
英 [lɪn]
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络林;蔺;线性(linear)



找个带木字旁的女孩名字? -天涯问答 ... 画) 李( li 7 画) lin 8 画) 东( dong 8 ...

(lin)  屠(tu) 蒙(meng) 池(chi) 乔(qiao)   阴(yīn) 郁(yu) 胥(xū) 能(nai)  苍(cāng) 双(shuāng) 


一般分线性(Lin)扫频及对数(Log)扫频;TTL同步输出功能 一般信号源输出的TTL同步信号是方波经三极管电路专成的,电平位0(…


幼幼 (mmkrk) on Twitter ... 郑渊洁 ‏ zhyuanjie 张林lin_lwy 伦 ‏ tun_kan ...


  ④直线性LIN):也称线性度,为精子运动曲线的直线分离度,即VSL/VCL。  ⑤精子侧摆幅度(ALH):精子头实际运动轨 …


用于局域互连网络 (LIN)的单端口USB接口接口具有可选式硬件同步功能 兼容高速USB, 总线供电 兼容LIN 1.3、2.0和J2602 50…

Error Proofing Technique 防错技术 -... ... abe 位 lin g e 是 ...

He said earlier worked with Lin Jun 3 Xie Lianbin a time to live more than 1 year, the police really worried about her safety. 他称,林珺早先曾与谢连斌一家3口同住超过1年时间,警方确实担心过她的安危。
For this reason , professor Lin decided to let his students consider by themselves rather than tell them the resolvent simply . 为此,林教授决定让学生们自己思考,而不是简单地告诉他们解决方法。
Lin Huiyin was a woman who had been deeply influenced by Western culture throughout her upbringing, then studied in the United States. 林徽因是一位从少女时代接受西方文化熏陶长大的女子,后留学美国。
I've come from Mr. lin with a message that he won't be able to see you this afternoon. 我从林先生那里过来,他让我告诉你他下午不能见你了。
Moreover, continuously met auspicious Lin Sao to yesterday the matter, also enabled me to live with untroubled mind. 况且,一直到昨天遇见祥林嫂的事,也就使我不能安住。
But the ruler of Qin was rude and unreasonable. Lin was angry, and his hair stood up so stiffly on his head that it lifted up his hat. 在他向秦王索回玉璧的时候,秦王蛮不讲理,蔺相如气愤得连头发都竖了起来,向上冲着帽子。
Legend Holdings spokeswoman Gui Lin said the company 'understands and strongly supports' the move. 联想控股发言人桂林表示,公司对中科院的举措表示理解并强烈支持。
Since the spring, alas, with shevchenko did not like the dilemma, and Lin, our deficiencies in deep sorrow is tired sigh and stillness. 呜呼,春秋以来,用舍进退未有如蠡之全者,而不足于此,吾以是累叹而深悲焉。
Straw mats made of natural materials, such a lin grass, rattan and bamboo, are good. It's best not to use mats made of manmade straw. 草席则用蔺草、一般草席、藤席、竹席等天然材质为主,最好不要用人造草席;
I fell in love with the country often take her mother's cosmetics play, said his mother is white fairy Wu Geng Lin. 我爱上了那个国中常常拿妈妈的化妆品来玩,还说他妈妈是白妖精的吴庚霖。
Lin Zexu was one of the greatest minds of that age. 林则徐是那个时代最有头脑的人物之一。
I stretch out a pair of emollient big hands, the prison prison embraces Lin Bai Shui's slender waist and picks her up down. 我伸出一双有力的大手,牢牢抱住林白水的细腰,将她接了下来。
No one would seem to know this better than Victim 2, a stone in Mr. Lin's shoe for at least four years. 没人会比2号受害人更了解这些,在至少四年的时间里,他都是林星的眼中钉、肉中刺。
Lin is the first to leave, a and I got 15 years of the boy friend, a brother like my boy as protection. 林是首先离开的,一个和人做了15年朋友的男孩,一个可以像哥哥一样保护我的女孩。
Lin contested the divorce, claiming that she refused to consummate the marriage on the wedding night because she was too tired and was ill. 林女士反对离婚,她声称在新婚之夜拒绝陈先生,只不过是因为她太累了,而且在生病。
This organization later hired Miz Lin to design its religious center. The building looks like an artist's version of a wooden boat. 这个组织后来还继续委托她设计了一个教会中心,这个建筑看起来就象一只艺术版的木船。
Although he's become a living legend, Lin's concern is not for his own fame, but for the reputation of his company. 虽然林怀民铸就了一个栩栩如生的传奇,他所关注的却并非自身的名望,而是舞蹈团的声誉。
Mr. Lin gnawed his lips. He vowed he would raise his prices the next day. He would charge first grade prices for second-rate merchandise. 那时候,林先生便咬一下嘴唇,决定明天无论如何要把货码提高,要把次等货标上头等货的价格。
One of his six children is working on the construction of a tunnel on the mainland and sends money to Mr. Lin and his wife. 他的6个子女中有一个在福州修隧道,常给父母寄钱回来。
After hearing my story, Lin said he found me through MSN, and asked me a lot about application and things related to studies. 林刚听说了我的情况后,他通过MSN联系到了我,并向我咨询了许多关于申请和学习的事情。
'There seems to be no price ceiling, ' says Mr. Lin. 'The problem is always the supply. ' 林先生说,“艺术品价格似乎没有封顶的时候,唯一的问题始终都是货源。”
Mr. Lin yanked up his head to find her confronting him. He wanted to escape, but there was no time. He could only go forward and greet her. 林先生猛抬起头来,正和那老婆子打一个照面,想躲避也躲避不及,只好走上前去招呼她道。
Henceforth, at all occasions, Mao's name was to be linked with Lin's, to be referred to as "Chairman Mao and Vice-Chairman Lin" . 从今以后,林的名字总是跟着毛的名字,像“毛主席和林副主席”。
Just as the play's Shita Lin, lamb's cry, the scene of childhood has been constantly plagued her as she's nightmare. 就如同剧中的史塔林,羔羊的叫声、幼时的情景,一直不断地困扰著她,成为她挥之不去的梦魇。
And Lin Yu-tang's works focus on building a world where women at home kingdom has always been at the center of it. 而林语堂作品着力构建的女性世界里,女性在家庭王国中却始终处于中心地位。
Chilled, Mr. Lin could see that the situation was beyond repair. All he could do was to take a grip on himself and walk out of the bank . 林先生冷了半截身子,瞧情形是万难挽回,只好硬着头皮走出了那家钱庄。
S. and China joined at the hip at least until this financial crisis has fully worked itself out. --with contributions from Bai Lin. 至少在金融危机没有完全过去以前,这种情况将使中美两国继续穿同一条裤子。
The lyrics went through a few stages and in the end Mr. Lin Xi presented me with a vivid portrayal of the life of Ah Bing. 歌词写了很多的版本,最后林夕先生用他的词向我惟妙惟肖地描述了瞎子阿炳的一生。
Its general manager, Lin Zuoming, complained in April that he did not know what to do with all the cash. 该公司总经理林左鸣(音)曾在四月份抗议道,他不知道要拿这些钱去干什么。
But Prof Lin is just as well known for his own extraordinary personal history as he is for his professional achievements. 不过,林毅夫非凡的个人经历也与他在专业上的成就一样富有盛名。