
  • 网络负荷频率控制(Load Frequency Control);消失模铸造(Lost Foam Casting);Lancer Fortis Club



负荷频率控制(Load Frequency Control)

电网负荷频率控制LFC),是通过电网AGC系统和电厂AGC系统来控制水电机组的水轮机调速器及火电机组的调速系统实现 …

消失模铸造(Lost Foam Casting)

  消失模铸造(LFC)是二十一世纪的绿色铸造工程,是铸造业实现可持续发展的新技术支撑之一,具有广阔的应用前景。涂料技术 …

Lancer Fortis Club

Lancer Fortis ClubLFC)全台大会师挤爆渡假村!‧ HID气体式放电头灯 原理说明 : 三菱认证中古车说给您听... ‧ 中华汽车获 …


评级机构标准普尔授予中国人寿(LFC)A+之长期本币交易对手信用评级和财务实力评级,评级展望为稳定。中国人寿的评级反 …

利物浦(Liverpool Football Club)

悠间外贸品牌店... ... 巴塞罗那 FCB 利物浦 LFC 请加 QQ+562312 ...

Talking exclusively to LFC Weekly magazine, Johnson said: "It is all football with Rafa, but that's not a bad thing. " 在利物浦每周杂志独家采访中,约翰逊说道:“贝尼特斯脑子里都是足球,但是这并不是一件坏事。”
"Our programme targets anti-social behaviour in the hot-spot areas in and around Liverpool, " said the LFC in the community officer. “我们活动的箭头直指利物浦周边重点地区反社会行为,”利物浦社团官员说道。
You took a number of community coaches on the trip as well - how big a role did they play in spreading the word of LFC? 在这一次行程当中你率领了为数众多的利物浦市其他球队的教练——他们在宣传利物浦当中扮演著甚麽角色?
When asked in an interview with LFC TV if he would ever consider coming back to his former club Alonso said: 'Why not? 当龙哥接受LFC-TV采访的时候,被问及是否曾经考虑过重回安菲尔德球场?龙哥表示:为什么不能呢?
"It's good to see the fans are enjoying watching the team play and the way we're trying to play, " he told LFC Magazine. “很开心看到球迷很享受我们的比赛,还有我们踢球的方式,”他告诉利物浦杂志。
"The Merseyside derby is different to any other I've played in, " he told LFC Weekly. “默西塞德郡德比不同于我参与的其他比赛,”他对利物浦周刊说。
Not just one of LFC's finest players, Cally was a true gentleman of the game, only being booked once in his entire career. 卡利不单是利物浦队史上最优秀的球员之一,他还是球场上真正的绅士——整个职业生涯仅领到过一张黄牌。
The full Lucas interview, plus an exclusive with Jay Spearing and a look back at the forgotten 1957-58 season, is in this week's LFC Weekly. 全部卢卡斯采访,加上斯皮灵的独家采访,以及回首1957赛季,尽在每周利物浦杂志。
"It would be great to win the World Cup, but it definitely wouldn't make up for this season with Liverpool, " Reina told LFC Weekly. “能够获得大力神杯当然很不错,但这并不能使我们忘记本赛季利物浦的糟糕,”雷纳面对利物浦周刊时表示。
"Reina has been brilliant all season and is without a shadow of a doubt Liverpool's player of the year, " the Kopicon told LFC Weekly. “雷纳在整个赛季都非常出色,毋容置疑他是今年利物浦最佳球员,”利物浦传奇球星在利物浦每周杂志说道。
"There are similarities with Kaka and Stevie but Stevie makes more of a contribution all over the pitch, " he told LFC Weekly. “史蒂芬与卡卡非常相似,但是史蒂芬在整个球场贡献他的才华,”他接受每周利物浦杂志说道。
"Obviously it means a lot, " he said in an exclusive interview with LFC TV. “很明显这对我来说意味着太多了。”他在官网的独家专访中说。
"To me he looks a very good footballer who has good vision and is capable of seeing a pass, " he told LFC Weekly. “就我看到的,我认为他是一个有着很好视野并且能传出好球的好球员,”他告诉利物浦周刊。
"Playing with Steven Gerrard is great, of all those I've lined up alongside he's definitely one of the best, " Mascherano told LFC Magazine. “跟杰拉德一起踢球太棒了,在我所有的队友中,他无疑是最出色的之一”马斯切拉诺告诉LFC杂志。
getting ready for the massive game this weekend vs lfc, . . . our support is always lively at Anfield! 正在准备应付周末对利物浦一战…我们在安菲尔德(晏菲路)球场的支持总是精力充沛的!
"It has helped me having people like Stevie and Carra around, " Kelly told LFC Weekly in an exclusive interview this week. “像杰拉德,卡拉格这样的人在周围,我收获匪浅。”在本周的利物浦周刊专访中凯利这样说到。
"It's certainly easier for me to talk to Stevie and the other lads now, " he told LFC magazine. 他告诉lfc杂志说:对我来说,现在与杰拉德和其他队友交流容易多了。
AN LFC fans group today warned the club's bankers and potential buyers that thousands of supporters could protest on their doorstep. 一个利物浦球迷组织日前警告俱乐部的债权银行以及潜在的购买者,不排除成千上万的支持者直接在他们办公室门前示威抗议的可能性。
The full Steve McManaman interview, plus an exclusive with the Reds' Brazilian midfielder Lucas, is in this week's LFC Weekly. 麦卡专访的全文,以及巴西中场卢卡斯的访问,尽在本周的利村周刊。
The Skipper told LFC Weekly: "Raul is a quality player too and very clever, you can see that already. " 红军舵主告诉利物浦周刊:奔驰帝是一个非常聪明而且能力极高的运动员,这是我们已经知道的。
All match tickets for the visiting LFC supporters are guaranteed by the Borussia Moenchengladbach Fan Projekt. 对于到访的利物浦支持者,他们的所有比赛球票将由门兴球迷项目小组提供。
A special section on the arrival of Jordan Henderson, plus an exclusive interview with Fabio Aurelio, is in this week's LFC Weekly. 关于亨德森加盟的特别报道,外加法比奥·奥雷里奥独家专访,尽在本期利村周刊。
"I think it's one of the biggest games we've had so far this season, " he told LFC TV. 斯皮林告诉利物浦官网:“我认为这是我们本赛季目前为止所遭遇的最重要的比赛之一。”
Casting coat is one of the most important technologies in the LFC (Lost foam casting), which has direct impact on quality of the casting. 涂料是消失模铸造的关键技术之一,涂料质量的好坏直接影响到消失模铸造工艺的成败。
LFC was founded in 1892, the club shirt was made up of blue and white halves and was accompanied with Royal blue shorts and socks. 利物浦在1892年成立的时候,俱乐部的球衣就是蓝白相间的,并且配有宝蓝色的短裤和袜子。
The full Mascherano interview, plus another exclusive with Daniel Agger, is in this week's LFC Weekly magazine. 全部马斯切拉诺的采访外加阿格的个人采访,尽在利物浦每周杂志中。
The striker recently told LFC Weekly he is expecting his fortunes to vastly improve under Kenny Dalglish over the second half of the season. 最近在接受利村周刊的采访时,他表示自己很期待在达格利什治下的下半赛季他的命运会大翻身。
"Where I come from people work really hard, " he told LFC Weekly in an exclusive interview this week. 他接受利物浦周刊独家专访时说:在我的家乡,人们都非常勤劳。
He and co-owner George Gillett officially announced LFC is for sale yesterday, appointing Martin Broughton as chairman to oversee the sale. 昨天利物浦官方代表希克斯与吉列特正式公布了任命布劳顿为球队新主席以及打算出售球队的决定。
And he told LFC Weekly: "I think the form we have shown over the second half of the season bodes well. " 而且他告诉利物浦周刊:“我认为后半赛季我们的表现是一个很好的兆头。”