
美 [lɔŋ]英 [lɒŋ]
  • adj.(长度或距离)长的;(询问或谈论长度或距离)长;长时间的;长久的
  • n.(服装的)长尺寸;长裤;【语】长母音;长音节
  • adv.长期地;长久地;(在某一时间或事件之前或以后)很久地
  • v.(尤指对看似不会很快发生的事)渴望
  • 网络最长;最长的;第二长的

比较级:longer 最高级:longest 第三人称单数:longs 现在分词:longing 过去式:longed

long way,long period,long journey,long hair,long walk
long gone



1.(长度或距离)长的measuring or covering a great length or distance, or a greater length or distance than usual

2.(询问或谈论长度或距离)长used for asking or talking about particular lengths or distances


3.长时间的;长久的;长期的lasting or taking a great amount of time or more time than usual

4.(询问或谈论某段时间)used for asking or talking about particular periods of time

5.(因忙或不愉快等)似乎比实际时间长的seeming to last or take more time than it really does because, for example, you are very busy or not happy


6.长的(完全或大部分覆盖腿或臂的)covering all or most of your legs or arms


as long as your arm

很长very long

at long last

最后;终于after a long time

at the longest

最长,至多(不超过某特定时间)not longer than the particular time given

by a long way

大量地;大大地by a great amount

go back a long way

相识很久to have known each other for a long time

go a long way

经用;够维持很长时间to last a long time

have come a long way

取得大的进步;大有长进to have made a lot of progress

have a long way to go

还有很长的路要走;还有很大差距to need to make a lot of progress before you can achieve sth

how long is a piece of string?

一条线有多长(意指没有确切的答案)used to say that there is no definite answer to a question

in the long run

从长远来看concerning a longer period in the future

its a long story

一言难尽;说来话长used to say that the reasons for sth are complicated and you would prefer not to give all the details

the long arm of sth

(某事物的)权力,权威the power and/or authority of sth

the long and (the) short of it

总而言之;总的情况used when you are telling sb the essential facts about sth or what effect it will have, without explaining all the details

(pull, wear, etc.) a long face

闷闷不乐;哭丧着脸;愁眉苦脸(to have) an unhappy or disappointed expression

long in the tooth

年齿渐长;老朽old or too old

long on sth

擅长;颇具(某种特性)having a lot of a particular quality

a long shot

成功希望不大的尝试;把握不大的猜测;姑妄一猜an attempt or a guess that is not likely to be successful but is worth trying

long time no see

好久不见了used to say hello to sb you have not seen for a long time

not by a long chalk

差得远;绝不;一点也不not nearly; not at all

take a long (cool/hard) look at sth

极其慎重地考虑(问题或可能性)to consider a problem or possibility very carefully and without hurrying

take the long view (of sth)

从长远考虑to consider what is likely to happen or be important over a long period of time rather than only considering the present situation

to cut a long story short

长话短说;扼要地说;简而言之used when you are saying that you will get to the point of what you are saying quickly, without including all the details


[惋惜我遭遇最长(Longest)一次是 18 粒, 嬴 17 粒. 但 12 至 (To)14 粒就通常遭遇. 不外我坚信若长久运作, 必有一次能遇上超等 …


中考题库17 比较级 - 豆丁网 ... (迟) later 12. (最长的) longest 14. (奇特的) strangest 3. ...


红动中国... ... Opacity( 透明度)控制眩光透明度 Longest长度)调节眩光放射线的长度 Fuzziness( 聚集)调节放射线的 …


九年级英语Unit3—4单元测试卷_永记十八画... ... 9. would 虚拟语气 10. longest 第二长的 3. don’t think,is 否定前移 ...


解答几道英语题_百度知道 ... few, 几乎没有。 longest, 最悠久的历史 expense, 花消 ...


③ 在车辆之间最长的时间间隔longest )是多少,由此派生出的车辆间隔变量( inter )要求输出结果① )② )③ )( )根 …


最远发球奖Longest)得主为天津森龙4S经销商的选手朴哲敏先生,而来自北京海派奥特4S经销商的选手蓝志平先生则摘得 …

Couples who have the same dominant function in their personalities seems to have the longest and happiest relationships. 性格当中有着相同主导作用的夫妻似乎关系能够维系最长久,也最快乐。
This is not the time to be trying to beat your personal record or run your longest distance ever. 孕期不是你打破个人记录,跑此生最长距离的时候。
The man who said he had abolished "boom and bust" has presided over the longest, deepest recession since the second world war. 昔日称他已经消除了“经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环”的人,而今得负责应对二战以来时间最长、程度最深的经济衰退。
Their fangs are the longest of any poisonous snake on Earth, growing up to two inches (five centimeters) long. 加蓬蝰蛇毒牙的长度是毒蛇当中最长的,一直可以长到2英寸(5厘米)。
A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest. 一个男人爱他的情人最多,爱他的妻子最好,爱他的母亲最长。
For 11 years Takuo Toda had been trying to break the Guinness record for the longest paper airplane flight. 11年来,TakuoToda都在试着打破世界上纸飞机飞行的最长记录。
"Harambee is one of the longest running festivities of its kind in the state of Texas, " said Billie Lusk, this years organizer. “哈兰,是历史最悠久的节日它在德克萨斯州说:”比利拉斯克,这几年组织者。
When I stand in front of you, you do not know I love you, which also does not make the longest distance. 世界上最遥远的距离,不是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你
Apart from being among the longest and widest in the sky, the First Class seat can quickly and easily extend into a full-length bed. 除了拥有所有航空公司中最长最宽的尺寸之外,头等舱座位更能快速轻易地伸展成为一张完整的床。
My Dad looked at me for the longest tine, and his eyes started to tear up. 爸爸盯着我看了好长时间,潸然泪下。
Although he had been trapped by an aftershock rather than the initial earthquake, the man is the longest survivor so far under the rubble. 虽然困住这名男子的不是最初的大地震,而是一次余震,但他已经成为被埋得最久的幸存者。
I have seen it a few times before and it was always (WRONGLY) claimed as being the longest exposure in photographic history. 之前也看过几次,人们总误以为这是摄影史上曝光时间最长的照片。
The director of the Vietnam Records Book Center, said the couple broke the Vietnamese record for the longest recorded marriage last week. 越南纪录大全中心主任说,这对夫妇上个星期打破了越南结婚时间最长的纪录。
The U. S. economy appears to be emerging from its longest and deepest recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s. 美国经济看来正脱离1930年大景气萧条以来为时最长、也最为严重的衰退。
His father said: 'He liked to challenge other kids to see who could keep the ball up the longest. 他父亲说:“他总爱和其他孩子较量谁顶球时间长”。
Chinese and Jews are the only two peoples that have the longest and most continual history. And both have suffered a great deal. 中国人和犹太人是世界上仅存的两个有着最悠久又没历史间断的民族,都历经磨难。
A man loves his sweetListent the outstanding, his wife the worst, but his mother the longest. 一个男孩爱他的情人最多,爱他的妻子最好,而爱他的母亲最久。
The cachet of investing in the best hedge funds meant a few celebrated managers were able to bargain for the longest lock-up periods. 在最好的对冲基金中,投资证明意味着少数投资大亨能够指望得到最长的期权锁定期。
In case of a tie the remove method returns the value which has been around the longest, i. e. , it behaves like a queue for equal elements. 在一种联系的情况下移去方法归还价值最长期在周围,即,它为了相等的元素运转像一个队列一样。
The longest journey a man must take is the eighteen inches from his head to his heart. 人必须走的最长旅程,是从他的头到他的心的那十八英吋。
You could just join the nearest crowd or take your place in the longest line. After all, there's safety and comfort in numbers. 你可以选择就近扎堆,或者是在最长的队伍里找到自己的位置。毕竟数字让人觉得有安全感和比较舒服。
For the longest time It's been on my mind. Was trying to understand. 它在我的思想中停留最久并曾设法去理解。
And, for the longest time, the dog had disdained to answer to any other appellation. 而且,很长一段时间了,这只小狗都不屑于答应任何其他的称呼。
Though these streams are dry most of the year, water flows there longest and is usually available fairly close to the surface. 尽管一年的大多数时间里这些小溪都是干涸的,那里却是水流得时间最长的地方而且水份相当靠近地表。
The Long River is one of the longest river all over the world, it goes through Jiangsu province and many other places. 长江是世界上最长的河流之一,他流经江苏和其他许多地方。
For the longest time, I pushed it out of my mind. 很长一段时间以来,我都将它拒之脑后。
One of the longest-running spousal debates may now be settled in favor of men and for the sake of little boys. 夫妻间有关是否该掀起马桶座圈的长期论战也许要以男方的胜利而告终了,而这都是为了孩子着想。
The stoppage was one of the biggest and longest-running in an enterprise with foreign investors. 在有国外投资的企业中,这次罢工是规模最大、持续时间最长的罢工之一。
No wonder the lines to see, hold, or just touch the koalas are always among the longest at zoos. 难怪动物园里要去看、抱或只是摸一下无尾熊的队伍总是大排长龙。
He used the longest words and, getting entangled in his own verbosity, was obliged to leave his sentence unfinished. 他使用最冗长的词句,罗罗嗦嗦地纠缠不清,动不动就丢下一个没完成的句子。