
美 [laɪ]英 [laɪ]
  • n.谎言;巢;(高尔夫球的)球位;〔英口〕躺
  • v.编造谎言;欺骗;哄骗;隐瞒
  • 网络说谎;撒谎;位于

复数:lies 现在分词:lying 过去式:lay 过去分词:lain

tell lie,believe lie,lie bed
deliberate lie,downright lie,blatant lie,obvious lie


v. n.

1.[i]说谎;撒谎;编造谎言to say or write sth that you know is not true


lie through your teeth

满口谎言;撒弥天大谎;睁着眼说瞎话to say sth that is not true at all

lie your way into/out of sth

由于撒谎而处于某种境地(或摆脱某种处境)to get yourself into or out of a situation by lying

七年级英语单词表 ... take a photo 拍照 lie 平卧; beach 海滩 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... parachute n 降落伞 lie n 谎话;谎言 speech n 演说;讲话;语音 ...


仁爱版七年级英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网... ... stand v. 站;立;起立;坐落;经受;持久 lie v. 说谎;躺;平放;位于 video n. 录 …


撒字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 撒欢儿〖 gambol;frisk;rompaboutasacat〗 撒谎lie;tellalie;prevaricate〗 撒娇卖俏〖 actspoile…


仁爱版七年级英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网... ... stand v. 站;立;起立;坐落;经受;持久 lie v. 说谎;躺;平放;位于 video n. 录 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... parachute n 降落伞 lie n 谎话;谎言 speech n 演说;讲话;语音 ...


不规则动词过去式和完成式表_百度文库 ... know 知道 lie 躺下 ride 骑 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1559 check v 检查,核对 1560 lie v 躺,平躺 1561 deaf adj 聋的 ...

and she could not bring herself to say this. The others who thought she was telling a lie, and a silly lie too, made her very unhappy. 可是别人呢,都认为她在说谎,而且是说了一个非常愚蠢的谎,这使她感到非常的委屈。
The stars lean down to kiss you. And I lie awake and miss you. Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere, 'cause I'll doze off safe and soundly. 繁星弯下腰来亲吻你,而我碾转反侧着想念你。给我一剂足够的空气,这样我才能安心睡去。
When finished return to normal breathing for a minute or two, then lie down in Shavasana (Corpse Pose) for a few minutes. 当结束时回到一、二分钟的正常呼吸,然后用挺尸式躺下休息几分钟。
She said: "If I told you that I don't want a marriage, it would be a lie. " 她说:“如果我告诉你说我不想结婚,那么我一定是在撒谎。”
Beatrice Bringham Candice Cutler lie all the time. I wouldn't trust any of the men in Rock Ridge. . . one of them is bound to be your spy. 碧绮思布灵汗姆、坎迪斯卡特勒一直在撒谎。我不会信任岩石山的任何一个男人。他们当中一定有一个是间谍。
Because we all believe the truth, we believe the fact that you lie full of mistakes, of course, do not believe you. 是的,因为大家都相信真理,相信事实,你的谎言错误百出,当然不相信你。
But when men lie, it is often nonverbal, as in doing what he says he would not do or not doing what he promised he would do. 但男人撒谎,通常是非语言的,譬如去做他说不会做的事情,或者不做他答应要做的事情。
And for those inventors and corporate pioneers whose life is their business, then it is all too clear where their ultimate priorities lie. 而对开创者和企业前驱来说,企业就是他们的生命,因此终极他们会优先选择什么就再清晰不外了。
But I think I can guess how it's happening with you. Let me just make a little test, to confirm my guess. Lie down. 但是我想我可以猜猜看它是怎麽发生在你身上的。让我做一个小试验,来确认我的猜测。趴下来。
It would have been easy for her to lie low the rest of her life. 她的馀生原本可以很容易一直按兵不动下去。
As i lie at night i'm imagining things, abercrombie and fitch paris, how it used to be, girl you know your hurting me. 晚上我在躺在床上的想,这一切都没有改变,女孩,你知道的你正在伤害了我。
I was just relieved to see it hit the back of the net. I'm not going to lie, I've seen replays of it a few times already! 我很放松的看到球触网底。我不会说谎,我已经看了好几次这个球的回放了!
Well, since the Fed is trying to lie to the American people, I imagine that it certainly would be acceptable. 嗯,因为美联储一直试图欺骗大众,我想那一定可以接受。
I know every one here in the house, and I know there was once a time when I did not lie out here in the cold, fastened to a chain. 这屋子里的每一个人,我都了解得清清楚楚;我还记得自己不曾被扣在冰冷的院子里的时光。
Or that, without even meaning to, she had already begun to lie to her parents in order to see Tala. 甚至,在没有基于更深入的意图之下,她已经开始向父母说谎,为的只是出来见塔拉。
What she said sounded convincing, but I suspect it to be a lie. 她的话听起来像那麽回事,但我认为那是谎话。
Here we have one of the texts in which the great truth of the blessed Trinity is seen to lie at the very root of our spiritual life. 在这里我们看见这伟大的三而一的神的真理是我们属灵生命的根基。
A: You know, I've dreamed a thousand times that I could lie down on Miami beach to relax myself. 要知道,我曾千百次地梦想着自己能在迈阿密海滩上放松放松呢。
In the dark forests lie many lakes, some large enough to hold several English towns. 在黑暗的森林里有许多湖,有的湖大得可容纳好几个英国城镇。
Promise more, if do not make it, it has only been a lie. 承诺再多,若都做不到。那也只不过还是谎言
But you taught me to be overruled by sacrifice Don't is all a lie? 可是你教我要割舍私情难道全是谎言?
Everyone killed would have survived if they had been able to get out of their cars and sit or lie next to them. 其实,他们可以简单地离开车辆,靠近车辆坐下,或躺在车边就可以了。
Did he lie to the American people when he said I never had sex with that woman? 当他说,他没有和那个女人做爱,他对美国人民撒谎了么?---他不认为他有,是因为…
"Poor bear, " said the mother. "Come in and lie down by the fire but take care that you do not burn your furry coat. " “可怜的熊,”母亲说道,“进来吧,躺在炉火边,不过要小心点,不要把你的毛皮外套给烧着了。”
It's midnight and I lie awake watching the sky - only just dark now with streaks of pink still in it - through the crack in the curtains. 已经是午夜了,我躺着没有入睡,透过窗帘的缝隙观望天空,天才刚刚变黑,还有一线粉红色的晚霞留驻在空中。
There is no doubt that we were all cheated by his lie. 毫无疑问,我们都被他的谎言欺骗了。
Sometimes she was so ill that she had to observe one at least of the doctor ' s instructions-to lie down. 有时候她病得实在厉害了,只好遵照医生指示中的一项――躺下休息。
Rebelliously, Han Fei-tzu gave her the most false answer to her question. "To lie with her, " he said. 韩非子难以控制的给了她最错误的答案。“和她躺在一起。”他说。
Maria : She told a lie. The editor of the newspaper told me she was an assistant reporter. He told me she wasn't a reporter. 玛丽亚:她撒谎。那个报纸的编辑告诉我她是个助理记者。他告诉我她不是记者。
The committee decided to let the matter lie over until the meeting. 委员会决定下次会议再讨论这个问题。