
美 [les]英 [les]
  • adv.少;较少;更少;较小
  • n.较少
  • prep.减去;扣除
  • adj.较小的;较次的;身分较低的



1.(与不可数名词连用)较少的,更少的used with uncountable nouns to mean ‘a smaller amount of’


less and less

越来越少smaller and smaller amounts

less is more

少即是多;以少见多;简单就是美include only what is essential in order to create an effective product or result

no less

(表示惊讶或钦佩)竟,居然used to suggest that sth is surprising or impressive

no less than…

(强调大数量)不少于,多达used to emphasize a large amount

The technology has been used to power wireless lamps, speakers and electronic photo frames that require less than 10 watts to function. 该技术已经应用于像无线灯具,扬声器和电子相框这类能耗低于10瓦的产品。
As the euro's troubles go on, however, the signs are that the German electorate is becoming steadily less eager to go along with it. 然而,随着欧元问题的持续,德国选区的信号变得不再坚定拥护这一系统。
When President Obama came into office, he committed to providing the best value for the American people while spending less money. 奥巴马总统上台后,致力于为美国人民提供最好的服务,同时花较少的钱。
But Saudi Arabia, Coll shows, is a place where the interests of rulers and revolutionaries are less easy to distinguish. 但是,科尔表示,在沙特阿拉伯,统治者与革命者间的利益划分很难做到泾渭分明。
What was less good was that some readers did not understand quite what sort of problem I was after. 不太好的是一些读者没搞清楚我要的是什么样的问题。
The condition of the large intestine was similar to that of the small intestine, but the injury was less severe. 大肠与小肠在损伤和修复的变化过程方面基本相同,但其程度明显低于小肠;
Developers seem to be open and less interested in information, they seem very "enjoy" their " muddle-headed " home state. 发展商似乎对信息公开并不太感兴趣,他们似乎也很“享受”买楼者“蒙查查”的买楼状态。
And with more boots on the ground, he would have been less reliant on air power, with its inevitable risk of big civilian casualties. 有了更多地面部队,他就能少依靠空中力量了,也就减少了导致平民大量死伤这样不可避免的风险。
On this call would be a condition that was the converse of the if; in this case, that the deposit must amount to less than or equal to zero. 在这个调用上会有一个与if相反的条件;在本例中,即存款必须小于等于0。
The crisis has toppled seven euro-zone governments in less than a year, including those in Spain, Italy and Portugal. 受危机影响,在不到一年的时间里,7个欧元区国家的政府下台,其中包括西班牙、意大利和葡萄牙。
These people care about how much interests they can draw from the audience that they care less the journalism ideals. 这些人只关心能从观众那里吸引多少眼球,而不怎么关心新闻精神。
Although normally a result of their's why they not always greeting, but worried about the heart has never been less blessed. 虽因自己平日里的琐事缠身而不常问候,但牵挂祝福的心从未曾减少。
The German survey found that the more educated a woman was, the less likely it was that she would be satisfied by sex. 德国的一项调查发现,越是受教育程度高的女性,越是难在性生活中获得满意。
Using GSM in the U. S. is often less expensive than calling cards , pay phones and hotel phones . 在美国使用GSM,通常比使用电话卡、公共电话和酒店电话更为便宜。
One person familiar with the matter said the new device will likely sell for less than $400. 一位知情者表示,新电脑的售价可能低于400美元。
Although this might seem to make such bonds less attractive to investors, in practice it seems to have done the opposite. 尽管这可能会使这些抵押债券对投资者来说不那么具有吸引力,但是实际上正好相反。
not drink much less of a hero is heroic, and the wine can only be regarded as a hero out of aperitif, appetizer, wine, liquor beauty. 不喝酒的英雄则少了许多豪气,而酒离开了英雄只能当作餐前酒、开胃酒、养颜酒。
There was a strong preference for packages that were easy to carry and open, convenient for storage and generated less waste for disposal. 有强烈偏好的包,易于携带和开放,存储方便,减少产生废物的处置。
France also hopes to commission a repository by then but seems to have made less progress at the administrative level. 法国也希望到时能准备好仓库,但在行政层面上似乎进展不大。
'Oh yes. But I think I was a very lonely person growing up, so I'm probably less lonely now than I was. ' 哦,是的,但是我从小就是一人孤单长大,所以我现在没觉得有多孤单。
It is, however, arguable that this burden is less than the performance gained by transferring about half as much data across the wire. 然而,这个负担是否比因通过数据线传送一半左右的数据而获得的性能小,还存在争议。
Most of its policyholders did not do badly, but they did less well than they had been led to expect. 它的大多数投保人做得并不坏,但没有他们被引导的预期那么好。
Why, then, should man hasten as if anything less than eternity were allotted for the least deed. 那么,为什么要加快,犹如人以外的任何永恒的少而被分配最不行为。
America's new dollar policy may be less absurd than its old one, but it is still a bit of a muddle. 新的美元政策也许会比旧的政策更为合理,但也同样有点令人迷惑不解。
He said he was, in fact, eating LESS junk food since my departure. 他说,在我出发旅行之后,他反而少吃了很多垃圾食品。
Make it a goal to live more and stress less. Remember, you manage your feelings. Don't let your feelings and worry manage you! 将让生活更丰富,压力更少定为一个目标。记着,你管理你的情绪。不要让你的情绪和担忧管理你!
I cut my elastic the length of the back top edge plus half the front top, but you may want less. 我将我的回弹性的上边缘的长度加上半前的顶部,但你可能要少。
And, to say the truth, there is no conduct less politic than to enter into any confederacy with your friend's servants against into master. 老实说,再没有比跟你朋友的仆人勾结起来反对他们的主人更为冒失的事了。
If things do not change, the sort of independent military operation carried out by US soldiers will become less the exception than the rule. 情况如果还得不到改观,美军的类似单独军事行动将会被列入常规计划,而非偶然为之的特殊情况。
In less than 100 characters she'd recognised what I'd set out to achieve and given my confidence a real boost. 她用不到100个特征认识到了我努力实现的,让我的信息得到了一个真正的提高。