
美 [loʊˈkeɪtɪd]英 [ləʊˈkeɪtɪd]
  • adj.位于;坐落在
  • v.“locate”的过去分词和过去式
  • 网络定位;坐落的;位于的



1.位于;坐落在if sth islocated in a particular place, it exists there or has been put there


出自位于(Located)中山市小榄镇 (Xiaolan)44110809福彩(Fucai)投注站(Betting),中奖(Winning)彩票是一张14 元的“7+1”小复式 …


英文简历基本用词 ... Licensed 准许 Located 定位 Maintained 保持 ...


[转载]2009高考英语词汇表_apple_新浪博客 ... local a. 当地的; 地方的 located a 坐落的,位于的 locust n. 蝗虫 ...


[转载]2009高考英语词汇表_apple_新浪博客 ... local a. 当地的; 地方的 located a 坐落的,位于的 locust n. 蝗虫 ...


英语单词_百度文库 ... negative 负的 否定 的 located 坐落于 eliminate 排除 ...


2012年职称英语考试理工类C级每日一练... ... )changed( 改变) ) located查找……的位置,位于) ) developed( 发展…


初等考试英文参考题(4) ... Imported: 引进。 Located座落。 continuously operating farmers market: 持续经营的农贸市场 …

Chinese Elementary Course Vocabulary List ... 学习 to learn,to study ( located) 再 again,once more,a second time ...

Depending on where the client is located relative to an EJB, it is possible to set the best way of access to the bean's logic. 取决于客户端与EJB的相对位置,可以设置访问Bean的逻辑的最佳方式。
The question was: I said it seems plausible to say my soul is located, more or less, here because I seem to view the world from here. 这个问题是:我说过灵魂看上去确实是坐落在,多多少少,是这里,因为我看起来是从这里观察世界。
Firefighters today said they had located four more students trapped in a dormitory, but did not say whether they were alive or dead. 消防人员称他们已经发现四名被困在宿舍的学生,但还不能确定学生是否存活。
The keys have the hotel's entire address, phone number and just to help out a mugger your room number is conveniently located on the key. 房卡上有酒店的完整地址,电话,真是帮了强盗大忙,怕谁不知道你的房间号在房卡上。
The RTTS Safety Joint is held inoperative by a tension sleeve located on the bottom of the mandrel to help prevent premature release. RTTS的安全接头通过位于芯轴底部的张力套保持原有状态来防止过早解封
You choose the Web Part Page template from the list (located at the bottom of the template list not shown in the figure). 从列表(位于模板列表的底部,图中未显示)中选择WebPartPage模板。
Hall said he has flown into Congonhas airport, and said he recalls that it has a very short runway and is located in a dense urban area. 孔戈尼亚斯机场飞行过,他回忆说跑道很短,并位于人口密集的市区。
Located in the Yellow Sea coast known as a bright pearl of Yancheng said the Dafeng City. 座落在素有黄海之滨一颗璀璨的明珠之称的盐城大丰市。
The missiles are located along the ship broadsides, look very impressive and make it easy to differentiate between Varyag and other ships. 导弹沿着舷侧布置,看起来很壮观,可以很容易区分瓦良格和其他船舶。
The mixers that are being recalled can be identified by the date code, a four-digit number located on the bottom of the base. 此款受召回的搅拌混合机可由日期号码和底座底部的四位数字号码来进行识别。
Projects are capital-intensive, often have to be located far from consumers and do not generate power around the clock. 这类项目需要投入大笔资金,通常必须远离居民区,而且不能不舍昼夜地发电。
For that reason, the desilter is located downstream from the desander in the surface mud system. 也正是因为这一原因,除泥器安排在除砂器的下游。
In 1903, Rodin himself paid a visit to the town to see where it would be located, then a year later he dispatched The Kiss itself. 1903年,罗丹亲自来到刘易斯考察雕像将被摆放的位置,并于一年后把雕塑《吻》运了过去。
Sure, you could just reach down and turn off the little switch located on any power strip, but that takes too much effort. 当然,你可以用手来关掉任何一个放在排插上的开关,他、但那比较费力。
The new Center is located in an ideal place in the downtown area, away from traffic congestion and near several vegetarian restaurants. 新的小中心位于市区一处很理想的地点,远离交通繁忙地区,却又邻近一些素食餐馆。
The little corner grocery store is often more conveniently located, more pleasant and open at late hours when the supermarket is closed. 角落里的小杂货店往往比较适中的,更舒适的和公开的,在这么晚的时候,超市已关闭。
He said the governor of Samut Prakan province, where the airport is located, had asked the army to help police. 他表示,机场所在的北榄府府尹已要求军队前来支援警方。
Hold down the mode button located on the left side of the front panel, while you reconnect the power cable to the switch. 按住模式按钮就位于前面板的左侧,当你重新连接电源线连接至交换机。
It is often located at the cylinder head near the radiator lapse, depending on the car make. 它通常是位于汽缸头靠近散热器的堕落,根据汽车制造。
A man came to the bar located on the top of the Empire State Building in New York. It looks great, so he took a seat in the bar. 有个人来到一个位于纽约帝国大厦顶端的酒吧。那儿看起来是个非常不错的地方,他就在酒吧找了个座位。
As shown in the above and below drawings, this hole is located on the forward tube near the bottom extreme of the tube. 所示的上面和下面图,这个洞是位于管的管了极端的底部附近。
The British Library, one of the world's great reference resources, is located in London. 大英图书馆,一个世界上最伟大的参考资源,设在伦敦。
This centrally located hotel is only a 2-minute walk from the train station and within walking distance of the famous sights of Salzburg. 这家酒店位于中央地段,距离火车站仅有两分钟步行路程且邻近萨尔茨堡市(Salzburg)著名的景点。
Lakes are spread all over the place in Tibet, and many ice lakes are located in alps or extra-high mountain areas. 西藏自治区湖泊星罗棋布,在高山极高山地区分布大量冰湖,受各种因素的影响,有时会产生冰湖溃决并形成灾害。
In what have come to be known as Broca's area, Wernicke's area and angular gyrus, all located in the left hemisphere of the brain. 位于被称为布罗卡区、韦尼克区和角形脑回的区域,它们都位于大脑左半球。
An oil outlet is located near the middle, and a water outlet is located on the bottom of the knockout. 油出口位于中部,水出口位于分离器的底部。
Located on a beautiful lake setting fishing swimming and snowmobiling are just a few of the things to do in this area. 坐落在一个美丽的湖泊环境,钓鱼,游泳,雪上摩托车,只是做的事情在这几方面。只需几分钟到圣保罗市中心。
The main "thumbs down" for me was that there was no tour assistance located within the motel. 主要的“大拇指朝下”对我来说是不存在旅游服务汽车旅馆内的位置。
Located just a half hour's drive from Honolulu, Waimanalo stretches out lazily along the coast like a sleeping hound. 距檀香山处于仅仅半小时的车程,纳罗伸出懒洋洋地沿着像一个沉睡的猎犬的海岸。
But this could actually yield some fantastic results, especially if it was an area where rubbish was thrown or the cesspit was located. 但这的确会引出一些惊人的发现,尤其是如果这里曾是垃圾场或粪坑所在地。