lights up

  • na.点火;照亮;点香烟;变快活
  • 网络灯亮;照亮家门的灯;开火

第三人称单数:lights up 现在分词:lighting up 过去式:lit up

lights uplights up

lights up


映象唱片 ... 声音旅人 Sonic Traveler 灯亮 Lights Up 鬼屋 Haunted House ...


Flickr: randomix's Photostream ... 格拉纳达夜色 / Night of Granada 照亮家门的灯 / Lights up 迷宫一样的街道 / Maze ...


Flickr: kai6722's Photostream ... 好久不见 Long time no see 开火 Lights up 鹏湾跨海大桥 Dapeng bay Cross-Sea Bridge ...


Flickr: Poorfish's Photostream ... Prayer 祈祷 Lights Up 燃起酥油灯 Potala 布达拉 ...


Flickr: mayatsai's Photostream ... 黄昏堤恩 Tyn Temple in Sunset 点灯啦 Lights up 我和慕夏 Me and Mucha ...


MEGA LED. Intelligenc System Design &... ... 完工后 / INSTALLED 亮灯 / LIGHTS UP 安装中 / INSTALLING ...

Needless to say, a certain part of the brain lights up when the jaw is so engaged, but what that proves is hard to tell. 不用说,下巴如此繁忙肯定会让大脑某个部分警觉起来,可是很难说明那证明了什么。
He lights up when the subject of the market is broached and launches into a discussion of his biggest investment positions. 说到和市场有关的话题时,他立马兴奋起来,然后开始谈论自己最大的那些投资仓位。
For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. 因为人子在他降临的日子,好像闪电从天这边一闪直照到天那边。
And though her lips do not move her face lights up in a beautiful smile. 她的嘴唇没动,但是脸上放出光彩,绽开了美丽的笑容。
You finally see a star at the top of the panel and as it lights up the elevator slows to a stop and the doors open. 你终于到达顶层,在面板的顶端你看到一颗星,当它亮起时,电梯减速到停止,然后电梯门打开了。
Jason would have never suspected me. For I have eyes like crystal night, a smile that lights up a whole room, and a heart that welcomes all. 杰森不会怀疑我。因为我有水晶夜晚般的眼睛,照亮整间屋子的微笑,和一颗善待每一个人的心。
So if you imagine playing tennis, the same area of the brain lights up as if you're actually playing tennis. 所以,如果你想象正在打网球,大脑的同一区域照亮好像你确实在打网球。
It was a vacation for me, a short time away from Earth. For the first time, I saw the lights up close. 这次远行对于我只是一次短暂的度假,暂时的远离地球,我第一次可以这么近地去欣赏那璀璨的星光。
Echo Liu Echo is quiet on the outside and passionate on the inside, she always lights up the class with her passion and love. Echo外表文静内心澎湃,她总是用激情及爱点燃整个课堂。
The system lights up each key on the keyboard but is able to notice a difference in brain activity when the desired letter for input is lit. 该系统点亮键盘上每个键,当想要的字母出现时,可以观察到大脑活动的变化。
When caught by a predator, A. wyvillei lights up in a process called bioluminescence. 当被捕食者抓住时,这种水母会发光,这一过程被称为生物体发光。
The museum introduces the secret and charms of the firefly squid, which is a mysterious creature whose body lights up in blue-white color. 这里是介绍「萤鱿」的博物馆,「萤鱿」是全身闪耀着青白色神秘光彩的生物,在这里能体验梦幻般的世界。
Bellick lights up a cigarette and then sits down in Westmoreland's cell. 接着点燃了一支烟,坐在了Westmoreland牢房里。
You're stargazing with your girl (or guy), when a flash lights up the night sky, rather close by "galactically" speaking. 你和你的另一半在仰望星辰,这时一道闪光在夜晚星空里超近的展现在你面前。
It is in the darkness, and every firework lights up the boy's eyes in her heart. 深夜,每一次烟花的绽放都点亮了男孩在她心中的眼睛;
But press a small button on the side, and the crystal face lights up to display the time in digital format. 但按下侧面的一个小按钮,水晶表盘将会亮起,以数位形式显示时间。
As the music beats, the shirts equalizer lights up to the beat of the music. 随着音乐的不同节拍,汗衫上的均衡器就会随之亮起。
If your Facebook page or Twitter feed lights up with news of a tsunami off the California coast, don't get too worried. (CNN讯)如果你在Facebook个人主页或Twitter网站上看到海啸袭击加州海岸的新闻,用不着太担心。
This silence of the night, the outside lights up as if the end can never be. 这样寂静的夜,外面彷佛是永远无法亮起来的末日。
A smile in your face lights up the day. That's what all Japanese say. A look in your eyes, a touch in my mind, happiness always arise. 脸挂微笑,照亮天空,这是日本人的格言。你的目光铭刻我心灵。幸福常住。
The Sun lights up your 7th House of partnership - which may be a key area for creating more balance and harmony. 太阳在你人际关系的第7宫照耀-这可能是一个创建平衡与和谐的关键领域。
Maybe love is not blind, as long as there's someone, like Wang, who always lights up a light for you. 爱情并非盲目的,只要身边有个像王小贱那样的人,能够永远为你点亮一盏灯。
Fun doesn't follow all the rules. Neither do kids. If it doesn't hurt, go for it! Leave those pretty Christmas lights up year-round. 快乐并不总是符合规矩的。对小孩子来说也是。如果无伤大雅,那就来吧!一整年都开着那些漂亮的圣诞彩灯吧。
At night, the inside lights up and a soft glow transmits through the rods to the exterior. 晚上,内部灯光和柔和的辉光通过烯酸棒传输到外表面。
All emotions are cranked up to the max and the intense brightness lights up everything. 所有的情感都被放大到极致,强烈得似乎能照亮一切。
Lizzie races up the stairs to meet Bingley half way. His face lights up when he sees her. 丽齐在楼梯上遇到宾利,看到她,宾利的脸色马上容光焕发起来。
The infrared lights could be embedded in the control device and the fixtures and used to automatically turn lights up or down. 可在控制装置和设备中嵌入红外光,用来自动将照明调暗或调亮。
If the oil pressure lamp lights up permanently during the journey, the engine must be switched off immediately. 如果机油压力灯在旅途中一直亮着,发动机必须立即关闭。
Shanghai's new centerpiece, the Pudong financial district lights up like a carnival on another cloud-swept, profit-making night. 上海的新核心地带,夜幕下的浦东金融区的光像嘉年华一样。
A faint smile lights up the woman's face as she replies: "Because it was crawling across my foot. " 女主人脸上闪出一丝淡淡的微笑,回答说:“因为它当时正从我的脚背上爬过去。”