
美 [lik]英 [liːk]
  • n.泄漏;渗漏;漏洞;裂缝
  • v.漏水;透露;使泄漏;传开
  • 网络泄露;漏出

现在分词:leaking 过去式:leaked 第三人称单数:leaks

leak information


v. n.

1.[i][t]漏;渗漏;泄漏to allow liquid or gas to get in or out through a small hole or crack

2.[i]渗入;漏出to get in or out through a small hole or crack in sth

3.[t]~ sth (to sb)泄露,透露(秘密信息);走漏to give secret information to the public, for example by telling a newspaper

人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... understanding n. 领会;理解 leak vi. ;渗 fiercely ad. 拼命地;狂热地 ...


泄字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 腹泻〖 havediarrhoea〗 泄漏;泄露〖 leak〗 通“殜”。狎侮;轻慢〖 neglect〗 ...


字典中 漏 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ water clock] (4) 孔隙,孔穴;漏洞[ leak] (7) 时刻,时间[ time] ...


泄字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 腹泻〖 havediarrhoea〗 泄漏;泄露leak〗 通“殜”。狎侮;轻慢〖 neglect〗 ...


液_百度百科 ... (4) 润[ moisten] (5) 渗漏[ leak] (1)冰冻融解;溶化[ melt] ...


走水_百度百科 ... [be on fire] 指失火(含避讳意) [leak] 漏水 [flow] 流水 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... odorless adj. 无嗅的 leak n. 漏洞, 漏出, 漏出物, 泄漏, <俚>撒尿 unmarked adj. 未被注意的, 无记号的 ...

It's important to highlight that this was a memory leak as well as a performance hit. 需要强调的是这不仅是内存泄漏,也是对性能的破坏。
He said the rise could possibly be due to a continuous leak of highly radioactive material from the area around the crippled reactors. 他说,水平上升可能是因为受损反应堆周边地区的高放射性物质持续泄漏。
Australia's federal environment minister, Peter Garrett, said he was confident everything possible was being done to stop the oil leak. 澳大利亚联邦环境部长彼得·加勒特说,他确信人们正在采取一切可能的措施阻止石油泄漏。
Employee was at a bowling alley and a bucket filled with water (due to a leak) crashed through the ceiling and hit her on the head. 在保龄球馆被装满水的桶(因为漏水)砸到头。
She said it's quite common for women to leak small amounts of urine while laughing or sneezing, but that's not what was studied here. 她说当女性哈哈大笑或者打喷嚏的时候会露出少量尿液,那是极其普遍的,然而这并不是所要研究的。
The company warned that small amounts of radioactive leak could occur during the process, but that the amount would be harmless. 该公司警告说,这一过程中可能发生少量放射性物质泄漏,但这个量不会有害。
Japan's nuclear regulator said the water would begin to leak through a shaft and into the ocean if it rose another three feet. 日本核监管机构说,积水若再升高三英尺,会开始沿竖井渗流至海洋。
The table shows a pair of leak containers and a leak unit, together with a number of instances of leak units and their cumulative sizes. 此表显示了一对泄漏容器和泄漏单元,带有泄漏单元的实例数量及其总大小。
I can tell you something about his private life, but don't leak it out to others. 我可以告诉你一些他的私生活,但不要泄露给别人。
She said that the current works have been completed, but also observed a few days, so it will not leak sealing place. 她说,目前工程已完工,但还需观察几天,因此现在还没将漏水的地方封上。
Finding the cause of a memory leak can be a tedious process, not to mention one that will require special debugging tools. 查找内存漏洞的原因可能是一个乏味的过程,更不用说需要专用调试工具的情况了。
We need good ways to intercept DNS requests so they don't "leak" their request to a local observer while we're trying to be anonymous. 我们需要好的办法拦截DNS请求,这样,当我们想要匿名时,DNS请求就不会泄露给本地的窃听者。
Not at this stage, no. It was an intentional leak, and was not a leak of a 2nd single. 不是,这是一个有预谋的泄露,泄露的不是第二单。
Set at the front, then head off-line will leak a few needles, not to reclaim the volume of cars to increase rework. 设置在前方,然后前往脱机将泄漏几针,而不是汽车回收量增加返工。
When a program does not release the memory back to the system, it is called a leak. 如果程序没有把内存释放回系统,则称为内存泄露。
White House officials who pride themselves on secrecy were quick to say they were not the source of that leak. 以保密自诩的白宫官员随即声称他们不是泄密的来源。
In practice small amounts leak in and out in industrial systems, but overall, the bulk of mass circles in a " closed loop . " 实践中工业系统少不免有小量的泄漏,但总体说来,大多数物质都在一个“闭合环路”里面循环。
The system has detected one spill in an area previously contaminated by an old leak. 在一个曾经因泄漏而被污染的地方系统检测到了新的泄漏。
To us, this looks like the government is using the records request as a tactic to ferret out who else might have been involved in the leak. 对我们来说,看起来政府要求得到地址是一种策略,顺藤摸瓜找到维基解密事件中还有谁参与其中。
Such a situation is either a sign of a memory leak or of running an application on an application server with too few resources. 这种情况既可以是内存泄漏的一种标志,也可能表示正在一个资源过少的应用服务器上运行应用程序。
Expert opinion, based on underwater scans, was that the sunken rig had not sprung a leak. 通过多次水下扫描,已得出鉴定意见:沉没于海底的平台没有发现原油渗出。
US officials said the leak put US troops in danger and threatened to put some 300 Iraqi collaborators at risk by exposing their identities. 美国官方称此次泄密事件将美国士兵置于险境,并暴露了300名左右的美国盟军(伊拉克通敌者)的身份,使他们的生命受到威胁。
For this to be safe, scientists have to be sure the material could never leak out and contaminate water supplies or rise up to the surface. 为了保证安全,科学家们必须确保这些物质决不可能泄漏出来,以至于污染水源或者升至地表。
If none of these pressure points springs a leak, then markets must try to understand bigger macro effects. 如果这些压力点都不出现漏洞,那么市场必须试图理解更大的宏观效应。
Suddenly, Harry burst through the door and told Tom there was a leak on the roof that needed immediate attention. 突然,哈里从门口冲进来,告诉汤姆屋顶有个漏洞,需要赶快修理。
A spokesman said the leak was quickly remedied and did not pose a danger to staff or the local population. 一位发言人称,这一泄漏已迅速得到修补,不会对员工和当地居民带来危险。
Billy was out of bed, groping along a wall, trying to find a way out because he had to take a leak so badly. 毕利比床上起来,沿着墙想找个地方走出去,因为小便憋得慌。
The new numbers for the oil leak could play a crucial role in determining how much BP is fined under the Clean Water Act. 根据美国《清洁水法》(CleanWaterAct),BP将被处以罚款。新的原油泄漏数据可能在决定罚款数额上扮演关键角色。
In southeastern Fujian province, the Zijin Mining Group delayed reporting a June 3 leak of waste into a river for more than a week. 在东南省份福建,紫金矿业集团则对今年6月3日泄漏进河水中的废物瞒报超过了一个星期。
The switch in nomenclature from the CLK to the E-Class Coupe made a bit of a stir when word began to leak last year. 该开关在命名从时钟的E级跑车提出了一些轰动Word时开始泄漏去年。