
美 [lend]英 [lend]
  • v.借给;给予;借出;(向…)贷(款)
  • n.(短期)贷款
  • 网络把…借给;出借;把某物借给某人

过去式:lent 第三人称单数:lends 现在分词:lending

lend money,lend support,lend dollar,lend aid,lend assistance



1.[t]借给;借出to give sth to sb or allow them to use sth that belongs to you, which they have to return to you later

2.[t][i](向…)贷(款)to give money to sb on condition that they pay it back over a period of time and pay interest on it

3.[t]给…增加,增添(特色)to give a particular quality to a person or a situation

4.[t]给予,提供(帮助、支持等)to give or provide help, support, etc.


lend和borrow怎样区分?_爱问知识人 ... borrow 借来 LEND 借出。 BORROW 借入。 ...


小学英语反义词大全 ... white 白的 lend 借给 neither 两者都不 ...


英语动词大全_百度知道 ... 76. leave 离开;剩下 77. lend 借出;把……借给 78. let 让 ...

转载 四个字母的英文单词 - 豆丁网 ... leap v. 跳,跳跃n.跳跃,飞跃 lend v. 借给,(款) lens n. 透镜,镜头 ...


出字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 出尖,出尖儿〖 beoutoftheordinary〗 出借lend;loan〗 出界〖 out-of-bounds〗 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... sell( 卖); lend( 借给,出借,贷款); flay( 掠夺,鞭打); ...


牛津教材8B 词组大全 ... 7. leave a book 遗留一本书 8. lend sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人 14. keep doing sth. 继续做某事 ...

The Chinese government can just make a call to banks and dictate how much they will lend and at what interest rate. 中国的政府只需要打个电话给银行,告知他们要借多少钱出去,借贷利率是多少就行了。
"We do not use ratings to invest. We do our own research on anyone we lend money to, and that includes sovereigns, " she said. “我们不是用评等来投资--我们自己会对所有投资对象作研究,这也包括主权体,”她称。
FOR years I have been trying to lend him of my plenty, but he has always steadfastly refused to put the bite on me. 多年来,我一直想把我花不完的钱借给他,可是他坚决不肯向我借。
Kumar said he tried to help but his phone wasn't working and none of the other neighbors would lend him a phone to call police. 优曼许·库马尔说,他曾试图帮助她,但是他的手机不能工作,没有其他的邻居愿意借给他打一个电话来呼叫警察。
With luck, this will produce a virtuous circle in which an improving economy strengthens the banks, which then become more willing to lend. 幸运的话,这将产生一个良性循环,经济的改善加强的银行们,而他们更愿意发放贷款。
How much did you ask him to lend you ? 你问他借多少?
'Lend me a shilling, cousin, ' said the shoe-maker's wife. 'I need a new petticoat. ' “借我一先令好吗,表姐,”鞋匠的妻子说,“我想要买一个新的衬裙。”
Haiti is a very poor country. I'm sure many surrounding countries will lend aid to help these people recover from such a disaster. 海地是一个穷国。我确信很多周围国家将借给帮助帮助这些人从这样的一个灾难中恢复。
Investors lend out Treasuries overnight in the so-called repo market, and get the bonds and a small interest payment back the next day. 通常情况下,投资者在所谓的回购市场上隔夜借出美国国债,次日收回并获得一小笔利息收入。
Wherever I meet with difficulties, they are always ready to lend me a hand. 只要我遇到困难,他们总是愿意伸出援助之手。
"Banks are presently unwilling to lend to small enterprises due primarily to lack of good information, " he said. 由于缺乏信贷资讯,银行暂时仍不愿意贷款给小型企业。
can refuse to love a man or to lend him money, but if he wants to ~ you have got to oblige him. 你可以拒绝爱一个人,或者拒绝借给他钱,可是如果他想要跟你打架,你就得帮他这个忙了。
Beijing has plenty of choices if it wants to ease policy. The quickest-acting option would be to let banks lend more briskly. 中国在实行宽松政策上有充足的选择.见效最快的将是允许银行迅速扩大信贷规模。
Feeling poorer and with fewer people prepared to lend them money, consumers are cutting back: witness the slump in car sales. 倍感贫困,无钱可借,消费者可谓如坐针毡,看看汽车销量的陡然下滑便知一二。
Do you think you could possibly lend me your car for a few days? 你看能不能把你的车借我用几天?
However, some banks may already be nearing the limits of how much they can lend to rail-sector firms, if not the ministry. 然而,撇开铁道部不说,一些银行能够向铁路相关企业发放的贷款或许已经在接近上限。
You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to lend you money. 如果你以为我会借给你钱,那么你一定是疯了。
"There is going to be a political consequence of all this. The banks will now be under a lot more moral pressure to lend, " he said. 这一切将会有政治面的后果.现在银行业会有更大的道德压力要进行放贷。
But it does not take much imagination to see how the Aka-Aki approach could lend itself to advertising. 但是,我们无需多少想象就能明白Aka-Aki公司的方式是在为自己免费做广告。
But it is still a land of easy virtue, so why not lend ourselves for a time to its sensual grace? 但它仍然是一片到处透着风度的土地,为什么不让我们自己拥有一段时间来体会它感性的优雅呢?
JDO's pure object-oriented approach and simplicity-by-design lend it a faster ramp-up time than the other two persistence technologies. JDO的纯面向对象方法和设计的简单性使掌握它所需的适应期比其它两种持久性技术都短。
Out of sympathy, she began to move money about, ostensibly to "lend" from the rich to the poor for a short period. 她出于同情而开始转移资金,从表面上看,是将富人的钱短期“借给”穷人。
In short, she flirts with him, as a preliminary to asking him, in his role as family friend, to lend her some money. 简言之,她在向他调情,像是把他当作家族朋友,准备向他借钱。
Gordon: I don't want to know how much you rake in, I just want to know how much you lend me? 戈登:我不想知道你挣多少,我只想知道你可以借给我多少?
One is how much the retail part of a bank could lend to the rest of the firm. 其一是,银行的零售部门可为其他公司提供多少贷款。
You may borrow this book on condition that you do not lend it to any other person. 你可以借这本书,条件是你不得借给其他任何人。
I would not for a moment lend the atmosphere of charlatanry, or of the ultra-psychic, to the wholesome and vivid art of story-telling. 我从来都不把讲故事这种健康生动的艺术建立在吹牛或者催眠的基础上。
Banks that received bailout funds sat on their money, rather than lend it out to consumers or home buyers. 收到救助的银行把这些钱据为己有,而不是放贷给消费者或购房者。
Hoping to lend a hand, volunteers took care of her medical expenses, and chauffeured her to a hospital in Chengdu to receive chemotherapy. 慈济志工得知后伸出援手,不但帮他负担全额医药费,还专车接送她到成都市的医院治疗。
I had him at such a point that he would come running after me, in the street, to inquire if he could lend me a few francs. 我已把他掌握得牢牢的,他会在大街上追上我,看是否能借给我几个钱花。