live my life

  • 网络生活我的生命;生活剪影;过我自己的生活

live my lifelive my life

live my life


罗拉: Two pictures &n... ... life = 生活 live my life = 生活我的生命 me = 我 ...


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没理由不快乐_百度百科 ... Part Ⅱ Simply Happy to Be 纯粹快乐主张 Part Ⅲ Live My Life,Love Myself 爱生活,爱自己 ...


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舒适女声:I'm all good ... 舒适女声: I'm all good 青春无限Live my life 清新小节奏: Tea party ...


小手FM冰凉的悦单:独树... ... 481227 So What( 那又怎样?) 23 404042 Live My Life( 活出精彩) 25 125331 Rocketeer( 火箭人) 1…


2008-09-21 20:46:43: 奔奔 (live my life) 先看的美版~说实话那时候都不知道有这个英版的存在~也许是孤陋寡闻吧~先看了美版 …

I also tried to live my life in a way, that would make people I love and care about proud of me . 我也在努力生活我自己的生活,让那些我爱的人以我为骄傲。
Growing up poor had never been easy, but somehow I managed to live my life around it. 自幼生活在贫苦当中是不容易的,但无论如何我还是走了过来。
'I don't need to know because I've decided to live my life in such a way that even if I had been [abused], I've healed from it. ' 我不需要知道,因为我已经决定用这样的方式来生活,即使我曾经受到过性侵,我心里的伤口也已经愈合了。
Instead, I'm grateful that I've been able to live my life so far according to my own values. 相反,我很感谢能有这样的生活,体现我的价值。
And I basically live my life in sort of a trance. 生活上,我基本上处于沉醉于万物的状态。
If I had to live my life without you near me, the days would be empty, the night would seem so long. 如果我的生活我的生活没有你离我近点,日子将是空的,夜晚似乎这么久。
The pain that I had to go through served as a warning of what it was like to try to live my life without depending on Him. 我所经历的痛苦成为一个我的生活不依靠他的警戒。神借着我的罪和我的痛苦改变了我。
'I wanted to live my life and not go die, ' he said. 'So I got up, and I found some ski tracks, and I followed those. “我想活命,不想死……所以我起身,按照节目中介绍的另一条求生技巧,找到一些滑雪道,沿着它们下山,”他说。
So I looked up subjects like friendship and love and found the Bible to be very true, very pure, in a way which I wanted to live my life. 故此我就在当中寻找诸如友情和爱等题目,我发现圣经很真实、很纯洁,这就是我想要的生活方式。
and I would be free to Live my life with you. 我就可以自由的跟你生活
If i had to live my life without you near me; the days would all be empty, the nights would seem so long. 如果不得不生活在没有你(在我的我身边)的日子里,每天将会是一片空白,每晚似乎变很长。
Listen, you think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life? You don't even know what I've been though! 听着,你以为你的出现就能改变我现在的生活吗?你根本不知道我经历了什么!
If I could live my life over again I would have memorized many more bible verses and Bible stories. 如果我能回到过去,我愿背诵很多圣经的段落和故事。
I can't sit here and be like, 'Oh please, let me live my life in private with this famous person who's been around for 15 years. 我不能坐在这然后祈求上天让我跟这个人默默的一起度过15年吧!
If I had to live my life over again, I would live it as a trader of goods. 如果有來世,我要去做一個商人。
Just let me live my life, go to my job and come home, let me go shopping in Chongqing and spend the money I earn in Chongqing in Chongqing. 只要让我过我的生活,上班然后回家,让我去买东西,把我在重庆挣的钱用在重庆。
If I had to live my life over again, I wouldn't choose to spend it in a cold climate. 假如我能重新从头生活,我宁愿在寒冷的环境中生活。
If I were to live my life over again, I would pay more attention to the cultivation of memory. 假如我能重新活过,我会更加注意培养自己的记忆力。
For my dear ones, I will live my life happily and live for more years to come. I will not let the past disappear in front of me. 为了亲人们,我要过好自己的日子,多活上几年,不让失去的往日从我的眼前消逝。
l wanna live my life with you. What do you think? 我想要跟你一起生活你觉得怎么样?
It's useless to say, so I'll just live my life in dreams of yesterday (dreams of yesterday). 尽管是徒劳(的思念),我仍然去幻想感觉自己生活在昨日旧梦中。
Complete this sentence: If I could live my life again, I would. . . 试试写写这个句子:如果我有第二次生命,我会…
I'll live my life apart from you, just glimpsing you across the sky. 我将离开你的生命,祇在横过天际时一瞥。
It means joyful. That is why I live my life by bringing joy, good energy and happiness to others, especially those less fortunate than I. 意思是喜乐。这是为什么我要把生活建立在为别人带来快乐,能量,与幸福之上,特别是那些比我还不幸的人。
I do not wish to expiate, but to live. My life is for itself and not for a spectacle. 我并不奢望赎罪但是渴望活着。我的人生仅是为了它自己而不是为了绚烂别人。
I'd rather live my life knowing that I'm not perfect, than spending my whole life pretending to be. 我宁愿坦然地,不完美的过一辈子,也不要一辈子都假装自己很完美。
This year I start to live my life one day at a time , without dwelling on tomorrow. 今年我要过好每一天,不去顾虑明天会怎样。
Even if I live my life traveling for you. 就算是用一生的光阴追寻你。
that is when i decided that i do not wish to live my life constantly thinking about the market , being on edge trying not to make mistakes. 所以我决定了我不想过这种成天想着市场的日子,永远在犯错和不犯错的边缘上徘徊。
All it matters to me is to pursue something that I value and and live my life with love! 重要的是我追寻自己觉得有价值的事情,并且活在充满爱的生活中!