
美 [lɪsp]英 [lɪsp]
  • n.咬舌头发出的声音;口齿不清;(树叶,流水等的)沙沙声
  • v.咬着舌头发音;(孩子似地)口齿不清地说
  • abbr.【计】LISP表处理语言
  • 网络表处理语言(LISt Processor);大舌头;Locator ID Separation Protocol

现在分词:lisping 过去式:lisped 第三人称单数:lisps



n. v.

1.[ususing]咬舌(语言缺陷,把 s 说成 th)a speech fault in which the sound ‘s’ is pronounced ‘th’


心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... liquidity 流动性 lisp 口齿不清 Lissauers paralysis 卒中型麻痹性痴呆 ...


《疯狂英语2003合集全部文本》(一) ... ) fella n. [俚] 伙伴,伙计,小伙子 ) lisp n. 咬舌 ) tenor n. 要旨,大意 ...

表处理语言(LISt Processor)

一般认为表处理语言(LISP)是最早的函数式程序设计语言。但是,LISP的重点是将函数应用于对象,以产生新的对象,必要时 …


讨厌的原因是他明明大舌头 (lisp),怎麽能当演员? 敬业的是这张照片… 这出电影是The Machinist (2004),Bale先生为角色减 …

Locator ID Separation Protocol

Locator ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Ritesh Mukherjee, Victor Moreno November 2010 LiSP Session Objectives Provide an i…


因此相较于命令式语言,自动内存管理在函数式语言中实现起来更为高效和简洁,它最早被实现在函数式语言(LISP)语言中,也 …


顺发3C - 电脑字典 ... linker( 链结器) LISP( 串列处理程式语言) list( 串列、列示) ...

表处理(list processing)

石油词汇英语翻译(L)--石油百科 ... lisoloid 液固胶体 LISP 表处理 LISP 表处理机 ...

At least two or three times a year, comp. lang. lisp has a long discussion about why it is that more people don't use Lisp. 每隔两三年,comp.lang.lisp就会展开一场关于为什么人们不爱用Lisp的大讨论。
The name Lisp comes from "list processing, " and it is often said that everything in Lisp is a list. Lisp这一名字来自于“列表处理”,人们常说Lisp中的任何东西都是一个列表。
he was but eleven months and nine days old and , though still a tiny toddler , was just beginning to lisp his first babyish words. 他才十一个月零九天。尽管刚趔趔趄趄地学步,却已开始咿呀学语了。
The reason the lisp is often written with a th-sound is that it's pretty impossible to write a fronted [s] with a normal keyboard. 口齿不清经常被误写为th音的原因是因为用一个普通键盘打出前移S音太困难了。
If he talks with a childish lisp he is called a baby, and if he answers in a grown-up way he is called impertinent . 一旦他说话时口齿不清了,他会被叫作小婴儿,而当以小大人的口吻回答时,他又会被指无礼。
The last function you're going to create is going to take some recursion, where the true power of list processing using Lisp lies. 将要创建的最后一个函数要执行一些递归操作,这是使用Lisp进行列表处理的真正强大之处。
A LISP program can read LISP statements from a text file and execute them as if they were part of the original program. LISP程序可以从文本文件中读取语句,并且好像它们是原始程序一部分一样执行它们。
If you understand how compilers work, what's really going on is not so much that Lisp has a strange syntax as that Lisp has no syntax. 如果你了解编译器的工作原理,其实解析器干的活不多:要说Lisp的语法奇怪,还不如说Lisp没有语法。
To tell lisp that you want to treat an S-expression literally, and not to evaluate it as a function, you quote it. 为了告诉Lisp您要将一个S表达式当作文本来处理,而不是作为函数处理,您需要用引号表明它。
However skeptical the Blub programmer might be about my claims for the mysterious powers of Lisp, this ought to make him curious. 然而,挑剔的Blub程序员也许会找找我所声称的Lisp的神秘力量,这一堆宏应该能让他们迷惑不已。
Your manicure will lisp softly that your left forefinger reminds her so much of a gentleman's in Richmond, Va. 你修剪指甲暗示着你的左手食指会提醒她你是个弗吉尼亚州里士满的绅士。
A guy came into my work and thought I was making fun of his lisp and stormed out really upset. He later called to complain about me. 一个人到公司来办事,认为我是在故意学他口齿不清说话就大吵了起来,后来还打电话投诉我。
When you use Common Lisp interactively, the default handling of a condition is to dump you into a debugger. 当你以交互的方式使用CommonLisp时,条件的默认处理器会将你带到调试器中。
Lisp is the second oldest programming language still used widely today (after Fortran) and is known as the first functional language. Lisp是目前仍在使用的第二种最古老的编程语言(在Fortran之后)并被称为第一种函数语言。
The processing of these lists using recursion and Lisp functions like car and cdr is the power of list processing using Lisp. 使用递归和诸如car和cdr之类的Lisp函数处理这些列表是使用Lisp处理列表的强大之处。
Moreover, the tongue is sometimes loosely hung, and sometimes fastened: as in the case of those who mumble and who lisp . 此外,舌头有时候松散悬挂,有时候紧凑:就像是那些说话嘀咕和咬舌的人的情况。
In Lisp, higher-order functions are trivial because functions are no different from any other kind of list. 在Lisp中,由于函数和列表没有任何区别,高阶函数也就非常简单。
Reddit was originally coded using Lisp and launched on just a single server, he says. Reddit最初是用Lisp开发的,上线时只有一台服务器。
One of the benefits of Clojure as a Lisp variant is that code is data (also known as homoiconicity). 作为Lips的一种变体,Clojure的优势之一就是代码即数据(也称为同像(homoiconicity))。
If Lisp did become popular, it would be the worst nightmare of the comp. lang. lisp people. 如果Lisp真的流行起来,那绝对是comp.lang.lisp上这帮人的噩梦。
At the other extreme you've got your brilliant superstars who write lisp compilers for fun, in a weekend, in Assembler for the Nintendo DS. 天平的另一端是光采夺目的超级明星,他们只是因为好玩,就在任天堂DS游乐器上运用组合语言,在一个周末里写出lisp编译器。
The filters are actually open source program code written in LISP, one of the first programming languages ever created. 过滤器实际上是使用LISP编写的一种开源程序代码,LISP是最先创建的编程语言之一。
Phelps has spoken of the "deep hurt" he felt when laughed at over his "sticky-out ears" , lisp and long arms. 菲尔普斯谈到“深受伤害”时,他觉得在笑他的“粘性的耳朵”,口齿不清和长长的手臂。
We never mentioned it to the press, and if you searched for Lisp on our Web site, all you'd find were the titles of two books in my bio. 我们不向媒体说,如果你在网站上搜,也就只能找到我简历里提到的两本书。
You'll notice that Lisp is not at all like other general programming languages. 您将会发现Lisp与其他普通的编程语言根本不同。
Consider LISP, one of the earliest languages that exhibited this ability. 考虑LISP,显示出该能力的最早的语言。
One of the main features of LISP is its ability to treat instructions as data. LISP主要的特性之一是它将指令作为数据对待。
RTL is a low-level representation very close to assembly language (inspired by LISP S-expressions). RTL是非常接近于汇编语言的一种低级的表示(受LISPS表达式的影响)。
What this essentially does is compile your Lisp project in the REPL window, allowing you to enter Lisp commands that can use your new code. 这实际上就是在REPL窗口中编译Lisp项目,允许您输入可以使用新代码的Lisp命令。
In Lisp, a map takes as input a function and a sequence of values. It then applies the function to each value in the sequence. 在Lisp里面,map接收一个函数和一个序列作为输入,然后把这个输入的函数应用于这个序列里的每个元素。