
美 [loʊf]英 [ləʊf]
  • n.(一)条;一条面包(通常重 1、2、4磅);面包形糖块;混日子
  • v.游荡;混日子;闲混;磨洋工
  • 网络一个面包;大块面包

现在分词:loafing 过去式:loafed 第三人称单数:loafs 复数:loaves



n. v.

1.一条(面包)an amount of bread that has been shaped and baked in one piece


雅思口语常用词汇 - 雅思口语 ... bun 小圆面包 loaf (长条)面包 jam 果酱 ...


我想找L开头的英文单词和中文意思_百度知道 ... load vt. 装;装满 n.负载 loaf n. 一条面包,一个面包 local a. 地方的;局部的 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... load n. 担子,货物 loaf n. 一个面包 local a. 当地的; 地方的 ...

量词英文 ... ear 穗 loaf ;条 lump 块;团 ...


淡淡的英文单词怎么写?-外语-天涯问答 ... lean vi. 倾斜,屈身 loaf v. 混日子,鬼混 needy a. 贫困的 ...


考研英语大纲词汇表_百度文库 ... lift 撤销;偷,剽窃 loaf 游荡 lodge 正式提出(声明等) ...


生活英语单词大全 - 豆丁网 ... 蛋挞 tart 大块面包 loaf 吐司 toast ...

I said I 'm looking for a date whoissoft, sweet and a little bit nutty. Theymatchedme with loaf of banana bread. 我说过我正在寻找一个温柔的,可爱的并且带有一点点狂热的人来约会。他们推荐我用一条香蕉面包作为礼物。
However hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread. 就算我再饿,也绝不能吃下的下这一整条面包。
A man who takes what's not his to take, be it a life or a loaf of naan. . . I spit on such a man. 一个人如果拿了不属于他的东西,无论是一个生命还是一块饼,我唾弃他。
Do you know how much a loaf of bread actually costs? 你们知道一条面包到底要花多少钱吗?
Mr. Bird came into the house. He threw down the wood and sat down at the table. He did not speak to Mr. Mouse or Mrs. Loaf. 鸟先生走进屋里,他扔下柴火,在餐桌旁坐下,他没有和老鼠先生或面包夫人说话。
Forty years ago there was no place to go but a bakery to buy a loaf of bread, to get a piece of cake. 四十年前,除了去面包房,要买条面包或买块蛋糕没有别的地方可去。
Judd runs the Starlight Hotel out in some sort of swampy place, and is unfortunately a few slices short of a loaf. 朱迪运行星光酒店在某种沼泽的地方,不幸的是,一些短期的切片面包。
For the members that you did not pick to exchange with, bake a loaf of their favorite homemade bread or cookies. 同时,给那些没有收到你的赠礼的家庭成员制作他们最喜欢的面包或饼干。
I said I'm looking for a date who is soft, sweet and a little bit nutty. They matched me with a loaf of banana bread. 我说我想找一个又温柔又甜美再带点古灵精怪的约会对象,他们居然给我匹配了一条香蕉面包…
She said that she just needs money to purchase the bus ticket and a loaf of bread for the whole day. 她说她仅仅需要买车标和够她一天吃的面包的钱就够了。
He made the man promise never to rob anyone again and when he agreed, Sohail gave him $40 and a loaf of bread. 在苏海尔的劝说下,当男子保证永远不再抢劫他人之后,店主苏海尔给了男子40美元和一条状面包。
And he dealt to every one of Israel, both man and woman, to every one a loaf of bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine. 并且分给以色列人,无论男女,每人一个饼,一块肉,一个葡萄饼。
A little bacon, a bit of mutton, figs, a fresh cheese, and a large loaf of rye bread. 还有一点咸肉、一块羊肉、无花果、新鲜乳酪和一大块黑麦面包。
And as He reclined at table with them, He took the loaf and blessed it, and having broken it, He began handing it to them. 到了同他们坐席的时候,耶稣拿起饼来,祝福了,擘开,递给他们。
A twist on traditional meat loaf, this meat loaf lets you get out of the kitchen to enjoy the summer sun. 传统肉糜卷的变种,这种肉糜卷让你走出厨房享受夏季的阳光。
Or what man of you, if his son asks him for a loaf, will give him a stone? 再说,你们中间谁的儿子要个面包,能给他一块石头吗?
Technicians slice the brain as if it were a loaf of bread into slabs up to about a centimeter thick. 工作人员如对待面包一般将大脑切成一厘米厚的切片。
About a year from now, if all goes well, a box about the size of a loaf of bread will pop out of a rocket some 500 miles above the Earth. 大约一年之后,如果一切顺利,一个面包般大小的小方盒将会由火箭发射到距离地球500英里的太空中。
"The thought of a live rat in my loaf of bread and so close to me was pretty gruesome, " she said. 她说:「想到有一只活老鼠在我的一条面包内,而且又如此靠近我,是非常可怕的。」
Every morning he carried home a loaf and gave half of it to the hens and chickens, the birds, or to some dog or starving cat. 每天早上,他都会带着一块大面包回家,掰一半下来喂鸡、喂鸟,或是施舍给一些忍饥挨饿的猫猫狗狗。
When his mother sent over coffee-cake or prune tarts or a loaf of fresh bread, Polly seemed to regard them with a certain suspicion. 当他的母亲发出超过咖啡蛋糕或修剪挞或新鲜面包,波莉似乎把具有一定怀疑他们。
The car was turned in and he was allowed to loaf a while, but later he was again called. 电车驶进了车场,他得到允许可以休息一下,但是后来他又被叫去出车。
"Mrs. Loaf should not go to the forest, " said the wolf. "Loaves should stay in the house. Go away, or I shall eat you too. " “面包夫人不应当去树林,”狼说,“面包本该呆在屋里。走开,不然我把你也吃掉。”
He cut a piece of the loaf and gave it to the fairy, who thanked him and began to eat. 他掰下一块面包给了精灵,精灵谢过他后开始吃起来。
The train was three hours late and Joe came into our place to loaf about and to wait for its arrival. 火车晚点了三小时,乔就来我们饭馆呆一会儿,等候火车的到来。
The tilted trays also mean that customers no longer have to stretch to reach the last loaf at the back of the shelf. 倾斜托盘也意味着客户不必再延伸到去年面包在后面的架子上。
Went to make sarnies for his kids and found a dead mouse embedded in his loaf of bread in Oxfordshire, UK. 英国牛津郡,史蒂芬福斯在为他的孩子做三明治的时候,竟然在吐司里发现一只死老鼠。
At eleven o'clock of another evening, perhaps two weeks later, he was at the midnight offering of a loaf -- waiting patiently. 大约两个星期之后,有一天晚上11点钟,他在等待那半夜布施的面包,等得很耐心。
Here in the United States, a doubling of wheat prices might only add a dime to the cost of a $2 loaf of bread, he says. 这里,在美国,双倍的小麦价格可能仅仅使2美元的面包微微的长了一点价钱,他说。
Well on average, on Loaf and Death, each animator may have gotten an average of five seconds a week. 恩,在做《面包房生死对战》时,平均每个动画师每周会获得5秒的镜头。