
美 [lʊk]英 [lʊk]
  • v.看;显得;打量;注意
  • n.样子;一看;脸色;相貌
  • 网络看著;看起来;注视

第三人称单数:looks 现在分词:looking 过去式:looked

look good,look great,look fine,well look,look elsewhere
get look,give look,someone look,look thing,look side
hard look,angry look,look worried,look strange,blank look


《Friends》词汇表A ... looks n. 看, 注视, 脸色, 面容, 外表 looked n. , 注视, 脸色, 面容, 外表 lo int. 瞧!, 看! ...


Eyes on the Stars - VoiceTube - 看影片学英语 ... child 孩子,儿童,儿女 looked 看著 looking 看起来,像貌 ...


初一的英语题 有点多 大家帮帮忙啦 - 已回答... ... 6.early (时间)早 8.looked 看起来 9.whether 是否 ...


仔细打量(Looked)这起重罚案 ,四周打量 :look about [分享]动词look常用表达 ... look link-v look + adj. (过去分词,名词,介 …


《Friends》词汇表A ... looks n. 看, 注视, 脸色, 面容, 外表 looked n. 看, 注视, 脸色, 面容, 外表 lo int. 瞧!, 看! ...


2000个最频英语单词(1)_秦哥哥_新浪博客 ... things 事情 looked 看过 early 早的 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... looks n. 看, 注视, 脸色, 面容, 外表 looked n. 看, 注视, 脸色, 面容, 外表 lo int. 瞧!, 看! ...

Its slogan, "Chile, All Ways Surprising" , was intended as a play on words, but just looked as if it had been misspelt. 这场运动的口号是“智利,处处给人惊喜”,本来是想玩个双关,可事实看起来就好像是拼错了一样。
But the more she said, the worse it looked for her. 但她越是说,看来对她越是不利。
This was why she had borne herself with dignity, and had looked people calmly in the face at times, even when holding the baby in her arms. 就是因为这样,她才建立起自己的尊严,即使怀里抱着孩子,偶尔她也敢抬起头来看人,不感到害怕了。
Then when you look at the book in front of you, whatever the subject may be, look at it in the same way that you looked out of the window. 然后当你看你面前的书本时,无论它可能是哪个科目,用你看向窗外的那种方式去看它。
He looked around the boy section, picked up this item and that, and carefully put then back in their place. 他环视了一下男孩区,拿起一个玩具,又小心地把它放回原位。
Finally, he sat down, dropped his glasses off his nose, and looked out at the young faces who stared back in silence. 最后,他坐下,摘下眼睛,扫视着那些正安静地看过来的年轻面孔。
What happened was that the people in the lower orders got looked down on, which weakened their self-esteem. 当时的情况是,身处较低阶级的人受到了蔑视,削弱了他们的自尊。
By the time the baby arrived, I had been awake for 48 hours - it looked as if I'd been through childbirth in the subsequent photos. 到孩子出生时,我已经连续48个小时没合眼了——从后来的照片上看,我憔悴得好像也经历了分娩一样。
Nagao looked at her wonderingly, because he could not understand her. She smiled at him and went on speaking in her gentle dreamy voice. 长尾迷惑地看着她,因为他不明白她的意思。她对他微笑,继续以梦幻般温柔的声音说。
He looked at it for a moment, then took it off and handed it back to me. 他看了这个金牌一会,然后把它摘了下来还给了我
Biddy looked at me for an instant, and went on with her sewing. 'I was your first teacher though; wasn't I? ' said she, as she sewed. 毕蒂看了我一眼,继续做她的针线活。“可是过去我曾是你的第一个老师呢,是不是?”她一面缝一面说。
and I am so proud of myself, you know, I am a man , not a woman. and paper's art looked a little un normal for all the man. 我感到很自豪,你知道,我是个男人不是女人,折纸艺术多男人来说实在有点儿变态。
"There was such a void, " said the friend, "and when she looked around, she realized her husband could never even think of filling it. " “生活那么空虚”,朋友说,“当她向四周张望时,她意识到了她的丈夫甚至不会考虑去填满空虚。”
The rise seems to show that people who dropped out of the labour market when prospects looked bleak are now willing to rejoin it. 这一增长似乎说明因认为前途无望而退出劳动力市场的人现在又开始重新进入了。
She looked at me as though she'd expected this sort of answer and didn't know why she'd asked in the first place. 她看着我,就好像她就知道我会有类似的回答,后悔当初为什么要问我。
He looked up and saw a hunting owl had just snatched a little bird, a titmouse, out of the air. 他抬头一看,见一只是猫头鹰刚刚在空中抓住了一只是山雀。
I stopped and looked at the picture again. This time, I saw a fellow in a wheelchair trying to get my attention. 我停下来又看了看那幅画。这次,我看见一个坐在轮椅上的人在努力引起我的注意。
Marion looked at me as if I had a frog crawling out of my eye. 马里恩死死盯着我,好像从我眼里爬出一只青蛙似的。
He looked at me with a so-what expression on his face. 他看着我,脸上一副满不在乎的神情。
Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. 毕业那天,我看着凯尔,他看起来很棒,他是那种在中学充分实现了自我价值的那种人。
"You'll be drunk, " the waiter said. The old man looked at him. The waiter went away. “你会喝醉的,”侍者说。老人朝他看了一看。侍者走开了。
Looked up to me to see a perfect wave. So I move perfect, big step down! 抬起头看见完美在向我招手。于是我朝着完美,大步走去!最佳答案。
We've talked to his enemies and looked at court records. The only dirt we found is two traffic tickets for speeding. 我们向他的仇人打听,查看了法庭档案,但是找到的只是两张超速驾驶的交通罚单。
There was an island with two trees on the lake and the trees looked like the double sails of a fishing- boat . 湖上有个小岛,上面有两棵树,远远望去,真象一条渔船上的双帆。
The Lion looked down at the river. 'I'm very afraid of falling, ' he said, 'but I think I can jump across. ' 狮子低头望了望河水。“虽然我很怕掉下去,”他说,“可我想我是可以跳过去的。”
Dudley thought for a moment. It looked like hard work. Finally he said slowly, "So I'll have thirty . . . thirty. . . " 达德里想了一会,好像想得很辛苦,最后他慢吞吞地说,“那么我会有三十……三十……”
Mr. Harrison got some papers. He looked at them for a minute. Then he gave them to Nick. 哈里森先生拿出一些文件。他看了一会儿。然后递给尼克。
I could see from the way Fillmore looked at her that she must have given an unusual performance and I began to feel lecherous myself. 从菲尔莫望着黑女人的样子我就可看出她一定身手不凡,于是自己也感到欲火中烧。
Natasha looked at him, and, in answer to his words, her eyes only opened wider and grew brighter. 娜塔莎望着他,她把眼睛睁得更大更亮,以比作为她的回答。
But her quarry, who had paused and looked back at the flash of light, was already scrambling up the bank the fox had just fallen down. 可是,被她追赶的那个人刚才只是停下来看了看那道闪光,这时正往狐狸刚才摔下来的河岸上爬去。