let it go

  • v.算了吧
  • 网络放手;让这些不快逝去;让它去

let it golet it go

let it go


林志炫 | 我是歌手 ... 12. 总有 After All 01. 放手 Let It Go 02. 有些女人不能碰 Certain Women You Should Avoid ...


Iridescent ... You were there impossibly alone 却无法忽视万分孤单的处境 Let it go 让这些不快逝去 Iridescent 虹 ...


吉米·巴恩斯_百度百科 ... "One More Night"“ 一晚” "Let It Go"“ 让它去” "Letter From a Dead Heart"“ 信”从死的心 ...


张信哲的全部歌曲 - 一听音乐网 ... Loving Me Loving You 爱你爱我 Let It Go 任它去 The Actor 作戏的人 ...


Serendipity《缘分天注定》精讲之五[1] ... 6. cold feet: 害怕,胆怯 7. let it go: 放手,随它去吧 8. flipping through: 翻阅 ...


Down_英文歌曲_听歌学英语 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... fall down: 倒塌 let it go: 放手吧 put on a show: 假装,装模作样 ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... let go of 释放,松手放开 let it go 任它去,放下 let out v. 放出;泄露;出租 ...


Freak out 和 Slipped away是什么意思?_百度知道 ... slip away - 溜走;离开 let it go - 放手;让它走 freak out - 吓着了 ...

But I found the strength inside to see, found the better part of me, And I'll never let it go. 但我找到了心里的力气,找到我更好的部门,我永久没有会让它来。
You know that I make it a rule never to let it go out of my garden. 你知道我制定了一条规则从不让它离开我的花园。
All right, 'I said. 'Let it go at that. But you came to lunch to ask me a question and I've tried to give you an honest answer. 我说。我们就到此为止。可你上这儿来吃午饭为的是问我一个问题,而我已经尽可能给你诚实的答复了。
If I just let it go, it seems to be a destruction to the wisdom of the Gaia. 如果我放弃的话,似乎是一个对盖亚女神的智慧的毁灭。
Save your breath not to ask me of this question again. Nevertheless, you still won't let it go. 这个问题吧,最好别多问,不过,你不会就此罢休。
And so I let it go, working myself up to the brink in her pussy then pulling out to come all over her. 我打算完成先,让我在她里面抽动至颠峰然后抽出我的生殖器射到她全身。
This is, in-fact, except for two or three Muslim countries, which encourage their women to observe this ruling or at least "let it go" . 实际上,只有两三个穆斯林国家鼓励女性遵守此法规或至少“任其自然”。
You do not know they are going to take what you say. And it's very important that you just take what they say and let it go. 你不知道他们是否会接受你的说法。接受他们所说的话,抛开顾虑,这非常重要。
If it's not important enough to call the person directly, then let it go. 如果事情并不是十分重要,没有必要直接打电话通知对方,那就让它去吧。
Well, who knows, she felt sorry for it, that's all, so she picked it up and headed for the door to let it go. 谁知道呢,她就是同情这只乌龟。所以她把它提起来,走到门外把它放了。
Mao Bao immediately bought the turtle, but instead of eating it, he took it to a nearby lake and let it go. 毛宝当即把那只龟买下来,他没有吃了它,而是把它带到附近的湖中放了。
Receive wealth or prosperity without arrogance; and be ready to let it go. 毫不炫耀地接受财富和繁荣,同时又随时准备放弃。
I spent all those years out there and my life was stolen. They were all wrong, they let it go on. 我花了所有的这些年离开那里,从此改变了我的生命,他们都错了,他们让这样的生活继续着。
That's OK, Ben, just let it go. I thought you were just a little too much into it. 好了,本,都过去了。我还以为你只是有点奇怪。
Thankfully , eventually, she did let it go and made a pact with Lisa to reunite in heaven. 好在,陈妈妈最终释怀,并与理珊约定,在极乐世界相聚。
Tell them, "For a long time, I was angry and resentful about this, but I have decided to forgive you unconditionally and l let it go. " 告诉他们,“长久以来,我一直对这件事耿耿于怀,但我决定无条件地去原谅你们,让这件事就此过去。”
Will I start over again with him? Or just let it go, go with the wind? I really have no ideas. 我要和他重新来过吗?还是让这段情,随风飘散?我真的不知道了。
If it's over, let it go and come tomorrow it will seem. . . So yesterday, so yesterday. I'm just a bird that's already flown away. 因为如果它结束了,那就让它走吧就像明天会到来一样那样的昨天,那样的昨天我只是一只早已飞走的鸟。
"Ketch---" I started to say, but let it go. What was the use getting involved in that? " Thanks. What did you want to see me about? " “是双桅小帆船——”我开口说了。还是让他们走算了,纠缠在那里有什么用?“谢谢,你们来看我有何贵干?”
Those lost, not to, have to smoke, those unable to grasp, to let it go, let it go. 那些失去的,得不到的,都已经化为烟尘,那些无法把握的,该来的让它来,该去的让它去。
When love has gone away, whomever it has happened to, the only outlet is to give it up and let it go. 当爱远走,无论它是发生在自己或者对方身上,放弃和放手都是惟一的出路。
I ask you to be aware of this and to let it go, for this kind of inspiration that is charged with anger takes you away from your center. 我要求你们认识到这点并放下它,因为这种充满了愤怒的灵感把你带离了你的中心。
If the atmosphere is squashed prolate into a double tide, and if we could then let it go, it would go sloshing up and down. 如果大气被拉扁成双潮汐,那么让它这样下去,它就会继续上下涨落。
But after finding that I had some talent and potential in this field, it was hard for me to let it go. 但是在发现自己在这方面的才能后,我又很不愿意放弃自己的天赋。
After I let it go, I would scan all the legs of every pigeon that I saw, clinging onto the small hope that Sky would come back. 我让它飞走以后,我会常常注意在我家周边盘旋的鸽子,希望天空会回来。
It's hurting me so, but I know I got to let it go. 这是伤害我,但我知道我必须放手。
When you lose out on a project, you eventually have to let it go. 当你在某个项目的竞争上败下阵来,你最终还是要放下吧。
CK: Curious timeout here, they hold a solid lead, with no jeopardy for losing the game. Why not let it go? We need to get out of here. 奇怪的暂停,他们领先分数非常稳固,不可能输掉比赛。为什么不让计时器走完?我们只想回家。
Do not most of you seeing people grasp casually the outward features of a face and let it go at? 你们能看见事物的大多数人不是偶然地抓住一张脸孔的外部特征并不再去想了吗?
Think of that, children, and let it go with you through life. 好好想想这一点吧,孩子,一辈子都不要忘记。