the airport in Fuzhou 35 minutes before my flight and had no problem making the plane. 就在昨晚我的一次商业旅程,我在飞机起飞前35分钟才赶到机场,但是并没有造成我航班的延误。
I saw it last night, not easy to shoot at night, so continued this morning. If I could buy this, that's more or less nice. 昨夜就来这里看过,只是桌子比较矮,构图不好,今早继续拍摄。这辈子有能力的话,买一辆也是不错的。
But fresh trouble loomed last night over reports that at least two women will go public with claims that they had affairs with him. 但昨晚又有报道说至少两位妇女将公开宣布她们与伍兹有婚外情,这下新麻烦又来了。
Last night, my husband Jeremy smiled and said, "Let's dedicate the next year to a year of happiness. " 昨晚,我的丈夫Jeremy对我笑着说,“让我们致力于把未来的一年充满幸福。”
I had a strange dream last night ---- you and I were in some sort of tropical forest being chased by tigers. 我昨晚做了个奇怪的梦——你和我在某个热带森林里被老虎追。
Last night I spoke to an American who boasted that his wife could land a plane better than "any man in Colorado" . 昨天晚上我和一位美国人交谈,他夸口他妻子驾驶飞机的技术要比任何一个科罗拉多人都好。
Late last night, when he emerged at the end of the meeting, he did not mention the subject. 昨晚,在会议结束后,再次露面的他没有再提到这个话题。
"He said he saw us with Eddie Harris at Martin's last night. " "No! " They both giggled. “他说他昨晚看见我们和艾迪·哈里斯一起在马丁酒家。”“去他的。”她们两个咯咯笑了起来。
It was Ann Peters' husband that (who) rushed her to a nearby hospital last night. 昨晚,正是安妮.彼德的丈夫,立即送她去了附近医院。
The fact that this will be our last night together, and you'll finally be rid of me. 这是我们共聚的最后一夜,你终可以摆脱我了。
In return for the potion, I shall tell you the story of what I did last night to put me in such dire need of said. 为了报答你送我魔药(的好意),我会跟你说说我昨晚做了些什么让我此刻非得对你倾吐不可的事儿。
My back has been stiff for the last couple of days and I woke up this morning and it did not respond to the treatment I had last night. 我的背部在过去几天一直有僵硬的感受,而当我今早起床后发现,头一晚的治疗并没有起到预期的效果。
Hey, you took me out for dinner last night, and today I'll take you out. We'll call it a square. 嘿,你昨晚请我吃饭了,今天我来请,这样我们就扯平了。
In a statement released last night CDB said that it has no plans at the moment to buy SDB or any other banks. 国开行在昨晚发表的一份声明中表示,目前没有计划收购深发展或其它任何银行。
A: Last night, my son warned me that if I did not buy a toy car for him, he would no longer call me dad. 昨晚我儿子警告我,假如我不给他买一个玩具(Toy)汽车,他今后就不再叫我爸爸了。
The airport was still closed last night, although most of the passengers had managed to leave for hotels in Bangkok and elsewhere. 素万那普国际机场昨夜仍处于关闭状态,不过多数旅客已前往曼谷及其他地方的酒店。
The police stopped him on his way home last night. 昨晚在回家的路上警察拦住了他。
Last night they merely recorded that this is still the view of the European Central Bank, but did not endorse it. 昨晚他们仅记录这仍是欧洲央行的观点,但是他们没有认可该观点。
I told them a story last night, and that which had been made up by me was very interesting. 昨天晚上我给他们讲了一个由我编的很有趣的故事。
Last night had been particularly brutal, and I had no desire to revisit the scene of the suffering. 昨晚的经历实在残暴难耐,我一点也不想再回顾那一幕。
The President is on his way home to Washington via Hawaii. He and the First Lady had dinner with the head of US Pacific Command last night. 布什总统转道夏威夷回国,昨晚,他和第一夫人与美国太平洋司令部的司令官共进晚餐。
Dude, sorry what I said last night, but I was really intoxicated. 哥们,昨晚说的话真不应该,那时我喝醉了说出来的。
I really blew it last night. I finally asked my neighbor, Fatima, out on a date and she walked out on me in the middle of it. 昨晚我真的是搞砸了,我终于能邀请到我的邻居Fatima和我一起约会,但是中途她就离开了我。
"I thought of that, " her father announced proudly. "I put it in the car last night. Just to be sure. " “我早就想到了,”爸爸得意地说,“昨晚我把它放在汽车里了,一定不会忘的。”
Prof Dershowitz said last night: 'It's a sad ending to a sad tragedy that some people tried to turn into a crime. 昨晚,德绍维兹教授说:“一幕悲剧最终以悲剧收尾”,一些人曾试图把悲剧变成一桩罪行。
In daily life, everyone appears elegant and like gentlemen, while last night, all of those were gone like the wind. We sang and danced. 平时各个都端庄典雅,绅士风度,昨天晚上却都把这一切都抛在脑后,尽情的唱呀,跳呀!
Last night, he was taken to nearby St. Thomas Hospital, and doctors treated him for six broken ribs and a broken collar bone. 昨晚他被带到邻近的汤马士医院,医生帮他医治了六跟断掉的肋骨及一根颈骨。
I'd like to have come over to see you last night , but someone called and I couldn't get away . 昨天晚上我本来打算过来看你,但是有人来访,我不能脱身。