
美 [lik]英 [liːk]
  • n.泄漏;漏水;泄密;漏洞
  • v.透露;漏水;(使)渗;传开
  • 网络泄露;漏的;泄漏的

现在分词:leaking 过去式:leaked 第三人称单数:leaks

leak information



国外金属材料标准常用英文词汇 - 豆丁网 ... largely: 大部分,全部 leaked泄漏 least : 最少(量、的),一点儿 ...


谁有陕西省2012年专升本英语词汇?_百度知道 ... collected 收集。 leaked 泄露: drew 拉,拽; ...


经典考研英语句子784句... ... dairy( 牛奶场、奶制品) leaked漏洞、漏出) from the break( 休息、暂停、破裂、突变、削 …


血姬舞樱的英语单词_公务员_会计资料下载... ... leaked 什么意思 漏的 average heading 的中文释义 平均航向 ...


大纪元 -... ... 7. fireproofing:n. 防火设施 8. leaked:adj. 泄漏的(秘密) 9. propaganda:n. 宣传 ...

But the traditional methods must have meant that there was a limit to the amount of stuff available to be leaked. 但传统的方法必须有意味着有一到所能得到的东西就被泄露的限制。
The next morning, mud was all over the stairs from where the roof had leaked, and walls had been knocked down where they kept the cows. 第二天早上,楼梯里全是屋顶漏水带来的泥巴,圈养母牛的地方的墙壁也被冲毁了。
She also noted the irony that Crosby's call for discipline appeared to have been leaked to the media beforehand. 她说,很讽刺的是,克罗斯比呼吁议员们不要抱怨一事已提前被媒体获悉。
Leaked, manmade oil is not the only thing that can cause variations in the brightness of the Sun's reflection off the ocean. 泄漏的人造石油并不是唯一可以导致海面的日光反射发生亮度变化的事物。
The plan was dropped at the last minute when it became clear it had been leaked, the official said. 该官员表示,该计划在最后一刻遭放弃,因为很明显消息被泄露。
An inquiry is under way, but state media said the leaked chemical was phosgene, used to make pesticides, painkillers and antibiotics. 事故原因正在调查中,官方透露泄漏化学物品为三光气,主要用于杀虫剂、止痛药及抗生素的制造。
Fergus Cochrane-Dyet was told to leave Malawi after he was quoted in a leaked cable as saying the president does not tolerate criticism. 费格斯·克伦特·迪耶特曾在一份电报中说马拉维的总统不能忍受批评,在电报泄露后他被告知必须离境。
A leaked email said the pilot program would last until May, when the bank would decide whether or not to extend it, it was reported. 一份泄露出来的电子邮件说,试点计划将持续到五月,到时摩根大通将将决定是否延长该计划。
A poll on the micro blog of Sina. com showed that 74 percent of respondents were in favor of the ending which had been leaked. 新浪微博的一项调查显示,74%的调查对象喜欢网上流传的结局。
According to a leaked document, parliamentary elections were to be held in two rounds, giving the winning party total control. 根据一份泄露的文件内容显示,议会选举会举行两轮,并给予获胜一方全权控制权。
Did you hear what happened in the Scott case? Some of the sensitive material were leaked to the press. Now every newspapers is all over it. 你听说斯科特那个案子的事了吗?有些敏感的资料被泄露给了新闻界。现在各大报纸都在报道这件事情。
The White House did not officially comment on the loan amounts, which had been leaked by an unnamed source to the Detroit News. 白宫没有正式评论的贷款额,这已经泄露了消息来源的底特律新闻。
The bank declined to comment on how any inside information might have been leaked to one of its employees. 该行拒绝评论内幕信息可能以何种方式泄露给了它的一位雇员。
The meeting was to include a discussion via video conference with McChrystal, whose grim assessment of the war was leaked last month. 会议中,他们会通过视频与麦克里斯特尔将军进行讨论,因其对阿富汗战争所做出的不乐观的评估报告于上月泄露了。
The company changed its mind after details of these talks leaked. Shortly afterwards it raised prices at its petrol stations in Argentina. Shell在这些谈判细节泄漏之后改变心意,不久后,该公司提高在阿根廷加油站的汽油售价。
The video was leaked to Assange from what he said was "a number of military whistleblowers" and published on the Internet. 这段录像被泄露给亚桑杰,并在互联网上公布,录像来源是他所说的“许多军方揭发者”。
By June, Steve had recovered enough that he allowed it to be leaked to the Wall Street Journal that he would return by the end of the month. 到六月时,史蒂夫已经恢复的差不多,他方才允许消息泄露给华尔街日报说自己将在月底返回。
He said it was clear that water that could have been inside the No 3 reactor had leaked, but said the reactor itself had not been breached. 他说,可能是3号反应堆内部的积水出现了泄漏,但表示反应堆本身并没有发生泄漏。
Mr. Assange said the source who leaked the documents was motivated by a desire 'to call attention to a number of these incidents. ' 阿桑奇说,泄漏文件的消息来源的动机是为了引起人们对若干此类事件的关注。
Servatis later admitted that at least 8 thousand liters may have leaked - contrary to what it had disclosed in the previous week. Servatis随后承认,可能至少有8000公升外泄-与它在几星期前的公开说明相反。
By the time the company was broken up the US Supreme Court in 1911, the corruption had already leaked into the US political landscape. 在1911年该公司被美国最高法院宣布解体的时候,腐败之风早已经渗入了美国政界了。
On September 6th news leaked via AllThingsD, a technology-news website, that she had been ousted in a surprise coup by Yahoo! 's board. 一家科技网站---AllthingsD在其9月6日的新闻中透露巴尔茨突遭雅虎董事会解雇。
One focus is whether expert-network firms leaked inside information to hedge funds and others, according to people familiar with the matter. 知情人士说,重点之一是专家人脉网络公司是否向对冲基金和其他人泄露了内幕消息。
The shed was cold and drafty and the rain leaked in. A great deal of the work had to be done out-of-doors. 由于小棚屋阴冷透风还漏雨,所以很多实验玛丽不得不在室外进行。
My only regret was that I knew too much. It leaked out now and then, despite all the precautions I took. 唯一叫我懊悔的是我懂的太多,尽管我很小心谨慎还是不免暴露出来。
Over the next four weeks, all the evidence that has leaked out into the press over the years will at last be put into the public domain. 接下来的4周里,所有出版界捕风捉影的证据都终将投入公共领域。
News of the visit first leaked out on Wednesday as the reclusive Mr Kim returned home on a private train. 消息是在周三当不怎么露面的金正日乘专列返回朝鲜时首次透漏的。
More details of the energy bit of the Russians' ambitions emerged in a leaked draft this week. 在能源事务方面,俄国野心的更为具体细节被暴露在这周一份被泄密的草案里。
One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police. 透露给报界的文件中有一份是秘密警察局长写的备忘录。
The bacterium spread to Wilson's intestines where it developed fistulas, holes where the contents leaked out to her skin. 她说细菌散播到她的肠道,在那里形成了窦道,随后皮肤穿孔,所以肠道里的东西会泄漏到体表。