look through

  • na.浏览;翻查;对…视而不见;看穿
  • 网络仔细查看;翻阅;看一遍

第三人称单数:looks through 现在分词:looking through 过去式:looked through

look throughlook through

look through


大学英语四级常用词组 ... look round 掉头看;观光;察看 look through (从头至尾)浏览;温习 look to 照管;留心;指望 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... look out 留神,当心 look through 看穿, 浏览 look up 查找 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... look over 检查,查看,调查 look through 仔细查看,浏览,温习 make for 走向,驶向;有助于 ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... look the same 看起来很像 look through 翻阅, 看一遍 look over (仔细)检查 ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... look the same 看起来很像 look through 翻阅, 看一遍 look over (仔细)检查 ...


look 和see 有哪些固定词组?_百度知道 ... look round 仔细考虑 look through 从头看完, 透视 look up (物价)上涨 ...


高考英语常用动词词组_百度文库 ... break through( 突破) look through( 透过…看去;仔细查看) 动词+ up grow up( 长大) ...


关于look的词组有哪些_百度知道 ... look over 仔细检查 look through 识破 look up 查询 ...

This will enable the other person to see you in other lives and tell you what they see as they look through the windows of your soul. 这就能使得其他人看见你的其它世和告诉你他们所看见的如同他们通过你的灵魂窗户。
"I'm going to look through the window to see if we see any shell casings, " he said. “我要看看窗户里头,也许我们能看到一些弹壳,”他说。
Look through brochures, magazines and maps and gather a few that look interesting an that you think your whole family would enjoy. 查阅小册子,杂志,和地图,收集一些有趣的可以令家人开心的旅游信息。
You open your inbox, take a look through your to-do list, and get ready to start the day. 打开收件箱,快速浏览你的任务清单,你就开始了新的一天。
Because maybe you will be with me forever until my waiting for you to look through all the sights. 等到风景都看透也许你会陪我看细水常流。
Look through this proposal for me, and tell me that you think of it. 替我好好看一下这个提案,并把想法告诉我。
Ship, sails waving uselessly in the wind. A look through the captain's telescope showed no one on deck. 徒劳地飘动着。船长通过望远镜看见甲板上没有人。
Hold one section of a ripe orange in your hand. Lift it up to the light. Try to look through it. 在手里拿一片成熟的橘子,把它举到光线下,争取把这片橘子看透。
Use your front hand to pull the mast across the centerline and into the wind, until you look through the sail window. 前面那只手把桅杆拉过中心线,让风进来,直到你可以看见风帆上的窗口为止。
Look through but do not reveal. It is not necessary speak out as long as you perceive things by the heart. 看穿但不说穿。很多事情,只要自己心里有数就好了,没必要说出来。
Look through this article and tell us what you think of it. 把这篇文章好难看一下,然后聊谈你的见解。
Call for and look through the in-depth nature of the phenomenon, and eventually realize the reunification of the origin of the design. 呼唤和探求透过现象深入本质,最终达到回归本源的设计。
If you look through the code that MFC uses, you may see that you can write something more specific to your scenario to improve performance. 如果浏览MFC使用的代码,可能会明白可编写一些更特定于方案的东西以提高性能。
If this seems even a bit fuzzy, please look through the diagram and open a terminal window to try things on your own filesystem. 如果这个图看起来有点模糊,请仔细查看该图并在您自己的文件系统打开终端窗口试试。
To see how these parts fit into the text as a whole, quickly look through the book. 要想了解各部分是如何衔接组成整本书的,则要迅速浏览全书。
Be sure to look through old threads for your problem, as it may already have been addressed. 请务必首先查看有关您的问题的旧线索,因为该问题可能已经得到了解决。
So assemble a library of fonts, brushes, textures, and stock photos, and the next time you're stuck, just take a look through all of them. 因此,组建一个字体、笔刷、纹理、照片的资料库,下一次你卡住时看看它们。
I must go and look through that iron gate at the same view, without being able to see it so well. 我要去隔着铁门看那片景色,想能好好地看一看。
Allow this Messenger to take you on a mediation journey that will allow you to look through the peephole into Eternity. 请让我这个信使(麦克)带你进入一段冥想之旅,这会让你从小孔里窥见永恒之境。
Standing by the swaying willow, I look through half-closed eyes as if in a dream. 我站在飘逸的垂柳边,仿佛在梦中一般眯着眼。
I have here a copy of our last annual report for your reference which you'll no doubt want to look through later. 我这里有一份我行去年的年报可供你参考,过会儿你肯定想要看一下。
Since it's something we carry and use so frequently, let's get rid of the clutter and make it easy to look through. 虽然这是我们随身携带并且使用频繁的东西,但还是让我们远离垃圾,并且看上去更整洁些。
is the opening and closing of a door, leaving those who look through to guess about what was seen during a moment. 诗歌就是门的开了又关,把往里看的那些人留在外边,去猜测一瞬间看到的是什么。
The trick, he said, "is to look through that to the underlying trend, and we think the underlying trend is slowing. " 但问题是,他表示,“要透过数据看清潜在趋势,我们认为潜在趋势就是出口的增速正在减慢。”
In continuing education, I just sign up for a conference, or look through a journal, and hope it will do me some good. 在继续教育中,我只要参加研讨会或是查看期刊,并希望这会对我有所帮助。
eg. --Look through this plan for me, and tell me what you think of it. 替我看一遍这项计划,并把你的想法告诉我。
Take a look through your own start menu, and you're sure to find a few applications in there that you purchased on the advice of others. 看看你自己的开始菜单,你就一定能找到在别人的建议下你购买的一些应用程序。
Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the break between the two tall heads in front of me. 坐在剧场里我不得不在我的前面两个高层翻译公司之间休息一下。
Thousands of researchers have to make a trip to an archive building just outside London to look through them. 上千的研究者想要查找资料,需要前往位于伦敦郊外的一座档案馆。
I almost do not watch TV, but I often look through the network entertainment programs. 我几乎不看电视,不过我经常通过网络看娱乐节目。