
美 [laɪt]英 [laɪt]
  • v.点燃;照亮;点火;下车
  • n.光;亮光;灯;光源
  • adj.点燃的;燃烧的;灯火通明的;灯光照亮的
  • adv.轻快地;轻装地
  • 网络点着;发光的;被点燃的

比较级:lighter 最高级:lightest 复数:lights 现在分词:lighting 过去式:lit

bright light,blue light,electric light,light industry,light touch
dim light,light candle,come light,light shine,light lamp
light travel



高分跪求作业答案啊!!!!_百度知道 ... price tag 价牌标签 lighted 点燃 headlights 车灯 ...


light过去式 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... 点火 lit 照亮 lighted 不及物动词:变亮, lighted ...


笔记 - 豆丁网 ... fire 点燃、 开枪、 解雇 lighted 点着、 点亮 inspire 启迪、 启发、 启示 ...


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(J-L) ... lighted straight channel beacons 直道灯标 lighted 发光的 lighten ship 减轻船载 ...


新概念英语二册The last one ... an article entitled 题名为……的文章 lighted adj. 被点燃的 cigar n. 雪茄 ...


高一英语各单元知识点总结及重难点解析Unit13-14 ... light n. 光线;灯 lighted adj. 点燃了的 adviser n. 顾问;劝告者 ...


Beauty is not something imposed but... ... 轻快的( light-hearted; gay) 点着的lighted) 照亮的( Illuminated) ...


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His face was lighted up with interest in the youthful struggles of Mr. Butler; but there was a frown upon his face as well. 马丁的脸上因年青的巴特勒先生的奋斗闪出了兴趣的光芒,同时也皱起了同头。
He often walked about in the daytime holding a lighted lantern, peering around as if he were looking for something. 他经常在白天点着灯笼四处走动、张望,像是在找什么东西似的。
As often as he put anything into his mouth, whether for eating or drinking, the face of the Marchioness lighted up beyond all description. 每当他把吃的或者喝的东西送到口中时,侯爵夫人的面上总是泛起无法形容的光彩。
When it reached mine, I heard cacophonous music like a calliope and felt as if Roman candles had been lighted inside my skull. 当它进入我体内,我听到像汽笛风琴一样嘈杂的声音,觉得爆竹在我颅内引燃。
So she made a fire on her hearth, and that it might burn the quicker, she lighted it with a handful of straw. 她在炉子里点上火,为了让炉子烧得快一点,她生炉子的时候用了一把麦草。
When he was showing me his cabinet of art curios his face lighted up like the door of a coke oven. 当他给我看他放艺术古董的房间时,他的脸亮堂了,像炼钢炉门口燃烧着焦炭。
And when Naaman saw him running after him, he lighted down from the chariot to meet him, and said, Is all well? 乃缦看见有人追赶,就急忙下车迎着他,说,都平安吗。
He kept silent the whole night, seems to be in deep thought with a lighted cigarette at all times. 他接下来一整晚都保持沉默,燃点著香菸,好像在沉思什麽。
but his conductors hurried him on, through a gloomy passage lighted by a few dim lamps, into the interior of the prison. 然而,几名带路的看守催着他走开了。他们穿过一段灯光昏暗的甬道,到了监狱里边。
The sun gilded, empurpled, set fire to and lighted up the tulips, which are nothing but all the varieties of flame made into flowers. 阳光在郁金香上飞金贴紫,使它们发出火光,这简直就是一朵五光十色的火焰。
'Hello, Lily, ' he said in a low voice, and a smile lighted up his thin face as he uttered her name for the first time. “你好,莉莉,”他低低地说。一抹笑容点亮了那瘦削的脸庞,这是他第一次念出她的名字。
You see, on top of the old church steeple was a big bright star. It was all one piece and lighted by a huge light bulb. 在古老教堂的尖顶之上有一颗耀眼的大星星灯,由一只巨大的灯泡点亮。
The sun lights half the earth at a time. It is day on the lighted side. It is night on the dark side of the earth. 太阳每次照射地球的一半,在光亮的一面是半天,阴暗的一面是黑夜。
I lighted up a "Marlboro" cigarette and looking at the cigarette smoke rolling up slowly, my heart began to feel sad for myself. 我点燃一根万宝路,看着袅袅升起的烟雾,心里对自己悲凉起来。
The children each other to see who have high, vertical shaft, the most exquisite lighted. 孩子们多互相比赛,看谁竖得高,竖得多,灯彩最精巧。
I passed out on to the road and saw by the lighted dial of a clock that it was ten minutes to ten. 我穿过站台走到路上,看到灯光照亮的表盘上是差十分钟十点。
The reflection wavered, as though it came rather from a fire which had been lighted than from a candle. 墙上的反光还不时颤动,好象是一种火焰的反射,而不是光的反射。
He cursed to himself, and in a few minutes came out with a lighted candle, and proceeded to their room. 他自言自语地咒骂着,几分钟后他拿着一根点着的蜡烛出来,向他们的屋子走去。
He went into the dark room with a lighted match in his hand. 他拿着根点着的火柴,走进了屋子。
But since it is all over, how comes it that the hall is still lighted? 但是既然完结了,大厅里怎样还是亮的呢?
And although the room was still lighted with the anger of men, it could be seen that there was no danger of immediate conflict. 虽然这房间中还燃烧着大家的怒火,但可以看出并没有马上演出全武行的危险。
was more that of placid affection, serving the loved one softly in an atmosphere, flower-scented and dim-lighted, of ethereal calm . 她对爱情的想法更像是一种心平气和的柔情,在花香氯氟半明半暗的轻松气氛卫为心爱的人做这做那。
In it, high up in a remote corner of a dimly lighted room in what used to be a train station, was an exhibit of crayon drawings by Degas. 我们去了一个博物馆,在一个光线黯淡的房间的偏僻的角落高高地展出了德加(Degas)的蜡笔画,这间房子过去像是一个火车站。
"The old moon in the new moon's arms" is nothing but that part of the moon's surface on which it is night, lighted up by earthlight . “新月抱着亏月”只不过是月亮上处于夜晚的那一面被地球光所照亮。
I lighted him up the stairs to bed with a lighted candle. 我点着蜡烛,带他上楼去睡觉。
He noticed that one child's candle was not lighted. Then he saw that the child with the dark candle was his own little girl. 他注意到有一个小天使的蜡烛没有点亮。随后,他看到那个拿着没有点亮的蜡烛的小天使是自己的女儿。
M. Mabeuf, pale, haggard, his eyes lighted up with the mournful flame of aberration, raised the flag above his head and repeated. 马白夫先生,脸气白了,眼里冒着悲愤躁急的火焰,把红旗高举在头顶上,再一次喊道。
Residents placed flowers and lighted candles at the gate of the home of Mr. Kaczynski and his wife, Maria, in Sopot, Poland. 在波兰的索波特,居民们在卡钦斯基和他的妻子玛利亚的住宅门前放下花朵和点亮蜡烛。
His face opened suddenly, as if lighted with simplicity, as when a flower opens out of the cunning bud. 他突然笑逐颜开,纯朴天真,容光焕发,宛如紧锁的蓓蕾盛开出鲜艳的花朵。
A German soldier holding a small tree arranged with lighted candles began to walk across the land toward the English lines. 一位德国士兵手持一棵小树,树上整齐地排列着点燃的蜡烛,他越过边界走向英国阵地。