


Delilah closed her eyes briefly as she considered the implications hidden between the lines of script. 黛利拉暂且闭上了眼睛,想着妹妹信中字里行间所隐含的意思。
At times, that anger is exploited by politicians, to gin up votes along racial lines, or to make up for a politicians own failings. 曾几何时,这种愤怒被政客们加以利用,以便以种族划线捞取选票,或者为政客自己的失利提供借口。
Lines give an image depth, scale and can be a point of interest in and of themselves by creating patterns in your shot. 线条可以使一张照片加深景深,层次,而且可以通过所造成的图案成为吸引人的兴趣点。
She did a lot of things for our family The lines beside her eyes and white hair are the witness of her devotions. I love her. 为了这个家付出很多,那些白发和眼角上的皱纹都能为她见证,所以我爱她。
She said for men clever chat-up lines do not generally work. They appear contrived and can be horribly fluffed. 她认为诙谐的闲谈语句通常并不管用。这些言辞看上去矫揉造作,反而会坏事。
That means the next generation of power lines could carry up to a quarter more current without adding any more bulky insulation. 由此可见,下一代电线会比现在多传输四分之一的电流,而且不需要添加任何大容量的绝缘材料。
A book is just a point, numerous books into a line, more lines to form a surface. 一本书只是一个点,无数本书连成一条线,更多的线形成一个面。
That low level response happens around-the-clock and is one of our body's first lines of defence. 那些低水平的反应每时每刻都在发生,是我们的机体首要防线之一。
As he tries to get his lines just right, a production crew tries desperately to shape him into a star by advising him over a loudspeaker. 当他试图让他行得恰到好处,生产人员试图拼命塑造成明星,告诉他对他的扬声器。
So far, probably thanks in part to its relatively hidden location, there have been minimal lines despite a no-reservations policy. 到目前为止,尽管实行不可预订政策,餐厅仍没有多少排队等位现象,部分原因可能是餐厅位置相对隐蔽。
The rock was large enough to fit two Lionel's in. It was a sparkly red with scattered white lines all over. 那块石头弄容得下两个莱昂内尔,它鲜红鲜红的表面上散布者白色的条文。
As you can read, for a two line sign the total height for the sign, including the 4 " space between the lines, is 24" . 正如您可以阅读,签署了两行的总高度为标志,包括4“行间空间,24”。
the only way that some of the crew survived was to hang over the side of the structure suspended by lines. 只有这样,一些幸存的船员被悬挂在一侧的结构暂停线。
She said the storm had brought down the telephone lines and I'd need to go to the signal box. 她说是暴风雨把电话线给吹断,我要到信号房去。
I make it a point of honour to proceed along very classical lines so that I do not displease our great politicians and wise leaders. 我很重视按照标准的方法办事,以免得罪我们伟大的政治家和英明的领袖们。
The method of "Mechanical sweeping lines" can be used for improving the surface quality of aluminium profiles. 前言:论述了提高铝型材表面质量的一种新途径—机械扫纹法。
Hello Dad, just a few lines to let you know I'm well and hope you all are too. 你好,爸爸,我只说几句话,但你得知道我很好,希望你也是。
The collateral is often set against credit lines the companies have with banks or is offset against assets. 抵押品通常是抵扣公司在银行的信贷额度,或抵扣资产。
One line of output must be produced for each pair of lines (that between them describe a pack of 52 cards) in the input. 每两行输入(定义了一副52张牌的顺序)必须产生一行输出。
Egyptians again queued up in long lines to get into banks, but they appeared to be orderly. 埃及民众重新在银行前排起长队,不过看起来秩序井然。
Found that men really wake up a few lines, a woman fought hard in the face of a man: You do not even like animals! 醒来发现男的真的没过线,女的狠狠打了男的一耳光:你连禽兽都不如!
The date is usually placed two lines below the last line of the letterhead at left margin for full block style. 空出两行之后,在完全齐头式格式下靠信纸左边位置。
The rest are fragments of papyrus on which verses, lines, or just a few words are written. 其他的就是一些写在莎草纸上的只言片语,一行字,甚至是几个词。
Daniel, you seem to be in a good mood today. Thank you for speaking my lines. 大牛,你今天心情不错啊。连我的词儿都帮忙说了。
On may 20, I made him up to look older, accentuating the lines beneath his eyes, graying his hair, adding an unkempt mustache. 5月20日,我把他化得老一些,眼下皱纹加重,头发染灰,两撇凌乱的小胡子,穿着ElAl制服。
Maridun is said to be in "neutral space, " far from the front lines of the Clone Wars. 马里登被称为“中立太空”,远离克隆人战争的前线。
After reading the first few lines of the proposed table of contents, it was clear to me that this book was not an "Ext JS in Action" . 在阅读了提案内容表格的前几行之后,我就意识到这本书不是“ExtJSinAction”。
Now the code is down to three lines, almost all of it expressing some important aspect of the result we are trying to achieve. 现在代码缩减为三行,几乎所有代码都表示了我们试图实现的结果的某个重要方面。
If you've been seen an NBA game then you'll have no doubt noticed that there's very little free space beyond the outer lines of the court. 如果你看过现实的NBA篮球比赛,那么你无疑会发现篮球场边界外的自由空间小之又小。
Unity, founded early in the last century, is one of several British schools run along Christian lines in an overwhelmingly Muslim country. 英国基督教在回教国家中建立了许多英文学校,优利提学校就是其中一个,而且早在上世纪已经成立。