
美 [lɪŋ]英 [lɪŋ]
  • n.欧石楠(低矮灌木,生长在荒野里)
  • 网络凌;菱;鳕鱼




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A joyful Mai Ling met up with Doctor An and after learning that the serving girl she was a ghost you released her with your amulet. 你们九死一生终于逃出生天,梅玲也欣喜地见到了安医生。在知道了这个女侍是个鬼魂之后,你用你的护身符超度了她。
Mike holding his hands cup, a pair of Qing Ling's pupil of the eye looking straight into my eyes, but was a bit too hot steamed dim. 他双手捧著麦克杯,一对清灵的眸子直直望进我的眼睛,却又被热气蒸得有点朦胧。
Although the train has left out of her sight, Wang Ling still stood on the platform looking far at the end of the road. 火车早已经开走看不见了,王玲还站在站台上凝视着路的尽头。
Tahe Tahe is one of two counties in the north end of China; it borders Russian and is located in the center of Da Xing'an Ling. 塔河塔河县是我国最北部的两个县份之一,与俄罗斯接壤,居大兴安岭地区的中心地带。
Ai-ling Zhang was the legend of the times as the outlandish clothes she wore. But the legendary female was desolate from her heart. 张爱玲像她身上所穿的奇装异服一样是那个时代的传奇,但这位颇具传奇色彩的女子,其内心是凄凉的、孤独的。
to be that of growling, ill-tempered lawyer Ling Woo, which Liu filled with such aplomb that she was signed on as a regular cast member. 部分原来是到着,坐立不安暴躁律师灵胡刘其中充满挥洒自如,她签订了正规投下会员。
The Ling realizes to put~to deaf the son is staring at him, rotated to discern her, in a moment again inclined lead eyes not to look her. 翎察觉到诛儿在盯着他,转眼看了一下她,马上又斜过眼睛不看她。
Waiting for you to marry me that day, even if I hu ling, no white waiting for you! 等着你娶我那一天,即使我胡玲,你没有白等!
Elaine has reached over. Ling Fan is a bit awkward rubbed his hands together. He felt a bit presumptuous. 芷兰没有把手伸过去。凌凡有点尴尬的搓了搓手。他觉得自己有点冒昧。
Sun Ling, a public servant in Shanghai, said he would buy a kid's bicycle for his 5-year-old daughter as a Children's Day gift. 孙林,上海的一个公务员,说他将为他5岁的女儿买一辆儿童自行车作为儿童节礼物。
If I were you, I'd take a ling walk before going to bed. 如果我是你,睡前我会散步时间长一点。
Ling is the kind of tradition to the girls, poor expression, as if warm water bottles, and clutching his fiery heart, the pain made a cover. 玲是那种传统而内向的女孩,不善表白,就像温水瓶似的,把火热的心捂着,捂得发痛。
The edible on the table is all similar each time she likes, white fu ling sees in the eye, disgust just a little dissipation some. 桌上的食物每一样都是她喜欢的,白茯苓看在眼里,怨气稍稍消散了些。
Hanging in her room are the sketches of six children. The portrait she did for Ding Ling is luckily kept by the latter's family now. 在她家里的墙上贴着她为六个孩子们画的小副精美速写,而她为丁玲作的画却几经波折仍旧为丁玲保存着。
Narcissus Unlike most flowers, it is known as the "Ivy Ling Po Fairy, " is one of the top ten flowers. 水仙花不同于一般的花,它被称为“凌波仙子”,是十大名花之一。
Ling was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it. 凌是唯一一个有勇气带着我的种子来见我的人,他很诚实。
I'll just check Mr. Ling Yun's schedule, and see if I can arrange an appointment for you, just a moment. 让我看一下凌先生的日程表,看看是否能为您安排见面,请稍等。
Xichun hope for a bright light, of the wasted years of hate, and everything in the chest Ling and realizing proceeds of life. 惜春光之美好,恨岁月之蹉跎,凌万物于胸中,悟人生之所得。
Think, Ling seemed to be so right, I said that she had never Lane opened my dream. 觉得,凌子好像有话对我说,所以她从来都没有里开我的梦。
A more important and enduring tradition was that of the "Way of the Celestial Masters, " founded by Chang Tao-ling in AD 142. 一种更重要和持久的传统就是张道陵(张天师)天公元142年创立的“天师之路”。
a woman is a woman until the day she dies, but a man is only a man as ling as he can. 女人至死都是女人,而男人只有在具备某种能力时才是男人。
Mr Teng's wife , Wang Ling , said he had been asked to go for questioning by police on Saturday and had not been seen since . 滕彪的妻子王玲表示,周六他被警察带走接受询问,从那以后就没出现过。
Ling is an excellent actor in my eyes and he was capable to realize a perfect portrayal of his role. 在我眼里凌潇肃是一个很棒的演员,而且他在塑造人物这方面很有能力。
Looking at painful money money, cold Ling Feng lamented greatly a tough pole, very restless to hurtled up to once be subjected to for her! 看着痛苦的金钱钱,冷凌风心痛难极了,恨不得冲上去替她受过!
Ling felt sick to his stomach, but he knew his mother was right. He took his empty pot to the palace. 虽然心里很难过,但是凌明白母亲的话没错,他带着空盆去了皇宫。
White fu ling curtate eyebrow Shu eyes path, fool her to this so long guy to have no the fewest bit good facial expression. 白茯苓横眉竖目道,对这个骗了她这么久的家伙没半点好脸色。
Conclusion This method is simple, re-usable and easy to supply some bases for the identification of Kang Wei Ling Troche. 结论实验方法简便,重现性好,结果准确,可为建立康胃灵片的质量标准提供依据。
Tang Renjia, a dried seafood retailer, is overjoyed to hear the news that his wife, Ling Qiao, has completely recovered from cancer. 鲍鱼海味商唐仁佳的大太太凌巧,曾患癌症,如今她的健康检查报告显示她的癌症可能已经痊愈,全家为此乐翻天。
a man is a man until the day he dies, but a woman is only a woman as ling as she can. 男人至死都是男人,而女人只有在具备某种能力时才是女人。
At any rate, "Brother Ling, " since you are interested in my Jeet Kune Do, I shall venture to tell you about it. 不管怎样,“凌师兄”既然您对我的截拳道感兴趣,我就冒昧地像您介绍。