like a bird

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  • 网络像一只展翅高飞的小鸟;像小鸟一样展翅高飞;像只鸟儿

like a birdlike a bird

like a bird


... music...... 合:天亮了天亮了 Like a Bird 像一只展翅高飞的小鸟 Like an Island you can’t reach 像一个你无法到达的岛屿 ...


听歌学英语9... ... 14. 让人耳目一新的旋律 Bye Bye Bye 15. 像小鸟一样展翅高飞 Like A Bird 16. 再见,无缘的爱人 Alomost Lo…


听英文歌学英语_英语杂谈... ... I am flying,I am flying 我在飞翔,我在飞翔 Like a bird,cross the sky 像只鸟儿,飞越天空 ...


IT解决方案是什么意思... ... (像一只熊 ) like a bear 5. (像一只鸟 ) like a bird6. (行动 )1.( 像一只猴子) like a monkey 2. ...


I am sailing, I am... ... like a bird;cross the sky. 像鸟一样越过天际 to be with you,to be free. 为了靠近你,为了得到自由 ...


Jade Valerie - Like A Bird ... ... fighting to change 为了改变而战斗着的我 Like a Bird 像鸟儿一样 Like a Bird 像鸟儿一般 ...


... Lyrics: 歌词: (like a bird, freely,)( 如鸟,自由, ) (soar and FLY above the faraway sky)( 上升和粉煤灰以上远方天空) ...

Made with feathers like a bird-like wings of the romantic side of the side wings are waving helplessly looking up the empty blue sky. 像个用羽毛自制了翅膀的鸟人般一边浪漫的挥摆翅膀一边却无助的仰视着空旷的蓝天。
Nutrition books in the world. Life without books, as if there is no sunlight; wisdom without books, just like a bird without wings. 书籍是全世界的营养品。生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;智能里没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀。
While the procession passed, the child was uneasy, fluttering up and down, like a bird on the point of taking flight. 当游行队伍走过时,珠儿就象一只跃跃欲飞的鸟儿一般不安地跳起又落下。
She couldn't understand why she failed to lose weight when she was, as she said, eating like a bird. 照她自己说,她吃的很少,但仍无法减肥,她不懂究竟是什么道理。
Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird's nest made of tree branches. 从顶部看,体育馆好像是覆盖着一张灰色的钢网,看起来正像是用树枝搭成的鸟窝。
So the child flew away like a Bird, and, making bare her small white feet, went pattering along the moist margin of the sea. 那孩子便象鸟儿般地飞了开去,她那双赤裸着的白白的小脚丫,一路拍着水在潮湿的海边跑着。
Able to think like a bird freely, but now, I feel it seems to have become a lot to ask and ask themselves constantly on in this world. 能想鸟儿一样,自由自在,但是现在,感觉这似乎已变成一种奢望,不断的扪心自问自己在这世界上。
A life without books, as if the sun; wisdom, no books, just like a bird without wings - Shakespeare. 生活里没有书籍,就好象没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍,就像鸟儿没有翅膀——莎士比亚。
They looked like they were ready to go out, while my hair was still messed up like a bird nest, how embarrassing. 他们看起来已整装待发,而我的头发却还蓬乱得像个鸟窝,真令人羞惭。
to be completely free. If someone has no responsibilities, their feelings are carefree and happy -- like a bird flying in the sky. 完全自由自在。如果一个人不用承担任何责任,他们会觉得无忧无虑、轻松愉快——就像在天空中飞翔的鸟儿一样。
My dream is to be an air hostess, can be in the sky fly like a bird fly. 我的梦想是成为一名空姐,可以在天空飞翔像鸟一样飞。
A man's heart is like a bird locked inside the cage of the body. When you dance, the heart sings like a bird aspiring to a fusion with God. 人的心就像是一只被关在肉体牢笼中的小鸟,当你跳舞的时候,心就会歌唱起来,想一只渴望与神结合和小鸟。
I am flying, I am flying like a bird across the sky. I am flying, passing high clouds To be with you, to be free. 我在飞翔,我在飞翔,像只鸟儿,飞越天空,我在飞翔,与你同行,穿越白云,获得自由。
eat like a bird She eats like a bird. A small piece of bread will be enough for her. 她的饭量特别小,吃一小块面包就够了。
As the carriage drove in, Eva seemed like a bird ready to burst from a cage, with the wild eagerness of her delight. 马车进了院子之后,伊娃欣喜若狂,急不可待,就像一只小鸟,渴望飞出牢笼一样。
Is like a bird fell in love with a bird you can catch, and a bird fell in love with a fish can only choose the departure of silence. 就象是一只鸟爱上一只鸟可以去追,而一只鸟爱上一条鱼只能选择默默的离开。
A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision. 没有梦想的生活就像折翼的鸟儿被禁锢于牢笼之中,进而忘却那目光之外的天空。
I'm going to get to see the ground from high up in the air, just like a bird. 我马上就可以从高空看地面了,就像鸟一样。
It had a beak like a bird. It had no teeth in the front of its mouth, but it did have teeth on the sides of its mouth. 它的喙长得像鸟的一样,嘴的前部没有牙,但在嘴里两侧长着牙。
No matter how much I try, my hair always looks like a bird's nest. 不管我费多大劲,我的头发老是跟个乱鸟窝似的。
I will look like a bird to be equally free, and might make the matter which I will like doing. 我将像一只飞鸟一样自由,并且可以做我喜欢做的事。
With no steering controls, the only way to change direction was like a bird, moving his head and back. 由于没有控制盘,唯一可以改变方向的方法就是像鸟一样来回移动头部和背部。
She eats like a bird. A small piece of bread wil be enough for her. 她的饭量特别小,一小块面包就足够了。
The check fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. Slowly the old lady stooped to pick it up. 那张支票像断了翅膀的小鸟一样栽落到地上,老太太缓慢地停下来捡起了那张支票。
I felt completely relaxed, listening to the wind and feeling like a bird. 我觉得完全放松了下来,听着风在耳边吹过,感觉就象鸟儿一样。
I showed that it is possible to fly a little bit like a bird. 我这样做就说明人类像鸟类一样飞翔是可能的。
Man had imagined flying with wings in the sky like a bird for thousands of years before the airplane was invented . 在飞机面世前,能像鸟一样拥有翅膀在空中飞这样的想法已经被人类想了千百年。
He ran over to the little boy and asked him if he had ever wanted to fly like a bird. 这个孤儿跑到那个小男孩的面前问他是否想过自己能像鸟儿一样飞翔。
However, in all of the legend, those who are flying like a bird's flight, but in the end like a stone falling down in general. 但在所有的传说中,飞行者都象鸟一样的飞行,但最后却像石头一般坠落下来。
I'm all choked up about it. Oh no! Not again! Let's get back in the car! I've had enough of this making like a bird. 我对此还耿耿于怀。哦不,不要了。我们还是回车里吧!我讨厌像鸟一样飞来飞去。