
美 [leɡz]英 [leɡz]
  • n.腿;裤腿;(尤指供食用的)动物的腿;(桌椅等的)腿
  • v.〈口〉走;跑;卖力;用腿抵住运河隧洞壁推船通过
  • 网络腿部;双腿;脚



n. v.

身体部位part of body

1.[c]腿one of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body


2.[c][u](尤指供食用的)动物的腿,腿肉the leg of an animal, especially the top part, cooked and eaten

裤子of trousers/pants

3.[c]裤腿the part of a pair of trousers/pants that covers the leg

桌椅of table/chair

4.[c](桌椅等的)腿one of the long thin parts on the bottom of a table, chair, etc. that support it


5.有…腿的having the number or type of legs mentioned


break a leg!

(表示良好祝愿)祝你好运!used to wish sb good luck

get your leg over

性交to have sex

have legs

(新闻报道等)会长期受到关注if you say that a news story, etc.has legs , you mean that people will continue to be interested in it for a long time

not have a leg to stand on

无法证实;无法解释(理由);站不住脚to be in a position where you are unable to prove sth or explain why sth is reasonable

”(legs),并把一些单独的标志点作为路标(Landmark/ Waypoint)输入GPS。GPS手工输入数据,是一项相当烦琐的事情,请想 …


mojojo - 博客大巴 ... Held In Off-hand 副手物品 Legs 腿部 Neck 颈部 ...


格策双腿(Legs)本领平均,非论是边路仍然中路都踢得很好,他与多特蒙德的左券2014年到期,爽约金2000万欧元(Euro)。 如 …

装甲核心_百度百科 ... 手( Arms) ( Legs) 火控系统( FCS) ...


悟透JavaScript - 李战 - 博客园 ... life.body = " 蝌蚪"; life.legs = " 四条腿"; life.lung = " 肺"; ...


侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯的衣服_爱问知识人 ... torso( 上衣) legs( 裤子) shoes( 鞋) ...


摩登舞练习中身体各部分的姿势 ... 骨盘/臀部( Pelvis/Hips) 大腿Legs) 脚( Feet) ...


Mosquitoes have six legs, a pair of wings, compound eyes, large antennae, and that problematic proboscis with which the females suck blood. 蚊子有六只脚,有一双翅膀,复眼,大型天线,而先天问题,其中以女性,吸血。
Theropods in particular would have had a tough time escaping, since the dinosaurs used only their hind legs for locomotion, Eberth said. 兽脚亚目恐龙在逃跑时会特别困难,因为这种恐龙只使用后腿运动,艾伯斯说。
After treling, she finds a witch that offers her a deal. She accepts the offer to trade a pair of legs for her voice. 她后来找到一个巫婆,巫婆跟她进行了一笔交易,要她用嗓子交换一双脚,她接受了。
In this position, the woman lies on her back with her legs spread apart, and the man gets on top of her. 在这种姿势中,女性背卧着,双脚分开,男性则趴在女性上面。
He rubbed his back against a tree while he scratched his chest and arms with his hands, and his legs with his feet. 他用手挠着前胸和胳膊,用脚挠着两腿,还靠在树上蹭着后背。
The melancholy of it! As if old Euclid had stood up on his hind legs and swallowed prussic acid. 它演奏的调子是那么悲哀,似乎老欧几里得用后腿站着吞下了氢氰酸。
Suddenly I see a dark, hairy crack in front of me set in a bright, polished billiard ball; the legs are holding me like a pair of scissors. 突然我看到眼前一个鲜艳、光亮的台球上出现了一道黑洞洞毛茸茸的缝,这时支撑我的两条腿像一把剪刀一样。
As you age, a number of changes occur in your skeletal muscles, which are the ones that move your arms, your legs and the rest of your body. 当你上了年纪,那些手臂、腿部和身体其它部分动作所需的骨骼肌肉会发生一系列变化。肌肉变少;
The human race is in a twilight zone between a dying civilisation on life support and an emerging one trying to find its legs. 人类正处在两种文明的交替处,一面是进入暮年、苟延残喘的文明,一面是逐渐兴起、尚未立足的文明。
One of the cubes ended up in my vagina. It was like having a really, really bad brain freeze between my legs. 有一块冰滑入了我的阴道,我觉得基本上两腿之间要冻残了。
Gentlemen, most of you did not know me when I had the use of my legs. 先生们,在我还四肢健全时你们大多数人都不知道我。
Legs & Back Get ready to squat, lunge, and pull for a total-body workout like no other. 05腿&回来准备蹲下,冲刺,对于一个楼,把锻炼没有像其他地方一样。
He said that I did not notice that the father is not only head wrapped gauze, even the arms and legs are wrapped with. 他这一说我才注意到爸爸不仅头上缠着纱布,连胳膊和腿上都缠着。
He needed carrying to the bath, to the toilet, to bed; his long legs were good for nothing, collapsing under him like a deck of cards. 必须有人抱着他洗浴,扶着他如厕,搀着他上床。修长的双腿是一无是处的,若勉强起立就会像一副纸牌在他眼前整个塌陷下去。
He blinked his eyes blindly a few times, wabbled on his legs, threw up his hands, and staggered back. 他的两眼昏花地眨了几下,两腿发抖,举起双手,摇摇晃晃地朝后退去。
supine lying bed, his hands behind his head, hold pillow in two legs knees. 仰卧躺床上,两手枕于脑后,抓紧两腿屈膝。
Each of the twins continued to grow and soon their arms and fingers, legs and toes began to take shape. 双胞胎继续成长,很快他们的胳膊和手指、腿还有脚趾都开始形成。
If it were any larger than that its legs would need to be so thick it would be unable to move. 如果它真能长到超过这一数字,那么它所需要的四肢会粗到让它没有办法移动。
They tied the donkey's legs together, turned him over on his back; and began to carry him. 他们把驴子的腿在一起,把他打败他的背,并开始把他。
There is nothing the matter with my legs. 我的腿没有毛病。
As if he had got a pair of strong long legs in his heart. 他的心灵仿佛获得了一双有力的长腿。
By the time I got to the top of the field my lungs were burning and my legs were screaming at me. 等我到了该领域的顶级我的肺在燃烧,我的腿大喊。
You have got all that the great have had: two arms, two legs, two hands, two eyes, and a brain to use if you'd be wise. 如果你是明智的,你拥有了所有伟人所拥有的:两只胳膊、两条腿、两只手、两只眼和大脑。
So, your English-speaking taxi idea has legs, Wang Fei. So let's run with it for a minute. 所以,如果你想的开一家说英语的出租车公司很不错。我们来支持一分钟吧。
A snake is a long and thin animal that lives in grass or other dark places. It has no legs or feet, but can move very fast on its stomach. 蛇是生长在草地或其他黑暗地方的又长又瘦的小动物,它没有腿脚,但却可以靠腹部快速移动。
When she was dancing, one of her legs was on the ground, and the other was up in the air. 当她跳舞的时候,她的一条腿站在地上,而另一条腿却悬在空中。
It was cold after the sun went down and the old man's sweat dried cold on his back and his arms and his old legs. 太阳下去后,天气转凉了,老人的背脊、胳膊和衰老的腿上的汗水都干了,感到发冷。
Whenever rose water, mom would come here with children, sat down on the steps, his legs out into the water inside. 每当涨水时,妈妈都会和小朋友们来到这里,坐在台阶上,把腿伸到水里边。
After realising he was onside , Frank slotted the ball through the legs of keeper' Kirkland, much to the pleasure of every Chelsea fan. 然而确认没有越位的弗兰克,将球从门将柯克兰两腿中间穿裆入门,这个进球让每个切尔西球迷都兴奋不已。
When you hear the word "yoga, " do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel? 一听到“瑜伽”这个词,你是否就会联想到一个人将自己的腿扭成椒盐卷饼那样呢?