
美 [ˈlaɪəb(ə)l]英 ['laɪəb(ə)l]
  • adj.(法律上)负有偿付责任;可能(做某事);可能受…影响
  • 网络有...倾向的;有义务的;有责任的



1.~ (for sth)(法律上)负有偿付责任legally responsible for paying the cost of sth

2.~ to do sth可能(做某事)likely to do sth

3.~ to sth可能受…影响likely to be affected by sth

4.~ to sth可能受法律惩处likely to be punished by law for sth

5.~ for/to sth.~ to do sth必须按法律做(某事);负有…责任having to do sth by law


职称英语考试大纲(B级) - 豆丁网 ... lest conj . 唯恐, 免得 liable a. 常患…的; 有…倾向的; 有偿付责任的 liar n. 说谎者 ...


20个以able结尾的单词_百度知道 ... doable 可做的,可行的 liable 有责任的,有义务的 losable 易失的 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... liability 责任 liable 有责任的 liar 说谎者 ...


26大写字母编码思维导图_学习心得_右脑记忆论坛 ... lever n. 途径,工具,手段 liable a. 易于…的;可能的 layer n. 层,层次…


美国法庭词汇翻译 | 法律英语翻译 ... liability 应负责任,债务 liable 法律责任 liability insurance 责任保险 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... lest conj. 唯恐,免得 662. liable a. 可能的,大概的; liberal a. 自由得 664. ...


交排版前要求 - 豆丁网 ... level n. 水平;水平面;水准 liable adj. 有责任的;易……的;有倾向的;很有可能的 liberal n. 自由主 …

The Bank is not liable for errors, neglects, or defaults of any correspondents, sub-agents, or other agencies. 对于委托解付汇款的代理行或同业银行之一切错误、疏忽或过失,本行不承担责任。
In case of any other liability form, the foreign investor shall be liable for the enterprise according to Chinese laws and regulations. 外资企业为其他责任形式的,外国投资者对企业的责任适用中国法律、法规的规定。
Drive by a theater on Long Island (NY) on December 25th, and you're liable to see a line around the building! 驱动器由一个战区长岛(纽约)于12月25日,您可看到一条线周围的建筑!
The company is not liable in damages in respect of any failure on its part to redeem or purchase any of the shares. 公司无须就其未有赎回或未有购买任何该等股份负损害赔偿的法律责任。
When a specified number of points have been recorded, you will be liable to be disqualified from driving for a certain period. 当被扣的分数达到一个指定数目时,驾驶者可能会被取消驾车资格一段时期。
In Spain, if the bank forecloses on your home, you are still liable for your mortgage debt. 在西班牙,如果银行没收你的住房,你仍然要承担抵押贷款债务。
If the person who trades has no idea that the information was provided in breach of a duty, then he may not be liable for insider trading. 如果利用内幕信息进行交易的人并不知道向他透露这一信息是违法的,那他也有可能不被判处内幕交易罪。
She had to be very careful, because he was liable to be touchy and irritable in his present stage of weakness. 她必须十分小心,因为他现在身体还很虚弱,容易动怒,发脾气。
A splurge on signings would only make sense if it was calculated that the disaffection of fans was liable to be even more costly. 只有球迷的不满会带来更高代价时,一掷千金罗致球员的场面怕是才能发生。
If the director fails to comply with subsection (1), he shall be liable to a fine and, for continued default, to a daily default fine. 如该董事没有遵从第(1)款的规定,他可被处罚款,如属持续失责,则可处近日计算的失责罚款。
The only place any of us is liable to see him is courtside at a Lakers game, or walking his baby in the park, contentedly. 我们唯一有可能看到他的地方也许是湖畔的球场边,或许是满足地和孩子漫步在公园里。
A person who contravenes this section shall be guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment and a fine. 任何人如违反本条,即属犯罪,可处监禁及罚款。
However, the insurer shall only be liable for the total loss where the total loss occurs after the partial loss which has not been repaired. 但是,对发生部分损失后未经修复又发生全部损失的,保险人按照全部损失赔偿。
he shall be guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment and a fine. 即属犯罪,可处监禁及罚款。
But the judge emphasized that his ruling did not mean there had been systematic torture or that the British government is liable. 但是这名法官同时强调说,他的裁决并不意味着当年存在有计划的虐待行为,也不意味着英国政府就负有责任。
Accounting personnel shall also be held liable if they do not submit a report to the head of the superior administrative unit. 会计人员不向上级主管单位行政领导人提出报告的,也负有责任。
No one is liable to be charged by the National Health Service for treatment in an accident, emergency or for an infectious disease. 国民保健制度对事故,急诊或传染病的治疗不收费,直接国民保健制度,由全国各地的保健机构和卫生委员会实施。
I shall now therefore humbly propose my own thoughts, which I hope will not be liable to the least Objection. 因此,我谨此提出我的想法,希望不至遭到任何反对。
Article 97 As regards the capacity for civil conduct of a person liable for a negotiable instrument, the law of his own country shall apply. 第九十六条票据债务人的民事行为能力,适用其本国法律。
Pay clean-up expenses incurred in eliminating the pollution, compensate for the losses and be liable to a fine. 支付清除污染费,赔偿损失,并处以罚款。
I understand that if I give any false information or withhold any information, I shall render myself liable to dismissal. 我知道如果我作出任何虚假信息或隐瞒任何资料,我会令自己会被解雇。
Liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any use or reliance on any of the information provided here. 对于因使用或依据所载的资料而引起的任何损失或损害,金管局恕不负责。
The Company shall be liable to its creditors to the extent of its assets. 合营公司应以其资产对其债权人承担责任。
Neither of the party shall be jointly and severally liable to any third party for the JV Company's liabilities and obligations. 任何一方均不就合营公司债务和义务对任何第三方有任何连带责任。
The procedure is usually followed when someone is liable to a defendant who, in turn, is liable to the plaintiff. 该过程通常是遵循人即属违法,被告谁,又是对原告承担责任。
The shipowner shall be liable for the charterer's loss resulting from the delay in delivery of the ship due to the shipowner's fault. 因出租人过失延误提供船舶致使承租人遭受损失的,出租人应当负赔偿责任。
The discussion as to whether or not the defaulting company was liable to pay damages turned upon the meaning of a word in the contract . 关于该违约公司是否应赔偿损失的讨论取决于合同中一个字的含义。
I hereby declare that the above statement is true. Otherwise, I shall be liable for the related responsibilities. 本人声明上述申报资料全属正确无讹。否则我将承担由此而产生的责任。
All taxes and duties inside the Seller's country to which the seller is liable in connection with the contract shall be borne by the seller. 买方所在国境内发生的与本合同有关与本合同有关的一切赋税及关税均由卖方负担.的一切赋税及关税
The User specifically acknowledges and agrees that the United Nations is not liable for any conduct of any User. 用户须特别认可并同意联合国不对任何用户的任何行为负责。